Home » Founder of the WalkAway movement Brandon Straka arrested


Founder of the WalkAway movement Brandon Straka arrested — 28 Comments

  1. “they want to frighten others by making an example of him.”

    Trumped up charges aren’t going to get the job done. If you want to disappear people, you actually have to disappear people.


  2. The dark night of totalitarianism is fast approaching. It is increasingly apparent why the brilliant David Horowitz (former red-diaper baby from Queens and, over the last four decades, the most important conservative critic of the left) has the following sentence at the top of his excellent website Frontpagemag: “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” Leftists are truly drunk with power and eager to crush any and all dissenting voices.

  3. I defy anyone to read that excellent, insightful article by Sarah Hoyt that neo links to and, with a straight face declare that the rule of law still applies in regard to political issues.

    “Trumped up charges aren’t going to get the job done. If you want to disappear people, you actually have to disappear people.” Mike

    Once you’re in prison and faced with a complicit media, you’ve effectively been disappeared. However, just as with South Africa’s Mandela, their ideological fanaticism prevents our now out-of-the-closet totalitarians from realizing that they are beginning to create martyrs of those they would disappear.

    And martyrs are a mortal threat to tyranny.

    Ashli Babbit (#sayhername) was the first patriot whose blood has refreshed the Tree of Liberty. She won’t be the last and the time is coming when the blood of tyrants will also refresh the Tree of Liberty.

    For once formally free men and women are forced to conclude that they are existing under a tyranny that has exhibited “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism”… they start to… ‘misbehave’.

  4. TJ,

    Not yet, far too soon. Mental preparation is the word. I give it till the 2022 election, when the futility of elections becomes all too obvious to sustain denial. The oppression has to be such that even liberals are convinced that tyranny rules the land. Most of all, the military* has to be convinced that they are now serving a tyranny.

    Count on it, the democrats are already deligitimizing themselves with the troops. They’ll continue to repeatedly double down on it, it’s in their political and cultural ‘DNA’.

    * I do not include the military’s politicized, traitorous upper echelons, who have and are betraying their oath to defend the Constitution “from all enemies both foreign and domestic”.


    Yes, the only thing worse is religious and racial wars.

  5. Mr Bunge

    Sort of like this?


    Or an 18 year old “son” turning in his father to the FBI for going to the Capitol protest? Or a 73 y.o. Vietnam vet reported to WI authorities by an anonymous tipster for attending a mask protest; who then got a visit by 3 Dare County Sheriffs.

    Nothing to see Mr Bunge, they weren’t disappeared, yet?

  6. The FBI is encouraging Americans to snitch on the deplorables with that message plastered on billboards across America.

    ‘Teachers’ have questioned students on their parent’s political sympathies.

    Our fraudulent President and Congressional ‘representatives’ are suggesting that 74+ Million Americans are suspected of being “insurrectionists and domestic terrorists”…

  7. The USA was founded by “insurrectionists and domestic terrorists”…pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour to the cause of Liberty FROM government.

    The Patriot cause today is no different.

  8. This is the sort of thing that the leftist/fascist arm of the Ds hope will start the shooting-back part of CW2.

    If it fails…
    Brandon Straka will not kill himself.
    Just like Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.

    Oh…GB…you think this isn’t “religious” for the left?
    Those whose god is power & sacrament is abortion are more devoted than the guy wearing the blow-up vest.

  9. Geoffrey,

    I don’t expect it ever will with most of his voters. But for all of us to the right of the Democrat party, whether neocon, paleocon, social conservative, right-libertarian, classical liberals, anarcho-capitalist, right-populist or just plain conservative, this should be a neon emblazoned wake-up call.

    We are all Donald Trump
    We are all Michael Flynn

    And, most significantly, we are all Brandon Straka. Those of us, like Brandon (and Neo, and many regulars on this blog, including myself) who were once in the left and moved right, are especially vulnerable. Progressivism/Leftism/Socialism, or however it may be labeled, is a religion and the fundamentalists of this religion are increasingly powerful. Fundamentalists of any stripe detest apostates much more than mere infidels.

    If anyone knows of a legal defense fund set up for Brandon, please share a link. I’m sure it will be shut down, but I would like to donate before it is.

  10. “You wouldn’t be frightened if you were Brandon Straka?”

    Did he break any laws? If he did, should he get away with it just because of politics? If he didn’t, are you saying he’s going to prosecuted and imprisoned despite that?

    If you think that the government is going to start throwing innocent people into prison, it’s time to stop commenting on a blog and start shooting. Anyone planning on doing that?


  11. “Nothing to see Mr Bunge, they weren’t disappeared, yet?”

    What’s facing the Right, even in the worst case scenario, isn’t half as terrible as what faced black Americans fighting for their civil rights in the 1950s and 60s. For pete’s sake, we just watched a man with no political experience beat the ass of the entire political/media establishment for four years and he may have only finally lost because of a global pandemic. And with impeachment going nowhere, he could be back in 2024.

    Now, things could get pretty tough. People may have to change careers. They may have to move. They may have to confront some hard truths and make some hard choices. But the Bolsheviks, the Khmar Rouge, the Shining Path, the Viet Cong…hell, the old Black Panther Party and The Weathermen would laugh their asses off at their pitiful analogs today.


  12. MBunge:

    Just because today’s leftist groups are not as brutal doesn’t mean they’re not plenty dangerous. Nor does it mean they won’t get more brutal over time, if given time.

    They may not get all that brutal because they don’t need to (they can destroy people’s lives without much physical brutality).

  13. MBunge:

    It’s actually not merely a question of whether Straka broke any laws. We all break some law or other nearly every day. There’s something called prosecutorial discretion, and it’s used to selectively prosecute those you want to oppress and the side you want to intimidate, and to wink at the similar violations of those you wish to support. You prosecute the former and ignore and/or exonerate the latter. Were people on the left prosecuted for acts similar to Straka’s? Were they charged with the same degree of offense for those acts? So far, even assuming the evidence is correct, it sounds as though Straka never entered the Capitol, destroyed no property, and harmed no one physically.

    The government has been using prosecutorial discretion in this manner for a long time, although it’s gotten worse lately.

  14. Another point, when DC police voluntarily opened the doors allowing people to come in, offering no objections, they engaged in entrapment, which delegitimizes the charge of “unlawful entry into a restricted building”.

    Given the lack of legal consequence when leftists entered “unlawfully” during the Kavenaugh hearings, the authorities who are charging the Jan. 6th protestors are engaging in a corrupt violation of the 14th amendment. Discriminatory percecution that violates the 14th Amendment’s most fundamental provision, “equal application of the law”.

    As for FBI Special Agent Jeremy Desor, he is associated with a politically corrupt and fraudulent agency whose agents have been caught repeatedly lying. All the way to the very top. Why would the testimony of a man who, at the least associates with criminals and traitors be given any credence whatsoever?

  15. John Guilfoyle,

    “GB…you think this isn’t “religious” for the left?”

    Excellent point.


    When the rule of law becomes a fantasy, holding patriots to a standard spit upon by those supporting tyranny is suicidal.

    It would be remarkably stupid for anyone to announce over the internet that they were planning to start shooting.

    “What’s facing the Right, even in the worst case scenario, isn’t half as terrible as what faced black Americans fighting for their civil rights in the 1950s and 60s.”

    That is a remarkably foolish and ignorant statement. My father moved our family to Florida in 1955 for reasons of health (plurosy). I well remember seeing water fountains prominantly marked black and white. Yes, discrimination was evil. Yet no one was talking about the deprogramming of and hate speech laws for blacks.

    What the left has planned for those who object and refuse to comply is far more oppressive than second class citizenship. The left has and is indoctrinating children to report their parents to teachers to be forwarded to the FBI. In Scotland, the left is proposing to criminalize private speech in your own home. Count on it, that has not escaped the notice of the left in America and… they approve of it.

  16. Not one Federal arrest for all of the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020 that caused billions of dollars damage and no kidding killed how many people?

    And he Feebs are all over these larpers that desecrated Congress like white on rice.

    Some animals really are more equal than others.

  17. Court filing for Straka

    It’s only 8 pages long.

    Someone elsewhere (Powerline commenter most likely) observed that the prosecutors hved a remarkable amount of social media posts and phone conversations at their fingertips when conservatives are arrested, that they can’t find with both hands when an Antifa thug gets busted — and immediately bailed, as Senator Paul pointed out in his speech at Congress today.

    At around the 07:35 mark of the video, a male exiting the U.S. Capitol could be heard saying, “We did our job…We got our job done.” This individual then said, “Let’s get out of here.”
    Another individual stated, “Mission accomplished.”
    The video ended with STRAKA still in the area at the top of the steps near the entrance to the U.S. Capitol but not having entered the building.

    That’s at the end of the complaint.
    Read the legal citations that follow.
    Every person that so much as walked past one of the Antifa /BLM Real Riots this summer should be in jail.

  18. Sarah Hoyt’s words were more than just “choice” – they are important.
    She speaks as one who has been there – Portugal under the Communists – and knows what comes next.

    Read on down to the comments.
    We know it’s been a police state here for a long time; we just haven’t seen them being publicly blatant about it with prominent people until recently.
    Like about, oh, November 2016.

    Mike Houst says:January 26, 2021 at 2:33 pm

  19. She speaks as one who has been there – Portugal under the Communists – and knows what comes next.

    Portugal had a red haze ministry for a period of about 14 months during 1974 and 1975, though one that had only 2 or 3 Communist ministers in each iteration of the cabinet. That’s the only period which approximates ‘Portugal under the Communists”.

    And, no, we’re not facing Communists. The Democratic Party is a collecting pool of the world’s jerks, quite bad enough for who they really are.

  20. What’s facing the Right, even in the worst case scenario, isn’t half as terrible as what faced black Americans fighting for their civil rights in the 1950s and 60s.

    I’m going to disagree there. Have a look at footage of the iconic incidents that get recycled on PBS (“American Experience”). However subjectively anxious someone like John Lewis may have been, there was remarkably little political violence in the Southern United States between 1953 and 1972.

  21. Mr Bunge seems not to have noticed that you can get fired now a days for having an account on Parker or Gab. Just having an account, a literary agent. In the ivy halls it’s misgendering or preferred pronouns among other causes for termination, but hey it was worse in the olden days. Otay, Buckwheat.

  22. I give it till the 2022 election, when the futility of elections becomes all too obvious to sustain denial. The oppression has to be such that even liberals are convinced that tyranny rules the land. Most of all, the military* has to be convinced that they are now serving a tyranny.

    GB, do you really think I would give humanity that much time?

    Things will be wrapping up sooner than you think.

    In this world, you better pray that you are wrong and that Ymar/Q is right. Otherwise, you’re gonna be on your own.

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