Home » Now Facebook deplatforms the WalkAway group


Now Facebook deplatforms the WalkAway group — 97 Comments

  1. This…like the suppression of the Hunter Biden information…seems like an in-kind contribution to the Democrats—certainly worth more that a few hundred million dollars worth of advertising.

    And in-kind contributions are supposed to be reported to the FEC.

  2. One may conceivably stretch the point that Trump incited the recent riot. But deplatforming #WalkAway is sheer partisan censorship of the worst and most obvious sort.

    It’s time and past time to deny Facebook, as well as Twitter and Google, any protections as neutral platforms, i.e. Section 230. See this Federalist article:

    –“It’s Time To Stop Pretending Twitter Is Neutral: If Twitter wants to editorialize and ‘factcheck’ President Trump’s tweets with disclaimers, then it should be treated like any other publisher.”

  3. Delete all social media, deny them your data, money and eyes. I deleted twitter last night, working on the others now. Here is how to do Twitter:

    Sign into your account on the Twitter website
    Click More > Settings and Privacy
    In the Account section of the menu, click Deactivate your account
    Click Deactivate
    Enter your password when prompted and (again) click Deactivate account

  4. The long term effects of this are going to be horrendous. They are building a wall right up the middle of America and working hard to make sure that the two sides are incapable of speaking, hearing, or listening to the other side. This is massive escalation in divisiveness.

    The Dems have spent decades working to recreate the US as a tribal society. In such societies, everything is for your tribe and against the other tribe. When you are on top, you suppress the other side and take the spoils. Making sure your tribe stays in power is of enormous importance, because if you lose, your side faces suppression, loss of jobs, and loss of voice.

    This results in increasing tensions when there is a risk of transition to the other tribe. Historically, this has often resulted in violence.

    The ultimate cause is the dividing of society into us versus them.

    We need to recommit to the Unum part of E Pluribus Unum.

  5. A group such as WalkAway, whose videos and material I’ve seen, doesn’t advocate violence.

    If we check those social media Facebook & Tweeter there is a lot of material advocate violence belong to the groups advocate violence like Islamists and Da’ash and other names.

    Were facebook nad Tweeter from them why not banned them forever like what they did with Pres. Trump?

  6. FD:

    Yes, that’s a good point that many people have raised many times in the past. My guess is that the reason those groups aren’t banned is some strange mix of these two things: (1) much of the left isn’t upset with the violence they advocate, and (2) some on the left are afraid of the actual violent potential of those groups and they don’t want to rile them and cause a backlash against those who run social media.

  7. neo: I’m reminded of Steven DenBeste’s take that Western left/elites are in a three-cornered gunfight with Islam and Western conservatives.

    The Western left/elites and Islam recognize each other as allies in the sense that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” However, both know their goals aren’t compatible and they aren’t true allies. In the meantime they have an implicit agreement to take out conservatives first, then settle with each other later.

  8. Neo, many of the stories you and they have shared gave started with the people seeing things weren’t right between what they were being told and what they saw and/or experienced. People then began to investigate and search which lead them to other viewpoints they found better explained things or more accurately represented their views.

    This is why other views must be removed. If you can’t find them, then only the preferred view exists. If you differ from the preferred view, you are the problem because everyone you see has the same view. There are no others so you need to “check” yourself to come into alignment.

    In the original Twilight Zone episode, “Number 12 Looks Just Like You,” people at a certain age had to undergo surgery so everyone would have the same approved looks. This was, they explained, for everyone’s benefit as everyone was beautiful and lovely.

    A young girl tries to avoid it, but is forced to go through with it. While she mouths she loves her new looks, it is obvious they did something to her mind as well to get her to conform.

    MASH, the 70’s TV show, had the Frank Burns character who was portrayed as a right-wing hypocrite. One of his quotes was, “Individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together.” This is the mantra of the “progressives.” You can be an individual as long as you conform to us and our views.

  9. The leader of WalkAway is Brandon Stratka. He’s a gay guy from O’Neill, Nebraska. He moved to NYC.

  10. In Richard Evans book “The Third Reich in Power” he discusses how the Nazi (never in the majority) swiftly took over and remade society in their image. How they suppressed their opponents and created the concentration camps (“K2” is a good book about this). The leftists are following the same playbook. First they isolate their opponents, then they work to disarm them and finally tie them to the land.

    The totalitarian left think they have the advantage now. They successfully rigged an election, suppressed their main opponent and cowed most of the population with masks and shutdowns. Soon the show trials start with the impeachment extravaganza.

    But as always they will overstep and over reach. We have to be determined and ready to resist. Don’t play along. The people they have put in charge are not just ideologues but incompetents. Even Biden/Harris second and third level leadership team fall in this category. Kerry, Granholm, Jake Sullivan….really? As stated C level competent hire D and F level so they are not out shined. Now we see what a D level competent hire. Totally unimpressive slate.

    Politics is not static. Reapportionment with blue states losing clout. Two years of Biden economy and COVID. Leadership transition with the Democratic house. Foreign adventures with American Troops to keep the military industrial complex humming along.

    Thus we have to prepare. There are more of us then them. People are breaking against them. Without Trump to focus on the Totalitarians will move down the list. Now it will be Hawley and Cruz. After that it will be ones who drives trucks or read conservative blogs.

    Remember the Niemoller poem, first they came for the Jews. Let me offer a modern corollary geared towards the people who think that they are part of the elite due to their educational status.
    First, they came for Trump because he offended them and me. And he likes McDonalds.

    Then they came for his allies because they made his ideas work. But I have a lot of money and a good job, so it did not matter.

    Then they came for conservative bloggers because they did not like their ideas. But I did not like them that much either, so it did not matter.

    Then they came for the guns because they caused people to be able to defend themselves against the police and mob. But I live in a good neighborhood and feel safe, so it did not matter.

    Then they came for the people who drive trucks because trucks use to much fuel. They are not in my socio-economic class and no trucks make the roads less crowded, so it did not matter.

    Then they came for me and I looked around and found out I was alone because I thought they would never get to me and I dd not know that I would do anything to offend them. I said the right words, I voted the right way. I supported the right policies and yet I here I am.

  11. huxley:

    The left and the Islamists united to take down the Shah of Iran. They each thought they would eliminate the other afterwards. We know who won.

  12. I Am Spartacus:

    I hadn’t realized that Evans wrote a book on that subject. Sounds like a must-read.

    I have a similar book that I’ve read, though it’s quite dry. It’s called The Nazi Seizure of Power (by William Sheridan Allen) and is very chilling. I think most people haven’t a clue what the Nazis did to consolidate their power. Most people don’t even know they didn’t have a majority when they came to power.

  13. I, for one, question the power of twitter to change the views of those who are already on the right or tending towards the right and I also feel sure that the conservative views of those who voted on the right will not be swayed by social media. Perhaps the the sides have already been chosen and now we will see how reality plays out since the left stole the election and I don’t fault the GOP members whole voted to end the battle for now.

    Forget the ‘who did what’ and ‘the when’ of the last encounter and then the media reflection on the 6th of January of that sorry sad day and now we forget Trump who failed to manage and build a good enough team to fend those crooks off. The future will not be Trump because like Biden he is too old, this is not a personality war, and now we need to find and support some younger strong conservatives to make the new donkey administration choke on their liberal platforms.

    If we are in a war for ideas we move on from the last battle and learn, then we plan and try to set up for the next confrontation and hit the left where they are weakest, at ground level with fair elections and with clear strong messages. A war of attrition is not won in a single battle and this current conflict has being going on for a decades with the other side, the Left, doing a fantastic publicist, propaganda job and winning the word war.

    Having said all of that I have no idea how to make it come about, I am an old man in his mid 70’s with good kids and grandkids and I do think we are going to be a strong enough nation to weather this storm.

  14. Neo,
    I should also mention the rough regime, Iranian’s Mullah personal, who use Tweeter and Facebook for the violence they advocate for the last 40 years long of chanting “Death to America”?

    This just full of hatred and also advocate violence toward the US

    Were Social Media from those Mullah? should they be banned forever a long time ago?

  15. “those who run Facebook and other social media platforms have the power to ban, and that has to stand in for persuasion and logical argument.” neo

    They’re sowing the seeds of their own future destruction. They more they ban, the harder they repress, the greater will be the backlash. Ideological fanaticism is inherently self-destructive.

  16. eeyore mood —

    This is the mantra of the “progressives.” You can be an individual as long as you conform to us and our views.

    A standing joke in the goth community is “you too can be a goth and express your individuality and non-conformism by dressing in black all the time just like all of us.”

    (Most goths are progressives, natch, but I think it’s more an expression of in-group-ism.)

  17. Add China to the equation of Islam + the western Left vs western Conservatives.

    To summarize;
    Islam has the fanaticism and suicidal cannon fodder but other than in the short term, lacks the logistical and technological resources to prevail in the long run.

    The Left has the technological resources and fanaticism but its cannon fodder are snowflakes that will melt in the heat of armed conflict. It relies on conservatives playing by the ‘rules’. It is willfully blind to the ChiCom threat and thinks it can buy off Islam by throwing Israel to the Islamic wolves, thinking that will satiate it.

    Western conservatives have the logistical resources and an easily disciplined fighting force. Its weakness is playing by the rules of a game in which it’s the only player.

    China has all of the above but not in equal measure. It’s playing the long game, assisting the West’s Left to crush the West’s Right. And sitting back watching the West’s Left import Islam’s masses. Once Islam has crippled the West, China will make its move.

  18. Trump’s accomplishments in office were wiped out by Capitol Hill Siege

    Fox News contributor Miranda Devine wrote in a New York Post op-ed Wednesday that the rioting and looting at the Capitol “bestowed the great gift of the moral high ground on … Joe Biden and the left. They now have a free pass to persecute their ideological enemies while … changing this country irrevocably for the worst.”

    Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, a top House Republican and the daughter of Bush’s vice president, was much more direct in an interview on Fox News.

    There’s no question the president formed the mob. The president incited the mob,” Cheney said. He lit the flame.

    Liz where are you from your Dad when he sent your solders to uncover WMD which never been found, was baseless and lies.

    So Pres. Trump didn’t wage a war, also not ten of hundreds of Americans lost their life.

  19. I see the news that Mozilla, which produces the Firefox browser–which they have been characterizing as being on the side of openness and freedom, and as helping you escape the big bad browsers that infringe on your privacy–has also joined the Leftist lynch mob– Snow on Pine

    Mozilla was the company which forced its CEO, Brendan Eich, to resign because he supported opposition to gay marriage.

    Brendan Eich started Brave Software, which offers a Mozilla-like browser called Brave with strong privacy features.

    And now Eich is in trouble for speaking out about Covid, masks and lockdowns.


  20. Join Gab.

    Ordinary honest folks here have no idea just how pervasive and insidious browser tracking is. It’s largely advertising revenue driven which should scare the living #@%^ out of you because that means that the hard work to get this right has been done by competent cadres of software guys working inside Big Tech, not your usual DMV Diversity Hires.

    So… as a first step:

    Install the Brave browser. Learn how to use alt-shift-N to open a Tor Browser Window inside Brave.

    You’ve all clicked on an ad or done a google search for a product, or just browsed to a page talking about a product/service and then have noticed in a vague kind of way that for weeks after you keep seeing ads for related products/services wherever you go online. Do you think that doesn’t work for your politics and finances and everything else you’d rather Big Brother not know about? 😀

    I’d also recommend ProtonVPN and ProtonMail. Better yet, to roll your own on a server in another country’s jurisdiction, but this isn’t for everyone.

    Frankly, nobody should be relying on Apple or Microsoft. They’re both GloboHomo and we’re just bugs to them. This coming from someone who for years loved Apple laptops as the best Unixy-type developer portable devices. As for Windows, it’s packed with more Telemetry than you can shake a stick at and just exists to spy on you and serve you ads.

    Ultimately you’re going to have to start looking at desktop Linux Distributions if you want to remain free and have any kind of even limited privacy online.

    Smartphones, multiply everything x 10 and exponentiate it.

    For Old Boomers: yes you’re not important enough to be spied on by a human. But everything is automated, big data, AI and happens unimaginably fast. You’re not an individual to the overlords, but you belong in a series of histogram bins. The aim is to not be in a histogram bin which gets marked for Special Attention. This is all about risk mitigation and not having one’s iCloud or whatever account deleted and losing the grandkids photos, etc. Or being Liverpool Care Pathwayed when you go in for a minor procedure 2 years hence 😛

    FWIW, I’m only really talking about protecting some of one’s privacy from Big Tech here. You can’t hide from the Three-Letters: there’s this thing called Intel Management Engine (plus AMD processors have their version). Put simply, even before your computer boots into Windows or MacOS, it boots another hidden operating system baked into the processor — IME provides governments backdoor to everything you do on your computer. Cheerful stuff, no? 😛

  21. Zaphod:

    I’ve long figured that, because I’m a blogger, they have plenty of ways to keep up with my online doings. Although since I’m a rather small fish in the pond, the crocodile won’t get to me last, I figure it won’t get to me first or second, either.

  22. Zaphod, Browser change sounds doable. However, how much control and access to everything on our laptops doe Microsoft/Apple/Governments have through our OS? What can we do to limit that if we have just low to average intelligence with computer systems?

  23. A number of my Facebook friends are trying to switch to MeWe. I have an account, but am having trouble linking up with friends. The system is perhaps overloaded. The sad thing, as someone pointed out, is that we are dividing in to separate camps that will not interact. FB is where I debate leftist on various news articles and try to wake up the people in the middle with various links and arguments. Once vocal , passionate, conservatives abandon FB, who will be left to present alternative viewpoints? The conservatives that are afraid to speak up?

  24. Neo – Richard Evan wrote a trilogy about the Third Reich.

    Coming of the Third Reich
    The Third Reich in Power
    The Third Reich at War

    They are worth the read. Also William Shirer book “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” is worth reading. His was an eye witness account and knew many of the players.

    My senior symposium was on the varieties of Fascism and my senior thesis was on the differences between Spanish Fascism and Italian Fascism. One sentence summary, Spanish Fascism was more authoritarian than totalitarian.

    Today’s left is totalitarian in outlook. I tell people that it is an offshoot of Feudalism governance and not Capitalism. Capitalism/Free Enterprise comes more out of the Guild system from the Middle Ages. One reason I believe that Totalitarians gravitate to government. Just a thought.

  25. So far I still prefer a few blogs, and blog posts, over Twitter (used for Trump!), or Gab, or the new Parler – which Apple & Google seem to be banning.

    I tried Brave a few years ago, soon after Mozilla booted Brendan Eich out. But I didn’t like it as much; so I’ve been using MS Edge or Chrome.

    I’ll try Brave again soon.
    And a bit more Parler; and Rumble; and MeWe.

    Republicans need to accept the sad reality that personal, like buying decisions and software usage decisions, are now political. Also. No choice about this. You can choose which politics you support, but each choice does support some politics.

    “You’d …
    better get used to the idea.”

    We normals, which I like more than “deplorable”, need to be conscious of the politics and oppression by the companies whose products we use. Our use now also means we support their anti-Free Speech politics.

    Can keying the cars with Dem bumper stickers be far behind? I’m now only 2/3 against it. There’s at least something “fair” about equal injustices – Dems do bad stuff, so Reps do some too.

    See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Evolution_of_Cooperation
    Dems will only cooperate, again, when Tit for Tat is used and they actual feel some of the problems they’re causing others.

    Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option suggests more small, Christian communities. And there a few. But very few, very limited.

    Even more limited, by far, than giving up disrespectful software.

    Sometimes there really is no difference between justice and revenge.
    This does not make me at all happy.

  26. @Neo:

    I’m sure you’ve done your own personal risk analysis. What’s different is that things seem to be accelerating of late.

    Also, may not surprise you that I peruse far less shall we say respectable forums than yours. No, really :P. Until recently you’ve operated inside Big Tech’s Overton Window where deplatforming and other nastiness is something which happens to Other People. Events of last weeks suggest that you may now outside the window, like it or no.

    Way out there where the Really Deplorable People Lurk are things like PayPal Account cancellations, personal credit card cancellations, black listings beyond just social media: e.g domain name providers, VPS providers for websites. The thing is you can keep your Freedom of Speech (more or less) in that fabled Public Square — it’s constitutionally guaranteed and all just watch out for those Civil Rights Violations haha… But regardless of any vestigial constitutional free speech protections, big corporations can support Common Decency by not doing business with Deplorables. And they swap notes (easily done — just a slight tack on to the code/protocols the credit card and payment processing companies use for fraud prevention).

    In no way suggesting anyone try to go underground, that’s just fantastical LARPing. But for sure I would recommend that for those who have an interest, some research into minimal online security might not be a bad idea. It’s a rabbit hole and one with diminishing returns for most people sure…

  27. Parler relies totally on AWS for its infrastructure. Jeff Bezos can pull the plug on Parler at any time of his choosing. You think he won’t? 😀

    And this is despite Parler having been founded by members of the ethnic group wot must not be named in order to provide a safe space because Twitter is full of insane progressive people who want to see Israel nuked. For the record, I do not want to see Israel nuked. I like the idea of heavily armed ethnostates carved out by purchase/conquest and I find it a very promising model deserving of emulation in the Current Year. But Bezos and his ilk don’t like states at all… and they sure as hell don’t like free speech, so Parler’s days are numbered.

    Aside aside, sorry folks, but you’re going to have to just face up to it and use Gab for your twittering behavior. You’ve been deluged with bucket loads of propaganda about how Gab is a cesspit. No… it’s just a fee speech pit. A good deal of which you won’t like. Still, you can go on Gab and promote Netflix pre-pubescent girl porn OR the writings of Julius Evola and either way you won’t get deplatformed. That’s how it should be.

  28. @Tom Grey:

    Left will only become more amenable when they shit their pants just thinking of us.

    Something I’ve noticed living in Hong Kong. Fair to say that we know all about Gleichschaltung (look it up if you don’t know it) here after last half decade or so. What has become more and more apparent is how much the regime relies on outright humiliation and demoralisation of the population. Online media comments sections are totally dominated by abusive government trolls. Media headlines are very one-sided and disparaging toward any opposition. Dissidents are perp-walked to and from court not just handcuffed but *shackled hand and foot* as if they were serial killers. It’s all designed to beat you down and make you afraid of the contempt of all Good People with ‘good’ being defined by TPTB.

    Saw plenty of this in nascent form this week with the media pile on about ‘desecration’ of the Capitol, etc. They’re just getting started.

  29. @leavingliberty

    The best single thing you could do is switch to using Brave Browser. That’s 80% of the battle.

    If you want to get some ideas, have a look at Rob Braxman Tech on YouTube.

    Or google for Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation / Electronic Frontier Foundation. Stallman is old school hacker leftist idiosyncratic Jewish guy straight from a very warped Central Casting. A kind of Dershowitz character. Even when he’s wrong, he’s done so much more good than bad that I can’t find it in me to dislike him. True genius, although best not to stand downwind of him on a hot day.

    It’s a big learning curve and I’m not sure that there’s any magic bullet. Trick is to find some healthy balance between paralysing paranoia and online life as usual.

    Things I recommend are for protecting you *a bit* from the worst of Big Tech. Government hard men are another level and I just don’t know that much can be done about them.

  30. I tried Brave early on but, as I recall, it didn’t support Feedly, an RSS reader which I find essential for browsing and saving info from web pages. Though I am of course aware my Feedly browsing data is being tracked.

    However, just this past month I see that Brave has rolled out its own reader, Brave Today, with privacy features:


    I may have to revisit Brave. Though lord, I do get weary of installing new software and trying it.

  31. Oh… and Rod Dreher is a pathetic cuck. Muh Orthodoxy and all that. Jaysus wept.

    Stupid fool with his Benedict Option doesn’t grasp that the only reason monasticism survived the fall was that the @#$@(ing barbarians FFS were mostly Christianised by that point — and their collaborationist clerks and bureaucrats certainly were. Not at all like ye Current Year.

    Just another wimpish cucked out grifter.

    True, I’m no Theophrastus.

  32. Tom Grey…”So far I still prefer a few blogs, and blog posts, over Twitter (used for Trump!), or Gab, or the new Parler.”

    I am trying to *very selectively* recruit some real-life friends and FB friends to participate in high-quality blogs. There are a lot of people who really don’t realize that there is an Internet outside of a few giant aggregators.

  33. FWIW, for people who really want to get a bit more secure for some of their activities, take a look at (say) Whonix or Qubes OS.

    Looks scary difficult, but it’s not so bad. All the hard work has been done and audited by many very smart people.

  34. Ann in La writes concerning an us vs them tribal mentality developing,

    This results in increasing tensions when there is a risk of transition to the other tribe. Historically, this has often resulted in violence.

    The ultimate cause is the dividing of society into us versus them.

    We need to recommit to the Unum part of E Pluribus Unum.

    Hi Ann,

    I had not read this thread and your comment before my own dismissive scoffing at the cynically self-serving e pluribus unum pleading from GOPe figures and mainstream pundits, which I left in Neo’s more recent thread.

    In fact, now having read your own comment I could say that in the abstract, your own non-cynical plea makes sense in traditional terms.

    But there is a problem with the tribes that have developed in the present case.

    They are not morally equivalent tribes seeking the same things for themselves and practicing the same life- ways and sharing the same ultimate values.

    Their relations are not in-principle reciprocal.

    This is not an argument over controlling spoils system distributions. It is an argument over controlling citizens and what they can say, and do, and keep for themselves as a result of their doings.

    One party here, the left, demands from all the members of right, what those on the right neither need nor want from the left.

    The argument is about how you should be allowed to live and what limits if any there are to the claims which might be legally leveled against your life, or the commands to pay, or do or refrain from doing, that may be legitimately issued to you, and then coercively enforced by the power of the state.

    The leftist view is, that apart from sacredly non-reproductive sex acts, there are no limits; and that there is nothing that “society” may not command that you forgo, or to yield up to another as part of some managerial redistribution program.

    At a fundamental level, and to repeat, they want and demand from us (speaking here of my tribe) what we neither need nor demand nor even want from them, and what we think it neither right to take, or tolerable to give up.

    What is there to compromise about? In fact, what’s to preserve in such a relationship?

  35. huxley —

    As it happens, I was just now getting re-set-up on Brave, and Feedly works just fine.

    I like that I can browse in a private window and also in a private-via-Tor window if I’m feeling really paranoid.

    There’s also a paid VPN as part of the Brave system, but I already have ExpressVPN installed, so as far as anyone can tell I’m in Toronto right now.

  36. DNW says it well.

    Most of us on the Centre or Right just want to be left alone. But *they will not leave us alone*. They will never leave us alone. And so this will not end well.

  37. Brief thoughts on Mobile Tech.

    Imagine an imaginary person who wanted to communicate using secure chat such as Signal or some even more anonymous chat app with other like minded imaginary persons.

    Who is more of a danger to them? FedGov or the PRC?

    Such imaginary people could do worse than trot down to their local Chinatown and buy a Chinese phone running Chinese de-googled Android and using China based app store. Can still switch OS to English: just ask staff.

    Buy phone and SIM card with cash. You may think that there are rules against this kind of thing, but Chinese all over the world (except in their own country) take great pleasure in breaking or subverting rules. They know all the local angles.

    Actually come to think of it, these imaginary people could even chat with each other using WeChat… fully secure in the knowledge that the CCP was reading all their messages.

    Think about it.

  38. @BryanLovely:

    Most or all of the Big well-advertised VPN providers are run by various intelligence services domestic and foreign. Useful for fooling some IP geolocation blocks on some websites and stopping your ISP selling some of your data… but not always fit for other purposes.

  39. As it happens, I was just now getting re-set-up on Brave, and Feedly works just fine.

    Bryan Lovely: Thanks for the tip! It’s on the list now.

  40. Zaphod:

    I’ll have to have another go at Linux. I dread going to Window 10, but Windows 7 is dying on me. Skype won’t work anymore past an emergency call. Photoshop CS2 won’t work on newer machines. Bluetooth is getting flakier. Some new developer software isn’t supported on W7.

    But it’s a drag to retrain my old UI reflexes.

    Hadn’t thought about Richard Stallman in a while. He got MeToo’d out of MIT and the Free Software Foundation, though not without reason.

    I was curious about his repetitive stress injury. Apparently he didn’t recover and has an assistant do his typing for him.

  41. Final thought for the day.

    All the AntiFa types and their media friends (i.e. all ‘serious’ journalists beyond the TV Weather Xirl) are very big on OSINT — Open Source Intelligence.


    There was a lot of this going on in HK in 2019 when the hard left joined up with the broader citizenry to protest CCP encroachment. Needless to say this didn’t stop the hard left doxing to the authorities anyone they thought to be too ‘right wing’. Bit like you didn’t want to be a POUM member in Madrid back in the day.

    In the back chatter from various western educated and western participants in these Twitter exchanges was quite a lot of ‘Defund the Police’… not a new idea at all. Pre-dates 2020 by some years. Funny that.

    Anyway, through following many protest related twitter feeds I got to see some of their network in action. Just another data point.

  42. “Parler relies totally on AWS for its infrastructure. Jeff Bezos can pull the plug on Parler at any time of his choosing. You think he won’t?”

    Sunday. At midnight.
    Is TheNewNeo still an Amazon affiliate? Time to think about it

  43. @Huxley:

    Windows 10 is surprisingly usable. They’ve upped their game – all the better to steal all your data. And this many years into the lifecycle, it’s pretty well-behaved. I hate it. I have to use it for certain things, but not for anything personal. But to give full due, the user experience is much better than it once was. WSL2 is very nice too.

    Still, for personal stuff, something like Ubuntu 20.04LTS perhaps. Really a matter of taste when it comes to Linux distros. These install very easily these days and ‘work like a bought one’. Agree re the muscle memory. I’m a Vim user, so muscle memory is everything.

  44. So I canceled FB today. I wasnt a big user. Mainly used it to look at old photographs of the old neighborhood…..Roseland….south side of chicago, home of Dick Butkus, Styx, Robert Zemeckis among others. I will miss that. I’ll get over it.

    Google is a toughie as its such a habit. But I found a solution that works for me. Just create a link for duck-duck or your preference and just rename it google. Youd have to type in google if you want to go there. Hit em where it hurts.

    Twitter, never joined, just observed

    btw, for the record, I didnt say I was a fan of Styx


  45. @JimNorCal:

    Oh… bingo! So Bezos *did* actually shitcan Parler today/tonight depending timezone.

    You can’t make this stuff up! 😛


    Read the above and weep. A collective of Amazon employees demanded that AWS pull Parler’s infrastructure. Oh well.. it would take a heart of stone for management to ignore the heartfelt sincere feelings of their employees.

    In a way it’s kind of beautiful. Normies have to learn the hard way just how messed up things are.

    So if you want something Twitter-like, Gab is where you need to go now. Gab own their own physical infrastructure.

  46. M J R on January 9, 2021 at 5:41 pm said:
    Straka [*not* “Stratka”], should anyone be executing an internet search.
    * * *
    An otherwise positive piece at Just The News called him “Starka” consistently. Somewhat dampened my appreciation of the usually solid news reporting there.

    The post Neo linked has some good information on what happened and is happening.

  47. in re Snow on Pine on January 9, 2021 at 8:13 pm –

    The Gateway post has commenters giving advice on browsers, VPNs, privacy etc.
    I deleted Firefox soone after they cancelled Eich, was very glad he created Brave, and I use DuckDuckGo there for politically sensitive browsing.

    Stayed with Google because a son worked there; he doesn’t now; so I will start transitioning away. It’s like moving and going through all the junk in your garage, attic, and basement. Blecch.

    Had Linux some years ago, but it didn’t play nicely with some of my preferred software, but may give it another try.

    PS if you haven’t hit Neo’s tip jar lately, consider contributing to her Cancellation Fund asap.
    Yes, they will come for her.
    The automated bots are making a list even as we type.

  48. “Dems will only cooperate, again, when Tit for Tat is used and they actual feel some of the problems they’re causing others.
    … Sometimes there really is no difference between justice and revenge. This does not make me at all happy.” – Tom Grey

    I agree with the first postulate (it was one staple of our child-rearing doctrine), but on the larger scale, it sounds better in theory than in practice, because (a) the problems are caused by people who won’t ever be subject to either the results or the backlash; (b) we’ve seen how the Democrats suffering the results of their problem-causing (they call it problem-solving!) run off to some other place and start doing the same things; (c) they don’t make the logical connection between the Tit and the Tat.

    On the second postulate, justice and revenge are not the same, and I am glad the thought that they are does not make you happy.

    Justice is delivering to someone the natural or statutory consequences of their actions.

    Vengeance is searching people’s lives for actions that you can impose consequences for; proclaiming narratives that give you a pretense of virtue while you do it; creating laws that extend the range of people you can do it to; and thinking you are happy when you do all of that.

    Because this is a false simulacrum of real justice, they can never be satisfied (justice is satisfied when the consequences are imposed, and goes no further), and thus can never really be happy.
    The more they pursue vengeance, the more they have to continue, just like an addict getting accustomed to higher and higher doses of drugs — and hate is the worst drug of all.

    “Wickedness never was happiness,” but a lot of people don’t ever seem to realize that.

    Ponder also the works of C. S. Lewis on the subject, especially “Surprised by Joy” and “The Screwtape Letters.”

  49. “I am trying to *very selectively* recruit some real-life friends and FB friends to participate in high-quality blogs.” – David Foster

    Be sure and let us know when you have them going.
    In the meantime, I will check in on ChicagoBoyz more often.

  50. “If you want to get some ideas, have a look at Rob Braxman Tech on YouTube.
    Or google for Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation / Electronic Frontier Foundation.” – Zaphod

    I appreciated your helpful advice for dodging The Gender Neutral Non-binary Older Sibling; however, in the context of the discussion, the bolded tactics are more than a little ironic.


  51. Point taken 🙂

    Use what you can get from these platforms while you still can. There is an absolute treasure trove of online privacy info and tutorials out there *now*. How much of it will be available months hence is unknowable.

    Also nothing wrong with using Google or YouTube if you have the knowledge and wherewithal to use them in such a way that they cannot trace such use back to your primary identity.

    FWIW, YouTube may be the enemy, but it has an even better search engine than Google and the suggestions algo often homes in on stuff you didn’t think you needed to know but you do need to know. YouTube highly recommended if you need to get up to speed in a hurry. I’m old enough and plenty snobbish enough to pride myself on being more a literary person rather than a gawker at the idiot box, but trust me, YouTube is an amazing research tool. Can always drill down textually at the end.

    Finally, I use Google as a lazy verb. I am not going to type ‘Duckduckgo inside a Brave Browser Tor Window inside a throwaway VM running on Whonix running on a legacy desktop machine which has had IME disabled and is running LibreBoot’ for whatever info you are looking for’.

    Just saying 😛

  52. On the subject of Intel Management Engine, lookie lookie who wrote the definitive book on it:


    Ain’t Globalization Great?! Chinese Mole working right in the guts of Intel Corporation on the ultra low level below the operating system stuff which lets sufficiently sophisticated operators break into anyone’s hardware from anywhere and make it do anything.

    CivNats will imagine that acquisition of Green Card or Citizenship automatically a patriot makes. Once his feet touched the magic dirt of the USA it was like he washed in the blood of the Jeffersonian Lamb and all. We… all of us… are sooooo @#$@ed.

    Fortunately for most Westerners, their biggest and nearest enemy is their own elites. The Chinese can abide.

    TL;DR: Might want to think twice before starting a Land War in Asia 😛

  53. Carl Benjamin (sargonofAkaad, now thelotuseaters.com)calls this “madness.” “We are going through a digital reign of terror,” he says.

    He spends an entire hour venting at the enormous polarisation of America politics. “I do feel like I’m being terrorised by Silicon Valley.” The man is on fire, despite Friday mid-night exhaustion.

  54. Zaphod:

    What the heck is a CivNat and its BowTied subspecies?

    Not finding it in my Roger Tory Peterson.

  55. “Carl Benjamin (sargonofAkaad, now thelotuseaters.com)calls this “madness.” “We are going through a digital reign of terror,” he says.”

    We do seem to have entered the territory of the legitimately deranged. Look at the people proclaiming how BLM rioters would have been treated more harshly than the Capitol rioters. We all, everyone of us, literally just watched hundreds of BLM riots over the space of months where the rioters were treated with absolute kid gloves, but that’s now been flushed down the memory hole.


  56. Zaphod:

    Browsing through the IME book at O’Reilly… The book functions as well as a decent overview of current hardware/software security attacks/defenses. There’s a fair amount of lip service to Intel’s concerns about adhering to federal standards and safeguarding users, which is true enough I’m sure, but did little to assure me of safety from Big Guys like the NSA after the DES scandal (as I would call it) of the 70s/80s/90s.

    For those curious, DES (Data Encryption Standard) was a nationally approved standard for protecting sensitive data. Though the keys were relatively short, even for the time, the NSA assured us the keys were adequate for civilians, even banks, to use (though not the military or national security organizations, heh, heh). So no need for people to wheel out heavy artillery like the RSA crypto technique which had just come out.

    Those inclined to skepticism remained skeptical and voiced their dark suspicions that DES was a glass box to the NSA. DES became a prime target of academic and watchdog codebreakers. Much was learned.

    DES was cracked by the end of the 90s. Today a private individual can use the cloud to crack a DES key within 24 hours.

  57. It’s not just Goolag Apple and Amazon dumping on Parler.

    NYPost and Weasel Zippers quote the Parler CEO–
    “Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day,” Matze said.

  58. Someone on a blog somewhere suggested that we (all 70 million Trump supporters) should order something from Amazon, open it, then send it back.
    It will disrupt them and give them piles of “open box” stuff that is hard to sell for full price.

    Of course, if you do it 10 times, Amazon will dump you. But if enough people did it even once, it would make an impact.

    We just did it (accidentally). Bought an iPad as a gift, opened, configured and gave it to a daughter. She didn’t want it. So we’re sending it back.
    Full refund!
    Free return shipping!

    For everyone considering exiting from Prime, also consider that one last order LOL.

  59. @Huxley:

    DES was a joke. On the face of it, open source crypto these days is very good. And the reason it is is that Maths is Maths. You can’t hide a fudge or a backdoor for very long. Not in the papers outlining it or the published reference implementation. Probably one of the few areas of intellectual work where there is something close to the Platonic Hegelian Popperian Grantmoneyerian ideal of observe, cogitate, propose, implement, attack, defend, refine, and can never recline one one’s laurels. Only possible fly in the ointment is that you find a new flaw and NSA kidnaps you before you publish. I for one am sure that would never happen 😛

    But what happens in the *firmware* which you can’t just audit…? Ask those Iranians who got shredded by exploding centrifuges to tell you all about firmware. Ask yourself why those popular DJI drones and mini stabilised video cams sold by the million all over the world like to phone home to mama in Shenzhen. As does just about everything else these days.

    My comment about CivNat: Civic Nationalist. Most ‘Conservatives’ are Civic Nationalists who believe in the Blank Slate and that humans are interchangeable meat robots. Magic Dirt is the notion that dump a Somali in Minneapolis and once his dusky toes dig into the magic dirt, by some kind of osmosis he absorbs the Federalist Papers and he’s off the to Public Square (another thing CivNats love to bloviate about) to join in the exercise of democratic rights and pose for his Norman Rockwell front page portrait.

    Magic Dirt Theory also posits that if you dump a Mainland Chinese from the top 0.001% of his country’s cognitive elite (Fudan undergrad… you don’t get into there for winning a fingerpainting competition) into American grad program and then give him a job at the corporation which designs the processors that sit on the desk of every decision maker in the country plus inside all sorts of critical systems… and you plonk him down in the department which designs in the ***Backdoors*** in these chips… well obviously all that magic dirt and good fortune are going to turn him into General Groves and not Klaus Fuchs…. because to think otherwise would be Raycisssss.

    In the West today it is career ending to think these thoughts out loud. Once something becomes unsayable it eventually becomes unthinkable. How confident do you feel that this kind of Political Correctness does not infest the agency folks who are supposed to guard national security?

  60. @JimmyNorCal:

    That is a very good idea. I’m told that Reverse Logistics (actual field of study) is a real bitch at scale.

    Need I say that anyone on our side of the fence who has Amazon Ring or Echo in/around/on their premises needs to cancel service unplug and take a hammer to the devices?

    If you live in the USA (I do not), then right now you’re better off being spied on by the Chinese than your own companies or government.

  61. @JimmyNorCal:

    The way everyone came down on Parler in a big pile on is exactly what has been happening to folks further to the Right for some years now. Seen it all before. Just now it’s coming to the more Centrist NeoVerse.

    At the risk of repeating myself, you’re all going to have to move to Gab for your Twitter/Parler type stuff.

    The people who Pavlovian Conditioned you to be afraid of the the supposed evil uncleanliness of Gab are the same folk who just shut down Parler. Something to think about.

  62. eeyore mood:

    I just checked in with Parler to see what Dan Bongino had to say, see below:

    9 minutes ago
    Please, hang with us. I ASSURE YOU, we aren’t going anywhere.
    If anything, we’ve been hardened by this experience and the outpouring of help from across the country will make us stronger on the other side of this. If we go offline temporarily this week it’ll be brief, and the same website you’re on now will be back, bigger and stronger than ever. Our community of tens of millions of users has been fiercely loyal to us, and we won’t let you down. Again, we’re not going ANYWHERE. Keep checking in here all week and get your friends on the platform.

    And to Zaphod, Dan Bongino posted that the Gab ceo(?) has been attacking Parler and Bongino rather than Big Tech oligarchs. Who does he, Mr Gab serve?

  63. eyeore mood:

    Here is the link:


    another one:

    Post Author Profile Pic
    Dan Bongino
    8 hours ago
    Please do not abandon Parler. We are NOT going anywhere. We may have a temporary disruption in service now that monopolist Amazon has attacked us, but it’ll be brief and we have a backup plan. And, although the monopolists at Apple & Google have removed the app, it doesn’t effect our website which is easily accessed and used from your phone or computer. We are fighting back and we need you to encourage your friends to join Parler as soon as possible. There is power in numbers.

    Post Comments
    Post Echoes
    Post Upvotes


    If I can’t find something except on Amazon.com I do without it. “F” Bezos and his digital pony. “F” Fakebook as well.

    Brave, and Duck Duck Go.

  64. Gab CEO is not attacking Parler.
    He did make a sarcastic remark about Parler but it was pretty minor IMO.

  65. Given time, Om, you will learn. Continue being a GoodWhite ™ … You’ll get clubbed down by Prog Leviathan and shoved in the pits with us BadWhites (ewwwwww) anyway and regardless of your Good Intentions.

  66. om, I was going to look for the statement (I read it earlier today) … but it looks like Gab is under a DOS attack or something and I can’t get on.

    It’s a tough time for apps that allow conservatives to exist

  67. Gab is a bit sketchy today. There’s been an avalanche of signups last few days so that could be slowing them down. Plus of course likely there will be many DDoS attacks.

    Gab’s biggest worry right now is that Cloudflare (DDoS protection service) cancels their service provision for Gab making it harder for Gab to stay up. Cloudflare is likely as converged as any other part of Big Tech, so bit of a worry.

  68. Zaphod, have anymore smoke to blow from Hong Kong? Good luck “round eyes” they will come for you too.

  69. Take it easy Om, Old Boomer.

    I’m decades ahead of you on the Living Under Sufferance as a Stranger in a Strange Land Curve. Whole nother way of thinking and being. You’re just getting started. Enjoy the ride.

    There’s a fun bit in Viktor Frankl about how the Viennese Jewish professional class being horrified to find themselves in the same cattle cars as Galician Central Casting Shylocks in Kaftans.. The horror! But they were going to the same place.

    You can stick to your Parler, but if you don’t fight, you’re going to end up where the Gab Dregs are going if this fight isn’t won.

    BTW, I’d like to have a West to go back to when I retire.

  70. Fight the good fight from Hong Kong? Whatever. It doesn’t seem that the “west” has much to offer one such as you. Such is life. But enough about you.

  71. Gab says:
    “If your business is built on the backs of Silicon Valley tyrants (Apple, Google, et al) they can and will attempt to destroy you if and when you become a threat to their interests.
    They did this to Gab. Then Fortnite. Now Parler.

    Terrible content of all kinds is available on Twitter and Facebook.
    Everyone on the planet knows this fact.
    Yet both companies are on both App Stores.

    Apple banning Parler is not the neutral implementation of some objective standard, but rather a cynical, politically motivated gesture and evidence of Silicon Valley elites’ disdain for ordinary Americans.
    The solution, as always, is not government.
    It is to build your own.
    People mock this meme, but Gab lives it.
    While others whine, we build.”

  72. Zaphod, calling in from Xi-land warns all about Parler; one must keep one’s social credit score right, or else? Any other wisdom before you’re “retired?”


    President Obama’s speech to the UN general assembly, on free speech (how they forgot)
    1/12/2021, 2:13:19 AM · by knighthawk · 1 replies
    UK Guardian ^ | September 25 2012 | Barack Obama
    … Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views – even views that we disagree with. We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our Founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views, and practice their own faith, may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion…

    Was this just Takiyaa by Obama? Or willing self-deception? Or naive and sincere?

  74. Big Tech Censorship in the US. I seeing alarm in India, concern in New Zealand, and Poland wants to ban this.
    FREE POLAND! DOES IT RIGHT….Funny, I recall how Reagan and the Pope helped them smuggle typewriters into dissident union groups, making Lek Walesa a hero, and later a national politician for his great risk and leadership.


    THIs May be the underground path for secretly dissident teachers to undermine our New Woke Theocracy! Teach Communist struggle history…if one can.

    (History is all polemic all the time, these days — much better for our Next Dear Leader Uncle Joe)

  75. TJ:

    I case you missed it, Zaphod is quite careful not to post much to

    offend Xi or his minders while puffing himself up. He does live under their boot after all. But focus on Italy please.

  76. Zaphod on January 9, 2021 at 9:41 pm said:

    Nice advice ; )

    Ironically, the only place I have been temporarily suppressed is on conservative blogs like this one. Strange, I know. John C Wright, the pro Church of Rome sci fi writer and VoxDay’s ALt Right publishing blog/job.

    The thinking seems to be that if they do it once to a person, it is not as bad as Tech Tyrants doing it to thousands or millions.

    Statistics, statistics.

    God says, if you have done it unto the least of the people, you have done it unto me.

  77. Twitter is in a weird spot:

    1. Banning/suspending their own shareholders, potentially.
    2. Insider trading, intentionally and maliciously and deceptively decreasing twitter’s share prices, the shares owned by the people they are suspending, and refusing to honor the TOS to.

    The SEC, all of it, is very very corrupt.

    Maybe people don’t understand how “shorting” works but it is selling a stock at a high price, that you don’t own, by borrowing it from other people. How much capital did the twitter insiders “borrow” from people they suspended, by selling high and then buying up the stock (repaying the loan) when it dipped low today or yesterday?

    Isn’t this insider trading illegal? Not for Congress or government mega corporations. Didn’t mega corporations used to be the devil in the eyes of the Left?

  78. In great challenges lie great opportunity …or something.

    Anyway I’ve been over to Gab trying to dig up my old and virtually never used account. Didn’t find it.

    But ater being down last night, Gab is up again. Now, Gab will not be to everyone’s taste. I had not even realized it till I reread the Torba text I had copied, but he and many Gab users wear their faith on their sleeves.

    But here is the thing, at the moment the atmosphere is celebratory and upbeat in the extreme, and I have to say that it by way of contrast makes one realize how dark our prevailing culture gets under the influence of what we call liberalism.

    It is a bit like the first time you viewed the Dana Kamen YouTube video, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time In 8 Years”. At that moment apart from getting a chuckle, one felt, not just knew intellectually, that there was an acheiveable world – part an attitude and part associative project – that was not shot through top to bottom with psychological distress, moral nihilism, vicious “humor” and cynicism.

    If one thinks about it for a moment if the old standard and jazz adapted song These Foolish Things, were written about liberals, it would mostly contain references to atmospheric parallels to psychological distress, anger, envy, resentment, and fulminnating hatred ptesented behind the guise of caring. Fetid swamps, and tar pits, rather than the park when the evening bell has sounded, or ” the beauty that is Spring’s”.

    There is no lasting or deep beauty or balance in most liberals. That is part of their problem.

    No, nature is not fair. But the liberal project of shackling everyone to their personal dysfunctions; and demanding that you never look away but constantly applaud their perverted public demonstrations, is obviously nothing like “fair” or even a real solution to their deeper problems.

    That something so trivial as the mild uplift resulting from observing people who feel free and happy celebrate and express that happiness could have such a profound effect on an observer is startling. It brings forth the realization that the moment the whining, resentment laden neurotic left is cut out of your life to any degree, life to that degree INSTANTLY improves.

    Life is too short to waste it catering to crazies. Our ancestors knew that. How have we forgotten?

  79. Sorry to have to tell you, (Erstwhile) Parler Users:

    Looks like AntiFa have your postings and the verification data you provided when you registered: eg DL, phone number.

    Zaphod: So…

    Parler, a social network used to plan the storming of the U.S. Capitol last week, has been hit by a massive data scrape. Security researchers collected swaths of user data before the network went dark Monday morning after Amazon, Google, and Apple booted the platform.

    The scrape includes user profile data, user information, and which users had administration rights for specific groups within the social network. Twitter user @donk_enby, who first announced about the scrape, claims that over a million video URLs, some deleted and private, were taken.


    What is a “security researcher” here? Sounds more like black hat crackers.

    And how do you “scrape” 70 terabytes of data in a day? This sounds more like an ongoing effort, likely with inside help or big guns outside help. Really stinks.

    It’s one thing when the Chinese steal personal data, as in the OMB breach after Obama put an idiot hack schoolteacher in charge. But this is domestic for political purposes. I would like a serious investigation, but I’m not holding my breath.

  80. huxley:

    Dan Bongino states that Parler was not hacked, @ 14:30 or so in his podcast EP1433 today. He is a part owner of Parler, but nontheless, the media have been lying again to destroy the competition; first Parler then return to gab, and then whoever tries alternatives to ScrewTube such as rumble or locals.com.

    See yesterday’s story about Cumulus media issuing speech rules for Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, and Ben Shapiro from the WA Post. Bongino and Levin have stated that Cumulus didn’t contact any of those listed nor did the WA Post “journalist” contact them. News too good to verify.

    Some folks here forward this disinformation much like our QAnon troll and resident fabulist, and Zaphod.




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