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Summary of election fraud allegations — 23 Comments

  1. We all know the election was stolen by fraud. I have a sort of grudging admiration that the billionaires, Democrats and whoever is running Biden was able to pull it off.

    The percentage of citizens who think it was stolen is approaching 40%. Can it be reversed? I don’t think so. If the radicals leave us alone, there will be peace. I don’t know if they can. They are much closer to a mob than a political party. The people running Biden might be able to keep control but I have my doubts,.

  2. Where was the Navarro Report or something like it a month ago?

    Everything was coming out in dribs and drabs — YouTubes, tweets, miscellaneous blog articles, interviews.

    I get it that it was an emerging story, but the Trump Team should have had some people consolidating the information into coherent form. Instead we got 24 point scare quotes about Kraken and a lot of handwaving.

    I grant the lack of time was a big factor and emotions were high, but it sure seemed like a lost opportunity.

  3. The deep state and globalists definitely had a game plan and executed it well. As the earlier post about Barr has covered the reasons why there has been no effective response. The Trump Campaign was caught flat footed and un prepared. The crappy half baked lawsuits didn’t help. Also as Barnes has stated Trump had no base of institutional support to help him. Barr has let down the constitution and the republic not Trump. That will be his shameful legacy. Same with the Supreme Court.

    Years from now there will be admissions that yes the election was fraudulent but as Harry Reid said “we won didn’t we.” Ha ha ha ha.

    I will read the summary tomorrow, but I am future focused now. I have already made outreach to various organizations to get involved. I have embraced Glenn Reynolds call to move from “deplorable” to “unconquerable”. There are still moves to be made, more news to drop but it looks like momentum is too much.

    So this Christmas season, be joyful, live life the best you can, stay involved and act with purposeful “cold anger”.

  4. Mike K,

    It’s much more than 40% more like 75%. Robin Hood robbing from the tyrannical rich is admirable. Disenfranchising more than half of voting Americans is treason and there is nothing admirable about a treason that seeks to establish tyranny.

    Nor will the left’s radicals leave us alone. Fanatics, of whatever persuasion, are compelled to act, driven by their ideology’s imperatives to by whatever means are necessary, force the world to bend to their dictates.


    Our host has written in depth as to the difficulties in moving more quickly. I too wish it were otherwise. Those obstacles were obviously part of the democrat party’s calculations, when they strategized on the prospects for a successful electoral coup.

  5. Unless something very strange happens, the F’n Dems stole the election and won the media story. I have no doubt whatsoever that anyone who can look at statistics knows that the election was stolen and yet here we are and the F’n Dems won this round. Now what they can do with it with all of the picks for cabinet positions and the incredible staff support they will bring into power along with those who will never be satisfied I am going to predict they will have a good chance for and implosion of their government. It kind of takes pragmatic grownups to run a country and their line up is lacking on actual wisdom.

    I don’t know but I do think we are in for a most interesting and rough ride for the next few years since about half of the folks trying to run the nation have no idea what the actual laws and how constitution really works. But then again, they have a bunch of judges who have not idea either. Now is the time for all of us on the other side to sit back see how this hand plays out.

    As for me I am going to grill some little tenderloin steaks to eat with sautéed mushrooms and three little potatoes for each of us, my beautiful wife and me. I will enjoy each day as it comes, going to Port Aransas on the Texas Gulf tomorrow, a three hour drive, and joining friends for some beach time together.

    I am think we all might benefit by enjoying what we have, at this time, everyday we have a good day, so now I am wishing all of you Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. You’all be Safe and Be Good, for goodness sake.

  6. We seem to be watching a movie unfold. Perhaps Trump’s legal team was not as discombobulated at they seemed. Perhaps they already knew they had no chance in any court no matter what so it didn’t matter and the failure theater was to put the enemy to sleep. I can’t help but notice that Mitch “I won my election” McConnell stabs Trump in the back and bam suddenly he is accused of winning his race by election fraud. Something that might just be true. Trump might be setting them all up to “settle all the family business”

  7. Also as Barnes has stated Trump had no base of institutional support to help him. Barr has let down the constitution and the republic not Trump. That will be his shameful legacy. Same with the Supreme Court.

    That is a key observation. Trump was alone, as Perot would have been. The Tea Party was outside the tent and was punished as much by the GOPe as Obama’s IRS and OSHA. Trump might be able to recreate the GOP. If he wants to.

  8. Read it cover to cover. Now I don’t think I saw anything we haven’t heard before BUT if this could get to the Supremes and it’s presented in it’s totality … who knows how they will rule.

    They definitely won’t be able to say with clear conscience there was NO fraud.

  9. I skimmed through it and was disappointed that it was mostly text and few graphics. I downloaded the election data to find there are several things that are eye popping. All of Biden’s winning votes in Wisconsin appeared in a single dump at 3 am on 11/4 and in exactly the right amount to barely overcome Trump’s big lead. Pennsylvania has a long stretch after 3 am where votes are being subtracted from Trump’s total. They invented something new in elections, the negative vote!

  10. Dubious. Only a low IQ fool would think otherwise. And you are low IQ if you don’t believe President Biden won in an unprecedented landslide.

  11. crepes:

    With such a brilliant remark, all that remains for us to do is to bow to your towering intellect.

  12. crepes:

    Welcome aboard! Your first comment and you are making your lasting impression by insulting everyone here! You look forward to Unpresident Biden? Why should anyone take you seriously? But enough about you. 🙂

    The quality level of trolls has fallen in an unprecedented fashion lately.

  13. The short term vote dumps that occurred within a matter of minutes – or less – in which Biden received tens of thousands of votes vs. Trump receiving one or two thousand votes is equivalent to flipping a fair coin many thousands of times and witnessing, say, a sequence of results in which heads appears 150 times in a row.

    The ONLY logical way this could happen is if the fair coin is switched out for a biased (a Biden’ed) coin sometime during the coin flipping process.

    I doubt there is not one county anywhere in the USA in which Trump would receive less than 10% to 15% of the vote; not even in Manhattan.
    This tells you that if you take a “sample” of say, 10,000 votes or more, you should expect that about +/- 15% of that sample would be a vote for Trump; even in Manhattan.

    Lastly, forget about all the statistical mumbo-jumbo; ask yourself why were Republican observers kicked out of the vote counting venues and/or otherwise preventing from observing the vote counting process?
    The ONLY reason this would happen is to permit fraudulent vote counting.

    The overall response of Republican members of Congress to this obvious cheating is disgusting.
    And some folks wonder why mobs are motivated to lynch politicians.

  14. Biden may well be gone in a few months because “The job is too much for me”. And then we will have our Lenin-equivalent, Kamala.
    We need to organize local militias while we still can.

  15. I’m in my 66th year and so have watched quite a few elections come and go. The thing that strikes me is this.
    When election evening numbers in all the states were followed over the hours, they rarely deviated much. If, say, they were 50.8% vs 49.2% with 60% of the vote in, I don’t recall – though it must have happened now and then – that the outcome these numbers suggested changed. And what’s more, at some point well before all the votes were tallied, the 49.2% candidate would concede.
    Not so this time around. It all stinks to me, as well.

  16. Keith,

    “When do we start shooting ? Asking for a friend.”

    There are a number of ‘trigger wires’.

    Gun confiscation. Imprisonment as punishment for acting in self-defense. Imprisonment for “hate speech”, which consisted of daring to speak factual truth. Freedom “from religion” that effectively outlaws the public expression and practice of religion.

    Unalienable rights either exist or all we have are State granted and revocable ‘privileges’.

    There is only the illusion of liberty when only the State can grant privileges. An illusion that crumbles into dust when “self-evident” ‘privileges’ are arbitrarily revoked.

  17. Obviously now we can see that AG Barr–just like so many other Deep State saboteurs who have been initially touted as “good guys”–as dedicated patriots, and honest public servants, “white hat” types, but who have proven by their words and actions, or the lack thereof, to be the blackest of “black hats–injected into the Trump Administration–is one of “their guys.”

  18. The fights is on into Congress on January 6th because of the Biden Prestitutes, er, Crapodems or something, and fraudulence “won.” Or rather stole the Presidency from Trump.

    Here’s how the huddle went.



    We have a rapidly growing group of House Members and Senators.

    Jan 6 challenge is on. ??

    Call your Rep: 202-225-3121

    Call your Senators: 202-224-3121



    Rasmussen poll finds US split 47%, 47% on whether Biden the Presidency fairly: “ …a Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen finds that only 47% of registered voters surveyed believe Biden won fairly in a secure election process. Another 47% believe there was some degree of voter fraud, with opinion in that group mixed on whether it was sufficient to change the outcome.”


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