Home » Who’s happy about the results of this presidential election?


Who’s happy about the results of this presidential election? — 36 Comments

  1. I’ve seen quite a few conservatives, who said they supported Trump, who seem pleased. Often it’s in the context of down-ballot races. I find it hard to believe that they think that, if the Democrats get away with it this time, they won’t do it again. And again.

    But then, we are the stupid party.

  2. A humorous reaction to the possible Biden presidency.

    “Dear Employees:
    As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Joe Biden is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.
    To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%.But, since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn’t know how to choose who would have to go.

    So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty ‘Biden Harris’ bumper stickers on our employees’ cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can’t think of a more, fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change……I gave it to them.

    I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.”

    Karma’s a b***h.

  3. The Never-Trumpers and the shameless grifters of The Lincoln Project are even more annoying than the progressives, but the behavior of spineless members of the GOP establishment, of much of Fox News, and of many of the writers at the increasingly irrelevant National Review is perhaps even more egregious. It is also noteworthy that Trump’s two closest international allies (Bibi and Boris) were rather quick to congratulate the so-called “president-elect.”

  4. I’m not happy, but I feel so beaten down, I’ve resigned myself to what will be. My mental and physical health requires I let a lot of this go. I frankly don’t know how the left/liberals keep such intense political energy and emotions going. I guess that’s their strength and my weakness.

  5. Though I have may have given off doom and gloom I still feel OK about the overall election IF and that’s a big IF the senate can hold the majority. Gains seats in House, gain Governors, gain or held state legislators (for redistricting which be big in next election). Taken all that and more think Repubs at least can put the brakes on the real crazy stuff.

    Lots of good things did happen … but I could be happier.

  6. @jack: “Repubs at least can put the brakes on the real crazy stuff.”

    Not if what criminal Democrats take from this experience is the conviction that they can effectively eliminate all future elections.

  7. If the GOPe had really developed any fighting spirit, they would be in the trenches with Donald Trump fighting to reclaim the stolen election, instead of sitting back on their as*es and letting Trump do all the heavy lifting. Which approach do you see?

  8. Interesting that you would mention Tyler Durden. He (and his partners?) sold out to the cancel culture awhile back, and Zero Hedge has not been the same since. Point being that, no matter what he says, he’s a sell out as much as anyone else who caved to the cancel culture and the Deep State. ZH used to be a bastion of free speech for commenters; now comments are heavily censored and disappear after only a few days.

    FWIW, I heard an interview with the author of “Profiles in Corruption.” When asked who, or whose family, is the most corrupt in DC, he unequivocally and immediately said, the Bidens. So, we will soon inaugurate the most corrupt player in DC as President of the United States. Imagine how much wealthier he and his family will become after 4 years (8 years?) in the Oval Office. Just the imagining boggles the mind. I despair for our future.

  9. It is all very discouraging since yes, just as you write, the list of happy campers if Biden makes it are long and powerful. This is most of the media, academia and so many others… the deep state and the critical race theory industry. Biden will likely make it though I don’t put anything past 2020. It’s been such a wild year and anything can happen. I do think there is fraud in this election. Can enough fraud be proven to overturn the results? Again, I’m not optimistic but you never know. I do hope so.

    The lines never seem to have been drawn this tightly and the country this polarized. I am not optimistic about the country and it’s chances to continue as free. I worry we may be destined for some form of soft totalitarianism or worse in time. We have to fight as best we can.

  10. “if Biden ends up becoming president, “How much of the modern GOP will continue to follow the forty-fifth president, and how many will end up being perfectly content with being partners with Joe Biden?”

    Collaboration has an end date. Either patriots will get them or the State will at some point, purge them. Turncoats have demonstrated that they can never be trusted.


    “I frankly don’t know how the left/liberals keep such intense political energy and emotions going.”

    Above all else, ideological fanaticism demands a full committment.


    Don’t count on GOPe Senators holding the line. Romney is not alone, he’s that group’s spokesperson. Nor assume that a Harris administration won’t intiate another Krisstalnaught. Any Party that will countenance the Massachusetts legistature considering a bill that legalizes the murder of babies born alive after a failed abortion will not hesitate at any atrocity. Their only consideration will be as to whether they have confidence they can get away with it. As this election has just proven.

  11. physicsguy wrote, “I’m not happy, but I feel so beaten down, I’ve resigned myself to what will be. My mental and physical health requires I let a lot of this go.”

    Consider thinking about it differently, perhaps this way:

    You ran an accurate and valid (and very costly) experiment. You can’t understand all of the data, but you can clearly see that important parts of your intellectual framework are not consistent with the data.

    What do you do?

  12. “This is interesting: https://youtu.be/AI_pkvlp2q4

    It seems like folks on the right are learning from BLM and Antifa.”

    It was interesting. A click on the link and I was led to this :

    Please verify to continue to YouTube
    LEARN MORE (select all bicycles)

    Good … old … YouTube.

    So, first I notice that they are placing age restrictions and sign in requirements to “controversial” material which may be unsuitable for some viewers. This is obviously not adult content as we usually think of it, i.e., Sex and gratuitous Violence, but rather, election result commentary.

    Perhaps they will next resort to Yahoo News’ practice of running a banner line under all stories concerning vote counting; preemptorily informing us that the A.P. has called the election. Or, maybe inserting into each “news report” on the same they produce, the usual phrases: ‘baseless claim”, “unsupported allegation”, and “irresponsible charges which threaten our democracy” …

    Anyway, soon after noticing the original hoop they were asking me to jump through in order to get political content they disapproved of, I received a policy notice directly from YouTube announcing that under their revised terms they may now insert revenue generating ads at their discretion – even into accounts or presentations which they have previously de-monetized so that the content creator may not profit from his work.

    In other words no advertising revenue for you, but they will insert ads into your content anyway and take the money for themselves.

    This strategizing might also explain some of the peculiar ads I started seenimg in videos; ads which seemed placed in presentations in order to be maximally disruptive and deliberately at odds with the theme of the content.

    Now, this latest attempt to get you to prove you are a human could be related to nothing more than establishing actual human traffic for the purposes estimating revenue; or, it could be a mechanism for creating annoyance and discouraging views.

    People may be gaming YouTube in order to increase traffic for their own money producing content, or just in order to spite YouTube or the advertisers by increasing apparent clicks and thus, real payouts .

    However, having gotten even that merest glimpse which we have into the minds of these obsessively schemeing and controlling tech types in the last 6 months, no possbillity can be rulled out: from the most venal profit motive, to the most ideologically audacious neo-Stalinism.

  13. Romney is not alone,

    The chronic dissidents on policy matters who are useful to the Democratic caucus are Collins and Murkowski. People who aren’t like that but have a history of throwing a spanner into the works would be Romney, Portman, and Sasse. People who don’t do that but have an obtrusive history of being rolled would be Alexander and Burr. A dissident on the other side of the argument is Ted Cruz, who has been vociferous about Cocaine Mitch’s bon-bons-for-business default setting.

  14. Bidet’s tenure will be a repeat of Ocommie’s with the exception of added input from the AOC, Bernie Sanders communist wing of the party.
    Whenever he needs Bidet will just issue an executive order – to bypass Congress – to implement his programs.
    So, at BEST, expect Obama II; at worst, expect Obama on communist steroids.
    When Ocommie issued EOs, even those that were obviously illegal (like those that overturned existing law), the dumbpublicans sat on their ass , thumbs firmly inserted. They did nothing.
    They should have gone directly to the SCOTUS and filed a suit claiming that the president has no power to overturn established law.
    The stupid dumbpublicans did ZERO.

    Now that Trump is gone the dumbpublicans have a choice to make; man up and aggressively shape and form policy, or go back to the pre-Trump way of go along to get along; which really means, don’t do a F’n thing and allow the dems to walk all over them.
    One thing is for sure, the demokrats never, ever break ranks. The dumbpublicans can’t wait to break ranks (which is why since FDR, our republic , more and more , is governed, literally, by the Federal bureaucracy. )

  15. 0


    Viva Frei had a youtube on this specific topic yesterday, content censorship, demonetization, monetization for them but no $ for the content creators etc.”

    With their stated intent to begin at their discretion placing advertising (and probably messaging eventually) in either de-monetized, or even “non (monetization) partnership” content [uploaded by producers who are not seeking revenue but just showcasing content] YouTube will have in place the tools, i.e., the cover, to interrupt and to functionally disrupt any content; whether that content is in technical compliance with their published rules or not.

    Clearly they no longer fear being legally reclassified as a publisher, despite the fact that they ever increasingly act like one.

  16. “Whenever he needs Bidet will just issue an executive order – to bypass Congress – to implement his programs.
    So, at BEST, expect Obama II; at worst, expect Obama on communist steroids.”

    If Biden’s puppet masters manage to steal this election, the rule of law is dead and the American republic is over. We will have officially become a one party State. Recognition of our inalienable rights will be over. Biden-Harris’ E.O.’s won’t matter nor will Congress or for that matter, the courts.

    Our choice will be a binary one; ‘living’ on our knees or fighting for a restoration of liberty. A fight that will only be accomplished by ‘other’ means. That will end very badly for those on the left for they will have chosen… “poorly”.

  17. eGOP believes that they are vindicated by Trump’s “loss” and that the strong showing in the House races further proves their point.

    They are, of course, wrong.

    I will *never* hold my nose and vote “Republican” again. Especially after Trump literally gave them exactly *everything* they had ever asked for, and more, and they flat-out rejected him because of some perceived lack of couthness. I fully understand, now, that they are not disgusted by him; they are disgusted by *me*. They want open borders and better trade deals with China because they are lining their own pockets while systematically destroying the lives and livelihoods of the very people who give them the power to do so. And they mock and laugh at us toothless rednecks who don’t attend the right parties and can’t even get decent, honest work, because … well … nobody really does *that* anyway.

    Trump put millions of Americans back to work. But they *don’t* want that. They want serfs to lord over. But *I* will not be a slave.

    I am tired.
    I am angry.
    And I am certain I am not alone.

  18. I am more or less content, if not happy.

    Although I cheated a bit and received the message from Divine God, that Trump would win in a landslide, no matter what, before November. And I expended appropriate energies before Nov 3rd, even before Aug 14, to flip California to Red.

    That’s one way to get a landslide.

    So I guess I am a bit of a cheater, and due to knowledge of the future, I don’t need to stress about any of this stuff. ALthough I would not need to anyways.

  19. Assuming Trump doesn’t convince enough Republican state legislatures about the level of fraud. He’ll leave and form his own political party. What loyalty he might’ve felt would have been burned away by the cucks and craven Federalist society RINOs who stabbed him in the back repeatedly over these four years. He’ll likely be faced with prosecution (or persecution to be exact) by biased and corrupt jurisdictions like the Southern District Court of New York; but he’ll grind through as he always does until he’s vindicated. He’ll continue discovery on the signature ballot abuse until he’s vindicated there as well. Thennnnn – I predict a return to Washington as stormy and heated as Andrew Jackson’s march in 1828. Now THAT’s someone who knows about having your victories stolen! Like Jackson, I can’t imagine Trump following the rules the second time around. He’ll annihilate every institution and agency that betrayed the 80 million loyal Trump voters who backed him. I truly see him giving zero fu-cks and using the Military (after purging it of the Deep State swamp bots like the Milleys, Mattis’s, Espers) to shutter Fake news media, lobbyists, globalists, Deep State ticks, until he’s had them all broken on the wheel of reform. I’d imagine new amendments passed to solidify his changes and then like Cinncinatus, or maybe Sulla (hope not) he’ll leave – a winner like always. Scott Adams predict he’ll create his own network to broadcast the truth that the media censored. Perhaps but he’ll probably have plenty of allies by then in the new Conservative media like Newsmax, Breitbart, Epoch times…likely they will only flourish in these next 4 anemic years. But then again, Trump is not a young man, and as he predicted – a lot of people wanted him gone. He may fall like Andrew Breitbart; before his time. *sigh

  20. Ain’t over til it’s over.

    Trump is still fighting…and he has help against the relentless, scheming enemy of decency, civility and law.

    Dershowitz and Barnes agree it’s a long-ish shot but they say things are still in play.

    Barnes was most impressive yesterday (i.e., Sunday, in the broadcast with the lawyer from Montreal). I was amazed at his grasp of law, legal and historical precedents and ways forward—-and what should have been done and what HAS to be done, he having absolutely no illusions about Democratic Party perfidy).

    We still have no idea how this will play out. And no matter how difficult, it doesn’t behoove anyone to lapse into despair at this point even though it does look pretty dark out there. Pretty grim.

    Hoping that justice will prevail and hoping we have the internal strength to support this extraordinary man who DOES NOT GIVE UP even—especially?—in the face of unrelenting evil.

  21. Sidney Powell (continued):
    “…I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smarmatic, and we will be filing suit soon….”

    Flynn/Powell (continued):
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed.

  22. I, and many of my family and friends are done. If this stands, and they don’t investigate, why f-ing bother anymore?? Our votes don’t count. I live in NJ, and was FORCED to vote by mail. Not fair, not right. They found a way to cheat, and they have the activist media on their side. We will never win anything again…..

  23. wendy barczak wrote, “I, and many of my family and friends are done. If this stands, and they don’t investigate, why f-ing bother anymore?? … We will never win anything again…..

    Sometimes I feel that way too, but I don’t think that feeling is helpful to me.

    Each of us can win his or her own heart-mind.

  24. AppleBetty; wendy barzak:

    The feelings of discouragement and wanting to give up that were expressed by wendy barzak are understandable. But I think it would be very wrong to act on them. That would assure the very thing you profess to abhor – a victory by the left. If the left is going to commit fraud, make it as difficult as possible by voting. If the margins are big enough cheating becomes difficult to do effectively, because the bigger the lead the harder it is to overcome.

  25. neo — Rule by the People has lost to the unelected Oligarchs.

    They were and remain used to this in Europe. The Schuman model of the New Class Oligarchs is a French technocrat whose talents are selected for special expertise.

    The core of the Deep State is the Carter instituted SES, or Senior Executive Service — the Generals of Civil Service, deliberately modelled on French examples.

    And who did Obama call on as his buddies in the Deep State back in May? For a conference call to rally the Troops Against Powell and Gen. Flynn, the insider who hoped to be the institutional Great Reformer?

    Obama called on his 8,000 member SES, whore ranks I believe he’d doubled, for special dispensation.

    The Deep State is the most elite part of the Administrative State, the permanent body of law maker’s, law interpreters and law enforcers who are accountable to no one but themselves. This, argues Phillip Hamburger, constitutes the new unconstitutional fourth branch of the state.

    And these are the globalist defenders, the Praetorian Guard of the Ruling Class elites, who meet at Davis and lead international politics and business. And they think we’re stupid and thus need their elite Rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=603&v=oQxaGm7eK4U&feature=emb_title

    So, now, tell me neo — why does my vote matter to them? —now that the ONLY genuine outsider elected President can be undone by a simple vast fraud, visible to all?

  26. Who’s happy? Putin, the Ayatollahs, Xi and his buddies, CPUSA. All endorsed Bidet.

    These are our Ruling Class’ friends – or else friends of friends.

  27. how many will end up being perfectly content with being partners with Joe Biden? Well Neo, you can add your boy Rubio to that list

  28. fiona:

    Certainly possible. However, is there some particular reason you say that? Has he denounced Trump or something of the sort? If so, link please.

    Nor is he “my boy Rubio,” by the way.

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