Home » Update on election fraud allegations


Update on election fraud allegations — 78 Comments

  1. Tom Grey posted this link:


    How I wish it weren’t on such a cheesy commercial site! It’s based on material from GatewayPundit, whom I trust more. However, GP doesn’t include the actual bombshell data, which I summarize below:

    Data @ 01:51:26
    Trump 0.578 [share of votes]
    Biden 0.401 [share of votes]
    Votes: 573857

    Data @ 01:51:52 [26 seconds later]
    Trump 0.568 [share of votes]
    Biden 0.406 [share of votes]
    Votes: 574417

    The number of votes increased by 560 but somehow Trump’s percentage got wacked by 1% while Biden’s got upped by 0.5%, so that their vote totals changed in impossible ways:

    Trump: 331,689 –> 326, 269 [loss of 5420 votes (impossible)]
    Biden: 230,117 –> 233,213 [gain of 3,096 votes (also impossible)]

    The chicanery was in the changing of the vote percentages. I’m not sure why the candidate data is stored in terms of percentages — unless to conceal the switcheroo from casual human inspection.

    So if the situation is truly this straightforward (the data and analysis are correct) the machines have been caught red-handed and presumably the culprits won’t be too hard to locate.

  2. As a software writer, I find it deliciously ironic that a lot of fraud may be done in by failure to change the default value for birth date. Apparently, the software in MI at least when they added new registrations to match ballots from non-registered voters defaults to January 1 1900. Who knew we had all those 120-year-olds running around the country.

  3. Thanks for that Frank. I heard something about the Jan. 1, 1900 dates but I missed the context. It makes sense now.

  4. Presume Rapture–the election version–comes and this is all straightened out and, irrefutably, Trump lost. We still have tsunamis of evidence of democrat efforts to cheat. Turned out to be superfluous in my hypo, but it doesn’t go away because of that.
    It really happened.
    How do we deal with that going forward?

  5. [But] I’ve been reading these complaints and these affidavits. I think it’s clear at this point that voting fraud occurred. There is obviously a record here of dead people voting. There are obviously problems of keeping observers in places where they really couldn’t observe, very effectively. We still don’t know. But we wouldn’t know — unless we had greater access to the system itself. That is held by election officials and that requires a court to order that information to be turned over.

    –John Turley

    I hope Turley isn’t limiting concern to dead voters and removed observers. The “system” most crucial IMO is the voting machine source code, data, inputs, outputs and logs.

    I’ve long had a bad feeling when I looked at the new voting machines. I knew there was code inside them doing things somehow. Being a programmer, I knew that process could be hacked and would require serious security to protect. But whether such measures were taken, I had no idea. So I just hoped.

    As we know, hope is not a plan. Whatever else comes out of this, I would like to see a thorough, transparent review of those machines.

  6. I would echo Neo’s respect for Jonathan Turley.
    Unfortunately, at this moment in time, his caution, fastidiousness and prudence, all correct, proper and advisable in normal times, seem to be terribly naive and unfortunately irrelevant given the Democratic Party’s (and media allies’) impeccably-planned onslaught on these elections…and on the nation.

    To say that “We Haven’t Seen Systemic Election Fraud; YET” is simply wrong.

    To believe that what we are witnessing is not the result of a carefully thought out conspiracy whose goal is to create a tsunami of momentum too powerful to be resisted by any legal channel is likewise wrong.

    It is precisely this panzer-like tsunami of momentum that is of utmost importance to the conspirators, whose intention it is to sweep their GOP enemies off the electoral—and legal–battlefield quickly and decisively, before any legal remedy can be effectively sought by a Trump administration that has been thrown off balance by the tremendous scope of the Democratic Party’s perfidy and which is on its hind legs trying to defend both itself, the law and ultimately the nation. The evidence- and proof-seeking constitutional experts, who insist on legal redress for this panzer-like sweep of the electoral battlefield must acknowledge that they are HOBBLED by their in-normal-times admirable devotion to the law and respect for legal remedy against such an onslaught whose goal—with absolute and relentless media support—is to establish “facts on the ground” as quickly and as lethally as they can so as to achieve an advantage that cannot be repudiated or overcome.

    With all due respect, Mr. Turley, speed is of the essence. Which means there must be an IMMEDIATE RECOGNITION of the dire predicament that the nation—not Trump but THE NATION—faces.

    Related and essential:
    H/T Powerline blog

  7. I encourage people to drive the 1 or 2 hours necessary to stand outside their state Capitol Building on Saturday at noon for an hour or two.
    Helping the cause is not going to get any easier going forward.

  8. “Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes voter fraud is taking place in states still counting ballots.”

    Now the question is what will be done about it?

    My take is there will be a few prosecutions like the case in Texas now. Other will come forward. These cases will be described as not “widespread” or some other semantic jibber jabber and will be parroted by the MSM over and over or simply be ignored.

    Unless it can be proven that votes on a massive scale have been changed by the software “glitchs” … NOTHING will happen. And if they can’t prove this soon that will fade into the sunset.

    I say all this because of all the other cases over the last four years when there was very good evidence of crimes and FBI/DOJ gave a little lip service but in the end … NOTHING … no one had to pay the piper.

    I really have lost faith in our system of law and order.

  9. Evidence aside, how is it even remotely plausible that the Democrat machines in places like Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc. didn’t cheat in the recent election? Why wouldn’t they cheat? What would be their motivation to go straight?

  10. We are looking at this backwards. POTUS is the only one here who has an actual army. The burden is on the “system” to prove to HIM that the election was legal and honest. That includes the courts and everyone down to and including that nasty b**** SOS in AZ.

    From the Burning Platform
    “…The last option open to Trump is to finally admit that the entire system is so rotten that he may as well go full Francisco Franco, declare the elections invalid, and start the arrest and confiscations. He has to do this while he still has legal authority, not as a pretender to the throne.

    His first move would be to declare Congress in recess for reasons of a national emergency. He would then immediately arrest the key ringleaders of the election fraud, major Democratic donors (and seize every last penny they have), and arrest every single person involved in the Russia hoax and all the rest of the illegal actions taken against him…”


  11. Hillary’s server controversy naturally induces us to expect the worst. As in: “Watch the ‘hard drives ‘ go missing. ”

    As in [ hypothetically] say, we eventually hear from some mainstream news media something like this text I’ve just composed as a possible example::

    ” Election officials in two of the Trump contested states report that prior to the necessary court orders being issued which would allow for the forensic examination of the proprietary voting systems used in the disputed tabulations, routine maintenance of these machines had accidentally resulted in the loss of all stored data in these systems, along with the relevant hardware.

    Trump supporting conspiracy theorists had been claiming that any changes to the programming of these machines could be detected in logs and other operating features susceptible to deep forensic analysis regardless of any attempts to hide or cover up changes made to the software.

    Election officials in other states are also looking into how similar incidents might have occured, and who might have gained access to systems in those locales where district courts had already issued injunctions prohibiting any removal or modification of vote counting machines.

    Nonetheless officials in the affected states assure Faux News that despite these unexplainable lapses and the resultant loss of all original data and recording hardware, no fraud could have occured.”

    If we see something like that … then we know we are in real, deep, trouble.

  12. For Edification of Boomers:

    Hard Drives are not the very expensive doodad you bought from IBM in 1981 to make Charlie Chaplin tap dance faster.

    This is a hard drive in the Current Year:


    22 * 80mm. Maybe 3mm thick? Weighs virtually nothing.

    There’s even a smaller form factor than this one, although less common.

    Hard Drives ain’t hard drives anymore.

    But they fit just about anywhere your standard Democratic Party Operative can and has imagined 🙂

  13. Charles,

    Throwing the election into the House of Representatives is a Constitutional remedy available to us in the event of fraudulent elections. It requires only that Republican state legislatures refuse to certify the vote.

  14. Zaphod,

    Are you suggesting that an off the shelf replacement drive could be inserted undetectably into a voting machine? Probably you are not.

    Do you contend a counterfeit could be inserted … presumably of the same serial number, same vintage and production lot, mirrored in every way except for the hypothetically inserted patch? I would also suppose voting machines have a motherboard and BIOS ….

  15. Zaphod:

    No, we still use slide rules, floppy disks, and rotary phones. Much contempt sonny?

    Or DNW a FPGA programmed to execute certain sofware operations? Nope just a hard drive….

  16. Zaphod:

    Or just a software/system update and download with that interweb thing or is it one of those dial up 2 bit modem thingies? Do tell how it is possible, sonny.

    Wonder why some nuclear power utilities don’t allow those interweb connections to vital safety systems? But that was allowed with these voting machines? ‘Spain it to a boomer.

  17. Fraud (cont.) FWIW:
    “Statistical Evidence of Widespread, Strategic Fraud” (Chebyshev and Markov inequalities)

    Malware in Dominion systems…

    Similar fraud in Kentucky in 2019 race for governor

    + bonus:
    “What exactly is happening in the election”
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed

  18. Elaborating on DNWs point: Our Constitution is not as self executing document. Patriots must Act to get the People heard and their will honoured.

    In theory, either Courts or legislatures could order a re-vote because of vote fraud. And that has been done for elections involving invidious and racist discrimination. But egregious fraud on possibly a national scale has never been faced.

    Courts are reluctant to impose themselves. Thus, more likely because it has been practiced are state Legislatures replacing their slate of Electors, or else simply not send an Electoral delegation to Washington, DC.

    Steve Bannon is hosted by Seb Gorka that this must be the focus. Unearth fraud evidence and raise the pitch of outrage! Make state Legislatures listen!

    The Marxist media and their paymasters in Biggest Industry (see Lobbyists R US becoming Biden Staffers!) are as happy as the CCP, Iranian Mullahs and Putin love bought stooge Dementia Joe.

    Instead, argues Bannon, focus on the work of the next three weeks, and the Certification of Dec 6-8 and the EC vote on Dec 14th.


    The key agenda is outlined 21-31m. (Air date Nov 7th?) Use all media and social outlets. There are only three weeks to get State Legislatures to get appalled and outraged at the vote fraud election steal.

    Dec 6-8 is when the certifications must be complete and December 14th when Electors must submit States votes. If State Legislators want to submit a new and clean slate of Trump electors because they are outraged at the Democrat Fraud, the outcome falls to the House whose Representative vote as a single block (28R to 22D). And then Trump wins.

  19. NorCalJim, jack, others == agreed.

    Back in the summer to so, I stated that this election would likely be my last.
    If that changes, it will only because the Bannon strategy succeeds.

    Meanwhile, I’ve noticed that a 20 years fixture on FNC, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell — who’s shed his Dem angry black man with a chip on his shoulder persona and has joined us because of Trump! He’s going to Georgia for the US Senate runoff campaign and to support the Rs.

    He’s grown into the happy warrior, with a joyous face, and our ally. If he’s s doing it in Georgia, then I can go there and do it too. Last HURRAH or not.

    Keeping the Senate is a worthy cause.

    PS I heard House minority leader Kevin McCarthy explain the gap between R House seats and Dems and why Pelosi will not be re-elected speaker, he believes.

    Apparently, in 2016, 15 Democrats voted against Speaker Pelosi. And since 10 opposers will return, he thinks the difference+Republicans will keep her from the throne, and third in line to the Presidency.

    Instead, the Democrats will likely keep the House but by only the thinnest margin since WWII.

  20. Anyone else get an email like this?
    Mine is signed by an Election Integrity Project volunteer in LA that I don’t know personally. It can’t hurt and easy to do. I’d probably go with the five or six battleground states. Not all 50.

    President Trump has asked us to send him “snail mail” letters. The letter is to DEMAND A FULL AUDIT of the votes in all 50 states.

    Send this to:
    President Donald J Trump
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC 20500

    President Trump is asking that all of us to send him HARD COPY letters as evidence we, the People, are demanding an audit.

    Please do this tomorrow. Have every registered voter in your household send a separate letter. We need to swarm the White House mail room. The above info was reported on Newsmax this evening

    Thank you.

  21. BIDEN IS BAD, BECAUSE NIXON WAS BAD. (But Nixon was punished; Obama and his henchmen were not. Thus, this is worse.) An analogy to use on Leftists.

    Explanation: Watergate is the worst US presidential scandal in living memory. Over 40 people saw jail (49 is mentioned). A burglary of the opposing party’s office, trying to plant listening devices. Nixon wanted to use the IRS against them, too.

    But the coverup of a small time crime left Nixon complicity and obstructing justice.

    So imagine if only one went to prison. And imagine that his Veep won the presidency in 1980, bringing back all the henchmen or else those connected to his henchmen get back in power.

    This is effectively what the Obamunists are trying to do. Except that Obama succeeded on a much vaster scale. He successfully used the IRS henchmen to stop his opposition from organising, and then had Lois Lerner’s IRS successor delete or lose official records.

    Also what’s worse is the four times Coup against a duly elected succeeding President. On KHOW in Denver, I heard a lower level DOJ worker say that politics completely rules the department and it is a cesspool of Defeat Trumpers, whatever it takes.

    America and freedom is not just threatened by the return of corrupt failed leadership, but by institutions dominated by their corrupt foot soldiers. If Trump loses, many of us will be silenced to please our tyrant masters.

    The scale of Injustice is only exceeded by its evil. And that’s why we fight.

  22. JimNorCal: There is an organization called Election Integrity Project:


    But I see no appeals to send hard copy letters to President Trump. Nor do I find mention on the web of Trump requesting such letters.

  23. Barry, you’ve beat me to it!

    I’ve spent a lazy hour absorbing the Larry Correia link.

    For those who don’t know it, LC is a hit fantasy writer, with some books in other languages.

    But before the writing game, he studied accounting and did corporate auditing.

    Thus, he asked some 100 readers in auditing, fraud investigation, or data sciences what they thought about Election-gate? Namely, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SO MANY RED FLAGS WHERE THERE WAS NO UNDERLYING FRAUD?

    Answer: not just No, but Hell NO! was the consensus opinion.

    Mind you, these respondents are everything from senior to noobs to folks in between.

    One expert explained that this was embarrassingly obvious fraud. Another said his lefty colleagues were pretty silent: the know it is fraud, too.

    Correia also adds that some were circumspect and could only recommend further investigation.

    Another opined that this was Championship G7 vote level Fraud! Surpassing Italy’s.

    Find culprits and turn them! Is what we must have in two weeks.

    Auditing takes time and patience. But instead we have a clock, and an election outcome moved up to the House is the proper course.

    Honest and True legislators in a few states need to be convinced by evidence and public outcry!

    If they don’t, and the patient evidence emerges in a February of a coup driven vote fraud, what then?

    Bitterness may move the Right to mob justice and assassination terrorism drives against Dems, street level justice against the CorruptoCrats.

    Legislative Rs must know that that kind of political failure will be worse.

  24. Barry Meislin, TJ: I read that Correia link too and was impressed.

    In his podcasts Scott Adams has been pushing a “dog that didn’t bark” point that there has been barely any defense from Democratic experts in statistics and fraud to the right’s charges of electoral fraud.

    At first I thought it was too soon for them to bother — the “Fraud Truthers” (what I believe we will be called soon enough) smear in the MSM seems adequate for now.

    But judging by the Correia column, perhaps it’s truly true that they have no even marginally credible defense when it comes to brass tacks debate.

    One might ask why would Democrats leave such an obviously guilty slime trail.

    I’m coming around to the idea that Democrats were prepared to bend the vote a bit in a battleground state or two, but they had no idea (as in 2016) that the race could possibly be that close.

    Panic ensued when the numbers started turning Trump late election night, so they slowed the vote counts, opened up the fraud fire hoses, and here we are.

  25. What is happening morbidly fascinating.

    On one side. You have people versed in math and statistics. Almost universally pointing in the same direction. That statistically fraud must have occured to create such skewed numbers.

    The other side boldly claimed at first. There is NO fraud. As echoed by the New York Times headline declaring exactly that. When that failed they have now simply gone silent. No real defense. No one running to defend the obvious problems.

    Their entire defense is simply that Trump wont be able to prove it in time. This was what they gameplanned right from the start. Sadly it will work. A giant signal to all that the American experiment has ended

  26. huxley: “One might ask why would Democrats leave such an obviously guilty slime trail.”

    Likewise, one might ask why would the Democrats nominate two such candidates and run such a campaign.

  27. DNW,

    I assume you mean me. Trump has already been robbed of an election night landslide. Now justice requires hundreds of other people do the right thing. What happens if they don’t?

  28. “…that the race could possibly be that close.”

    As Chases Eagles has said just above, Trump won in a landslide—both popular vote and EC.
    There is no other explanation.

    And if you want, or need, proof, just look at Biden’s “record” numbers.

    But those who despise Trump will be telling themselves and their confederates—with the highest confidence—that getting rid of Trump BY ANY MEANS is such a moral necessity that doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is not only permissible but of the highest moral order.

    The most moral thing—the most desirable, urgent and necessary thing— that could possibly be done under the circumstances.

    The hell with any “buts”. Any hesitation. Any qualms.

    The deed is done…for the GOOD of the country and its citizen—even (especially?) those who don’t know it—-and humanity.

    (Rather interesting that the Iranians, the Chinese and the Palestinians all heartily agree…)

    Reminds me of those rather earnest adolescent (and not-so-adolescent) debates about “If you had the chance to dispose of Hitler, would it be right to do so?”

    Which leads one to ask, can the country—can any country—survive such astronomic (and ludicrously contrived) levels of demonization?

    And yet, and yet…it still ain’t over.


  29. “Now justice requires hundreds of other people do the right thing. What happens if they don’t?” Chases Eagles

    We get the government we deserve?

  30. Incredible.

    Barry linked to a twitter account featuring several comments and what turned out to be, contrary to initial impressions (made by a fumbling L Todd Wood,) an excellent presentation by Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations.

    The screen captures of the vote totals being adjusted realtime to favor the Democrat challenger in the Kentucky Governor’s race through a literal transfer of the same 500 prox votes from Republican to Democrat are stupefying, even if a “glitch”.

    Then when I noticed a YouTube link in the twitter window, I copied it and pasted it ino a new browser window. https://t.co/EUlwQ1c1Kt?amp=1

    What I got was an age restricted warning and a sign-in request.

    “This video may be inappropriate for some viewers.”

    A 58 minute analytical presentation by a cybersecurity expert showing how a bankrupt company in Barceloma Spain is housing American election data on servers in Frankfurt Germany; and offering comparative analysis of Dallas County election computer logs with those of Bexar for evidence of election tampering, is labeled “age restricted”

    I did not believe in election fraud initially. I figured that the screwups were just par for the course in Democrat areas, and that while some voter fraud was routine for them, election fraud on the scale indicated in the 5 states, was just not possible.

    I think I would almost rather believe tbat Joe Biden actually won, than to believe that our elections are being handed to private companies using unsecure systems that any motivated party can, and probably has, manipulated to steal elections.

    God help us if it is true.

  31. “…morbidly fascinating…”

    Indeed, but when your moral compass tells you that you can jettison truth to achieve what “HAS TO BE DONE”, then who cares about numbers or statistics?

    (Or “Jewish science”?)

    Not only can you jettison the truth, but because you are doing precisely what has to be done—according to your conscience, such as it has become, and you moral lights—then THAT action has in fact SUPPLANTED Truth, REPLACED Truth.

    Has become THE NEW Truth.

    Exactly what Artfldodger (in his various incarnations) has been warning about all these many years….

    But it still is NOT over.

    File under: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death….|

  32. huxley:

    judging by the Correia column, perhaps it’s truly true that they have no even marginally credible defense when it comes to brass tacks debate.

    One might ask why would Democrats leave such an obviously guilty slime trail.
    I’m coming around to the idea that Democrats were prepared to bend the vote a bit in a battleground state or two, but they had no idea (as in 2016) that the race could possibly be that close.

    Panic ensued when the numbers started turning Trump late election night, so they slowed the vote counts, opened up the fraud fire hoses, and here we are.


    If people recall their maths, there is a numerical solution.
    An abstract solution.

    There is a theoretical exposition. There is a graphical exposition. And there is a verbal or natural language version, in mathematics.
    (Yes, this inelegant and hamhanded, but…) …you get the point: there are multiple ways to express mathematical ideas.

    The video on YouTube that’s been shared and a neo thread gives us a graphical statement.

    huxley, now on to the verbal version.

    Here’s the single best verbal version I’ve run into, at Am Thinker.

    You can read down the text by Nick Chase — framed by the events of election night and the number jumps in votes after vote counting stopped then resumed in PA — until just above the video screen caps. (Take in the visuals, code, and numbers if you can.

    Then, drop down to this portion: “Here’s what I think happened:

    “The crooked Democrats actually believed their own propaganda — that Biden would win easily or that, at worst, it would be a tight race. So they created enough fraudulent paper ballots to be inserted into the counting to overcome any worst-case situation for them, which would be a ‘squeaker’ Trump win. But Trump still led in the upper Midwest, even with the paper-ballot fraud, so they had to switch or destroy enough votes electronically to give Biden a ‘squeaker’ win.

    “But as the votes were being counted on Election Night, it was quickly clear that Trump had a blowout win in Pennsylvania, far more than could be fraudulently papered over, so electronic fraud there went into overdrive, allowing it to be easily detected. (Although ‘lost votes’ apply to the total vote count, forgive me if I suspect that most of them are Trump votes being thrown away.)“

    So, huxley, DNW, et al.

    We have an explanation for what happened and roughly in what way the events unfolded that’s tough to explain without accounting for this overvote evidence.

    Some poster in comments (Instapundit?) fairly put it approximately this non-technical way: you had the vote counting stoppage. Then the jump in totals going only one way.

    And you have dead vote, stolen votes, and votes electronically altered. This account by Nick Chase at Am Thinker ties it directly to Dominion Software programming.

    Now consider the Left-Marxist Media claims there no evidence of fraud! But eye witness testimony and affidavits. There’s no widespread evidence of fraud! Time is curing that claim.

    And now we have a working explanation for systemic vote change and an account for how it came about.

    Notice that we haven’t heard from any “experts” to refute our claims. Yet.

    But I gather that.there’s at least one other software system in wide use to finesse. Then to flip a potential informant.

    The noose is tightening far beyond the exceptional election night claim that a sudden, we’ll timed shift in valence came in multiple states at nearly the same time.

    This exposition even gives us a True Trump vote estimate. Yuuge.

    They think we’re allgullible idiots? Just don’t be that.

  33. DNW,

    I assume you mean me. Trump has already been robbed of an election night landslide. Now justice requires hundreds of other people do the right thing. What happens if they don’t?”

    I believe I have read that the failure of just one state legislature to certify the election results is enough.

    If not even one Republican state legislature, with perhaps a majority of one man cannot be found to honestly look at and consider the evidence in the time available, then the work continues on conclusively demonstrating the fraud, creating a central and easily accessed clearing house and project for preserving the records, and for keeping them perpetually before the public.

    It has to be the Official Republican party position. It then becomes the centerpiece of the delegitimization of the fraudulently installed administration.

    Once this moral certitude is established and maintained, complete non-cooperation and official Republican disengagement and non-recognition, can be instituted.

    We can cause a constitutional crisis by complete non-compliance and non-recognition, once the fraud IS PROVEN.

    That constantly and unceasingly referred to proof in every communication with the opposition, will discourage collaborationist Republicans and stiffen otherwise flexible spines for real, serious, political warfare.

    No unity. Complete obstruction on every political level. It must become the official Republican Party position.

    But then, and only then, once Dems have been demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt as having corrupted the election, can we effectively practice effective noncompliance,

    We will then see then if non-compliance on the part of half of the US has a salutary effect, or whether, alternatively, it precipitates violence on tbe part of tne Dems.

    If the latter, Repubs have the undisputed moral highground, all interpersonal comity bets are off, and it really does come down to social warfare of some kind or another.

  34. Yet another piece of the puzzle gets expansion. Were Democrats efforts to commit fraud surprised into doing so egregiously?

    Here it concerns the premise of Nick Chase in my last post above, setting up his AmThinker electronic vote stealing story.

    It makes sense if the Democrats hadn’t counted on Trump being ahead by such a large margin — like 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. People make mistaken when in a panic.

    Rudy Guliani [in video] below — makes that claim, and asks us also to wonder if polling site managers all woke up on November 4 and decided independently to put Republican observers behind barricades in Philadelphia, Pittsburg Detroit, Flint, Milwalkee, Las Vegas , Reno, and Pheonix, but not in the rest of the nation. Only in Swing States.


    There are now 50 to 60 witnesses with affadavits. In Michigan one whistleblower has come forward from the Democrat team, who has described the long preparation and training for cheating as well as the last night misadventures. But the scale of the fraud got to her.

    As Rudy says this was “The Voter Fraud theft of the century”: https://joannenova.com.au/2020/11/were-the-dems-so-shocked-by-trumps-lead-they-panicked-and-made-mistakes/

  35. “It’s like not just being asked to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar, but you have to do it without actually seeing the jar. So in order to find system problems, you need access to the system.” – Turley

    Not really true – and this is the premise for much of the rest of his argument.

    There are procedures outlined in every jurisdiction for observations at several levels.

    After all this time, with decades of voting, it is hard to believe that there would be such an undetectable gap that allows a massive amount of fraud in **multiple** states.

    Are both sides really THAT incompetent at this, with years of yelling “Fraud”, that they still have a miss this large!

    The explanations here in the comments and elsewhere of some Rube Goldberg connection-of-the-dots chain of dependencies boggles the mind vs the simple explanation that the majority wanted Trump out, but were good for GOP Senators and Reps.

    Yes, the Dems were thinking, “Lets go to ALL this effort and risk, to get Trump out, but we need to leave the GOP with the Senate majority and throw them a few more seats in the House – oh, and to really throw off the scent, let’s increase the Latino and Black vote share for Trump” – Really?

    No wonder Neo is having a tough time discerning real vs bogus. If one wants to believe it was stolen, but finds that there are too many rabbit holes that are dead ends, it has to be exhausting. If there is an ounce of honesty left, the cognitive dissonance must be ringing loud.

  36. @Richard Aubrey on November 12, 2020 at 7:12 pm

    Even at the end of this counting whoever wins there has been a lot of fraud.
    Historically we have tolerated it. I now think that there is more fraud and part of why we don’t see it is it has been going on so long it looks normal.

    We need to investigate in all the states. Once it is established that there is any fraud we need to think about filing equal protection lawsuits.

  37. Lots to digest in all this, and not a lot of time to do it. If I can boil all this down, it appears that:

    1. “normal” fraud takes place every election, particularly in places like Detroit and Philadelphia.

    2. In addition to the normal vote-padding, Democrats were prepared to truck in additional ballots pre-marked for Biden.

    3. Those close to the process also knew how to alter the results inside the computer program.

    4. All of these events were triggered at various times on the night of November 3rd, as Democrats gradually realized Trump was headed for a major win.

    5. The result of this cascade of fraudulent events, Biden has ended up with an overwhelming number of votes — more than can be reasonably expected. For so lackluster a candidate to win more votes than Obama stretches credulity.

    6. Now we are faced with uncovering and making public the full range of this fraud.

    7. Republican-friendly states like Georgia will be amenable to #6, but will Pennsylvania and Michigan? Or even purple Arizona?

    8. Will there be enough time before the vote has to be certified for #6 to take place?

    9. Has Biden (and his team) launched a sufficiently unstoppable tsunami of media support and public opinion to actually prevent #6 from taking place?

    10. Biden’s supporters are being supported in large measure by never-Trump Republicans, too. This adds a lot of momentum to the tsunami.

    I think we’re in a world of hurt, folks. Sorry to say it, but I don’t see this being turned around.

  38. As much as I hope that Trump prevails – and it’s not looking so good so far- his team needs to present compelling evidence that the voting fraud was of such a magnitude that it produced erroneous results.
    I have no doubts that cheating occurred, but it is the Federal judges that need to be convinced it was significant.

    One can only hope.

    Safe to say that if Trump does prevail, we will have rioting as bad as the Manhattan Draft Riots of 1863, excepting this time it will occur in many cities, not just in one.

  39. Things are proceeding according to plan. I am sure humans will find a glitch. There is always a backdoor

  40. @ Tyler and F,
    If election fraud can be proven in one state with a Republican legislature, they can refuse to certify the election.

    Until convincing explanations for the halt in counting are presented to the satisfaction of the canvassers/ legislators, there is no reason to certify regardless of final proof. This is particularly the case in Michigan where such an outcome is legally possible.

    “Under state law, Michigan counties must finish their canvasses by Nov. 17 and report certified results to the state canvassing board within 24 hours. The state board is set to meet Nov. 23 to certify the results.

    If a majority of the four-member state board — made up of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans — does not agree on a winner in any or all elections, state law directs the legislature to meet in joint session and decide. Michigan legal experts think the courts would be likely to intervene before that happened. Nonetheless, this obscure provision of state law, passed in 1954, is getting attention.”


  41. After all this time, with decades of voting, it is hard to believe that there would be such an undetectable gap that allows a massive amount of fraud in **multiple** states.

    BigMaq: This is the fallacy known as the “Argument from Incredulity.”

    Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity or appeal to common sense,] is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one’s personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine.


    Some found it hard to believe — perhaps you were one — that it was impossible for Trump to be innocent during all the months of the Russiagate accusations.

    How could all those Democrat leaders in Congress and all the journalists in the MSM have been so wrong and even deceitful during that investigation? There must have been something to it, right?

    Did you check out the Larry Correia link above?


    It’s a list of quotes from people with expertise in detecting fraud and just about all of them say of the 2020 election — no way it was a straight election.

    It’s wise to be skeptical, but like everything it can be carried too far.

  42. DNW — given a decision of such great consequences, the Courts are highly likely to punt: that is, political opinion will weigh heavily on a political outcome — not the courts. Or put differently, the fraud will be judged in the court of public opinion and Legislators.

    Unlike Florida in 2020 and Bush v Gore, we are at an even more rare decision point: more similar to 1896 when the winner William Jennings Bryan was denied, or 1824 when Gen. Andrew Jackson was denied.

    In order to have a winner, there must be a loser. The only question is how this is to be decided and by whom.

    There is a Constitutional way out. It’s simply lived outside of today’s living memory.

  43. While I, too, have come to respect Jonathan Turley, his primary focus is that of an academic; he is an academic and while his considered approach appeals to academics it does not always win battles in and of itself.

    Take, for example, this short vignette from Oregon Muse posted over at Ace of Spades (@ 11:10 AM):

    George Stephanopoulos has always been a weasel. Here is one of the questions he asked Governor Noem recently:

    “Governor Noem, do you have any evidence that it wasn’t an honest election? … Do you have any evidence at all of widespread fraud? I’ve spoken with Republican secretaries of state in Georgia, in Arizona, I’ve spoken with Republican officials across the country, they have come up with zero evidence of widespread fraud.”

    He doesn’t realize how meaningless that statement is.

    “Mr. Stephanopoulos, you are charged with one count of theft, how do you plead?”

    “Not guilty.”

    “You do realize that we have sworn testimony from a witness who saw you steal a watch?”

    “Your honor, I can produce 200 witnesses who didn’t see me steal that watch.”

    That’s all Steffy is doing.

    But that is how academic arguments can be blunted. Such arguments can make for good strategic planning, but they oftentimes fail in the trenches where the real hand to hand combat takes place. As an example, Turley’s own words as quoted in the Red State interview [Neo’s link]:

    I’ve been reading these complaints and these affidavits. I think it’s clear at this point that voting fraud occurred. There is obviously a record here of dead people voting. There are obviously problems of keeping observers in places where they really couldn’t observe, very effectively. We still don’t know. But we wouldn’t know — unless we had greater access to the system itself. That is held by election officials and that requires a court to order that information to be turned over.

    In the hands of an unprincipled judge and without that court order, that’s where the academic attack dies, provable fraud or no. That is why numerous people, even some commentors on this site, voice concern about a probable civil war.

  44. Hope for the best. Expect the worst.

    There was fraud. That can be proven, lots of evidence.
    Significant fraud; so much that the Biden “winner” was actually the loser. This can’t be so easily proven, despite a good amount of evidence.
    Red flags, evidence, is not proof.

    It’s similar to the claim that “no significant fraud occurred” – this claim can’t be easily proven.

    Who has the Burden of Proof?

    Actually fair and free elections can never be “proven” true. Instead, a Process is set up, which decision makers decide is fair. This process has rules. The following of the rules means the election process was fair.
    When the rules are not followed, it was not fully fair.

    The rules were often not followed. This election was not fair.
    Who decides on its fairness? Partly deciding judges. Partly the voting public.

    Rep voters need to go to protests, and assume the election was stolen.
    Now what to do?

    I suggest not just mass people protests, but more peaceful yet also more annoying, car protests. Like farmer tractor protests, causing major traffic jams.

    Anybody talking about a possible future “shooting war”, should clearly agree that massive traffic congestion protests are better than shooting.

    Also, protests now, before the judges decide, is better than waiting until after the decisions accept the fraud.
    1. Voting; 2. Tabulation; 3. Canvass – including legal challenges; 4. Certification.

    Too much Fraud to certify. In PA, MI, WI; maybe others?

    If enough states fail to certify, the election goes to House of Reps, with each state getting one vote. (Tump wins!) 🙂

    I’d prefer to redo the election – my preferred option. Probably not possible “in time” after Dec.
    So let me not support “the perfect as the enemy of the good”.

    Do Not Certify the States with Fraud.
    Count Lawful Votes Only.

    See the end of pjmedia:
    Many of the claims in these lawsuits, backed up by eyewitness affidavits, are extremely troubling and deserve serious investigation. Trump supporters should not expect, however, that the resolution of these issues will put the president over the top.

    Biden is declared winner (now prolly 90% ).

    Prepare for the worst, with unceasing effort towards the best.

  45. TJ is right – the Courts of Public Opinion.
    I just read that Leftists are set to have counter protests against the MAGA march on DC … tomorrow.

    Violence very likely. Will certainly be blamed on Trump & Trump supporters.

    I now hope for lots of paint-ball guns to fire against the violent Democrats.

  46. If Bitme is named winner then this country is lawless and Trump is obligated to restore lawful constitutional government. Probably hundreds if not thousands of felonies have been committed.

    I have been vocal from before the election: the election was a invalid joke and the jack-ass party a criminal conspiracy. Destroy them.

  47. Some argue that massive voter fraud – enough to swing an election – is not possible because too many voting machines and too many folks supervising the voting locations all around the nation would have to be compromised.

    This is simply not true.

    All one needs do is to identify during election day which states are “in play,” and focus on those few states that will determine the winner. Once they have been identified, the cheaters concentrate on those few locations.
    Even before election day pretty much everybody knows which states will be the most important.

    Recall the 1960 election where JFK needed Illinois to beat Nixon. The story (myth?) is that the demokrat party machine in Cook County (then as now probably the most corrupt county in the USA; recall that Richard Daley was Chicago Mayor then) “produced” the requisite number of votes to put JFK over the top, giving him the electoral votes required to win.
    And aside from absentee ballots, there was no mail-in voting.

    If there is a will, there is a way.

    Everybody notice that the rioting has ceased; can’t imagine why.

  48. Tom Grey — yes, you are spot on about violence. But those of us who’ve been studying the tactics involved know that the Enemedia will smear violence of the last resort as the Rights fault.

    Still, I’m in a kick ass give ‘em Hell let God sort em out mood. And because I don’t think I’m alone, I’m sure there will be violence in DC — unless the mobs are vastly outnumbered by our side. There’s safety in numbers.


    More info is coming on the fraud: here was a new comment at JoNova’s latest post:

    November 14, 2020 at 12:19 am · Reply
    The proof will be shown and many on this planet are not going to like it.

    This was a massive fraud at scale unimaginable and was caught by a sting and involves companies like Dominion who supply, store, tabulate electronic and data services for elections around the world (with software that is easily hackable).

    Dominion is in fact a Canadian company, in fact it really is a shell company. The real company behind this is SmartMatic (Soros controlled joint), which is based in Barcelona Spain and according the Election Fraud Video has the server in Frankfurt.

    This is outlined in this video of an analysis of the election data of the Dallas Texas county in the 2018 midterm elections:

    This is so brazen that is done in front of our eyes, while the CNN was broadcasting the results:
    Here is the youtube clip set of the time were this is shown: https://youtu.be/4h0pfQZcjjk?t=469
    The whole Election Fraud video can be found here: https://youtu.be/4h0pfQZcjjk?t=469

    This is Rudi Guliani talking about this yesterday:
    #Breaking – Listen to America’s Mayor @RudyGiuliani
    explain how the software used to count votes for the Presidential Election could’ve been manipulated by a foreign country.

    This same company is also involved with elections in Australia:

    Secretary of State Pompeo did not make a joke “That there will be a smooth transition to the second Trump Administration”
    He meant it and all the co-conspirators are going to jail.


    Apparently, this is the same video DNW posted on (mentioning Dallas and Barcelona) not many hours ago, above.

    Has a preference cascade started?

  49. We are in uncharted territory. Both sides are accusing the other of terrible things and the stakes are incredibly high. The US has never had to deal with a possible scandal of this magnitude and complexity.

    I tend to agree with jack and neo that unless slam-dunk proof of rigged voted machines is presented, Biden will win.

    No matter who comes out on top as President, the nation will become even more polarized. And if Trump is re-elected, we will see riots dwarfing any seen in living memory.

  50. Now that we know what to look for we are finding (at first pass) vote stealing in about half the states. They appear to have stolen only a paltry 30K votes in Nebraska but they did it in the one place that would let them the steal one of Neb. EC votes.

    If this all holds up it is a catastrophe for our country. This is a black mark on our reputation that will last the rest of our lives.

  51. “I’ve noticed that a 20 years fixture on FNC, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell — who’s shed his Dem angry black man with a chip on his shoulder persona and has joined us because of Trump! ”

    There’s a YouTube of Cynthia McKinney going around in which she strongly backs PDJT. I wonder if this is a random #WalkawayDem or if she is THE former Dem Congresswoman McKinney.

  52. For those curious about the YouTube evidence presented in TJ’s link, here’s the nut of it:

    In a clip from CNN coverage of the 2019 Kentucky governor election between Andy Beshar (D) and incumbent Matt Bevin (R) you can literally see from one moment to the next 560 votes being transferred from Bevin to Beshar. The overall vote count remains the same.


    The CNN numbers are coming from a live computer data feed. It’s hard to imagine an innocent explanation.

    Beshar won the KY governor by only 5000 votes. There was a recanvass and Beshar still won, but without an explanation of the above “glitch” I’m sure skeptical, especially since we’ve been seeing cases of this switcheroo in the 2020 election.

    And the funny thing — the huge red flag actually — is that these glitches only favor Democrats.

    Who watches the watchers?

  53. I suspect FoxNews is in on this. That +5 to +15 for the demons in house was probably overwhelmed by high desertion rate of their blue base plus the high turnout of the shy Trump voter. Their slap dash plan B fixed the Fraud-Elect but not the house and senate races.

  54. Dan Bongino will have and interview tomorrow with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis about the 2020 election fraud. Interview was recorded last night (11/12/20).

    He has a short outtake on today’s podcast.


  55. It’s no longer who counts the votes that matters. It’s which algorerhythm compiles, adjusts, and reports the votes. The dems have improved Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin’s methods. The arc of history and all that.

  56. Zaphod on November 13, 2020 at 12:15 am said: “For Edification of Boomers: Hard Drives are not the very expensive doodad you bought from IBM in 1981 to make Charlie Chaplin tap dance faster….”

    Wow. No condescension there, eh Zaphod?

    Look, we get it. You really, really “dislike” those of a certain generation. You tend to lump us all together and apparently believe that we are the source of all evil. Okay, whatever. You are entitled to your own opinion, but here’s a thing: “Generations” don’t *do* anything. Individuals do. And a very large proportion of your hated boomers – probably more than half – would be your natural allies if it weren’t for your… Well, enough of that.

    But one more thing… I, personally, have been in the computer business one way or the other since 1972 and continuing up to the present time. I started with vacuum tubes and mechanical analog devices, through discreet transistors, TTL logic, LSI, and right up to, well, things like that very nice 2tb V-nand SSD that you plugged a link for. …and that’s only on the hardware side of things. I suspect that I, along with a lot of others in your hated boomer generation have probably forgotten more about computers than you have ever known.

    (By the way, that’s actually a pretty good price for that SSD. I am thinking seriously about ordering one.)

  57. Just remember that the facts, not blogger speculations or outrage, or “might have been” theories must condition any real planning.

    If hand counts indicate Biden won, we have a problem: Not one of preserving an old “we” but in building up a renewed one through various programs of free association and affiliative mutuality: all while possibly under constant sociopolitical assaults from the left specifically designed to prevent such associations from coalescing.

    If so, remember that the long history of demographic and voting rule changes advanced by Democrats within the body politic were always intended to end in the kind of result here hypothesized as a ‘real” or at least plausible Biden type win … and to end in the permanent undermining of traditional American life through the manipulations of its political forms. Time, and some strategic old timey voter fraud has after all, been able to bring us to this point without noticeable electoral fraud per se. Except as footnotes to 1960 and so forth.

    One of the problems conservatives have in this country though, in determining which model applies, is the existence of the activist class of professional conservatives themselves. Many, informal opportunists who use outrage and emotion in order to draw traffic, find sinecures, and make their paychecks.

    And this includes in my estimation [about 4 partial viewings before I caught on], persons such as the so-called “Dr. Steve Turley” a hyperventilating, giggling, conservative prognosticator on YouTube who seems to have somehow turned his last name into a reflected legitimacy stamp. Who is this guy who consistently gets it wrong, offers only recycled crap, and apparently exists only because he can trade off of a different identity which people might mistake for his?

    These second and third hand outrage peddlers actually offer nothing original and constructive in terms of fact presentation and do more harm to sober reflection than good, as they emit clouds of confusion, presented as “the latest”.

    We face an existential crossroads, whether Biden was pro forma and “legitimately” on balance elected, and thus takes office as a result; or, equally, whether he was not really elected, and is yet somehow installed in office under the appearance of Constitutional ( but actually expedient) procedures.

    But the tacks which the resistance to the Democrat regime of liberty subversion and life appropriation will have to chart, are different courses, depending.

    The first can be a formal and official party political repudiation based on proven fraud, as I suggested earlier. The second case, involves the more difficult process of building a nation within the polity, which exists in parallel to the collectivist population within the ruined polity.

    Whether Democrats will try and interfere with this separate nation rebuilding through totalitarian means, remains to be seen, if that is, things evolve in that direction.

    However it works out there is no longer going to be any unum left to the pluribus.

  58. Barry, dnw, good soul searching. By divine power, i was 95% sure trump would win, in a landslide days or weeks before nov 3rd. The ego tries not to think about vote fraud because it is easier to lose than face the truth. Gop e are criticized for that by alt right

  59. ‘Zaphod on November 13, 2020 at 12:15 am said: “For Edification of Boomers: Hard Drives are not the very expensive doodad you bought from IBM in 1981 to make Charlie Chaplin tap dance faster….`

    … “Look, we get it. You really, really “dislike” those of a certain generation. You tend to lump us all together and apparently believe that we are the source of all evil. Okay, whatever …”

    LOL Since we have a real computer expert here -in all sincerity- , perhaps you could explain to me how it is that Zaphod’s hypothetically expanded hard drive would have made Charlie Chaplin, or the dancing baby, dance faster?

    I don’t know what was going on in 1981, as all the computers I was newly familiar with at that point hung off pendants from machining centers and spar mills, and we referred to buffer and bubble memory. But by ’89, I recall active memory expansion chips, and video processing graphic card slots, but don’t recall the role a bigger Seagate would have had in increasing refresh rates or smoothing out motion.

    What does Zaphod have in mind when he suggest that a bigger hard drive would have made Charlie dance faster?

  60. I welcome the lawsuits and the investigations and whatever else you want to pull out of the hat. If anything, it will just confirm that Biden won fair and square. The problem is if Biden wins Trump and some Republicans will not accept the results. They simply will not be convinced that fraud did not take place. This is a guilty until proven innocent mindset. Republicans are making a claim of fraud and then looking for the evidence rather than the other way around.

    One can assume fraud took place from both sides. This happens in every election. But to the point of being a massive systemic fraud comprising tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots that literally flipped PA, MI, WI, GA and wherever else is going to be very hard to prove without evidence. Where is the evidence? Even Breitbart can’t produce anything except anecdotal evidence that has no merit to overturn an election.

    Note Trump’s lawyers just dropped their charges in AZ. A state where more Republicans did mail-in voting than Democrats but which Democrats still won. Is someone here willing to assume this means that Democrats found other ways to cheat on election day since it’s ‘impossible’ Trump could have lost in AZ?

  61. Montage:

    And if Biden looses will your little sharp pain go away? Whose collusion will it be then?

    Progressive politics is just a small tumor in the body politic after all, a melanoma sort of.

  62. Big Maq:

    You write: “There are procedures outlined in every jurisdiction for observations at several levels. ”

    However, the allegations by multiple people in many states are that the observers were barred from observing while the alleged fraud occurred.

    You write:

    Yes, the Dems were thinking, “Lets go to ALL this effort and risk, to get Trump out, but we need to leave the GOP with the Senate majority and throw them a few more seats in the House – oh, and to really throw off the scent, let’s increase the Latino and Black vote share for Trump” – Really?

    It’s much easier to identify ahead of time the states where the vote will be close for Biden vs. Trump, and to concentrate on that. To control the Senate voting is much more difficult (and the House even more difficult because there are so many races in all states), because there are a lot more races and it’s harder to know which ones will be important, although it is also alleged that fraud occurred in the Senate races in Michigan and Georgia at the very least. And it may indeed occur in the upcoming Georgia runoff. That’s really all that is necessary to flip the Senate.

    As far as the figures for minority voters go – surely you know that those figures are based on exit polls? And that exit polls involve actually talking to real voters? So they don’t involve Dominion voting machines or “found” ballots in the middle of the night.

  63. Hey Montage (welcome!): ” whatever else you want to pull out of the hat.”
    I want to redo the election with only real legal voters, voting in person.

    One legal voter, one vote, in person.

    Like the US did for Iraq. (You do remember the purple fingers in Iraq?)

    It’s not rocket science.

    You add: One can assume fraud took place from both sides. This happens in every election. I don’t. I neither assume nor believe in fraud, rather than mistakes, from the Reps; tho a very few Reps might have tried something, there were no reports of Dem observers being booted with Rep observers staying.

    We’re moving towards a Dictatorship of the Deep State – and it’s the gov’t employees working with each to commit the small frauds, with the difficulty of finding evidence. 93% gov’t worker donations to Dems.

    In person voting, I would believe the results (tho I do believe Trump wins).
    But it’s not as convenient.
    Not as convenient to vote, a true problem.
    But very much not as convenient to commit fraud – such a huge advantage over the mess we have now.

  64. Turley contradicts himself within moments…

    “We haven’t had any of the information to judge anything about voter fraud.”

    “I’ve been reading these complaints and these affidavits. I think it’s clear at this point that voting fraud occurred.”

    So Turley’s point is that we can’t judge how much voter fraud occured. Yet he then points out that, “But we wouldn’t know — unless we had greater access to the system itself. That is held by election officials and that requires a court to order that information to be turned over.”

    Criminals do not cooperate. States, counties and precincts where fraud occured are not going to allow access unless forced to and corrupt judges block access. In those areas where fraud occurred, the system is rigged.

    Turley knows it and is hoping justice prevails. But hoping is not a strategy, it’s a prayer. And criminal democrats do not respond to prayers, instead they double down on their criminality.

  65. I’m an atheist in this regards in the aspect of “heads will roll.” What happened to Benghazi and Clinton’s emails? Nothing. And the media carefully contained each story despite Republicans blowing up steam and having evidence that sh_t did happen.

    The MSM were dead wrong about Trump in 2016 which should’ve dealt a huge credibility blow to them, yet the political normie still look to them as truth seekers; I bet a good chunk of the 75 million who voted for Biden believe Trump is still Hitler reincarnated.

    Until the MSM starts to sweat bullets and their bottom lip starts quivering in despair on the real possibility that Biden’s “president-elect” will be overturned I won’t hold my breath of anything actually being done by the courts and DOJ. If we find ourselves come January where the MSM aren’t sh_tting bricks then consider the 2020 election a successful coup against Trump and the American people.

    In my mind Biden/Harris will occupy the White House next Jan. 21.

  66. It’s noteworthy that multiple Dem leaders are publicly calling for vote fraud in GA for the Senate runoff.
    Pretend you’re moving to the state and request an absentee ballot.

    We’re to believe no fraud occurred in the General Election? “It is to laugh”

  67. It would be verry interesting to subpoena phone records from the disputed states’ election officials. All the shady behavior started at right about the same time, and I sure wonder if there were any calls between them beforehand, or calls to Dominion followed by calls from Dominion to the others.

  68. Great idea, Bryan! Let’s get that FBI right on it, you know, those great patriots so fast to investigate HR Clinton’s illegal email server, and the liars who lied about the Russian hoax …

    How many Mueller goons deleted their phone records? I really really wish I could believe Barr would do this smart thing – but I don’t quite. It’s a good, smart idea.

    I don’t quite believe this Trump strategy will work either, but I’m hoping:

    no certification without the following:

    – a full audit, by hand of every vote

    – any court or election official mandate not approved by the Legislature does not count — take out those votes

    – voting machines: cough up the source code, the audit logs for our forensic teams

    Tho, if there are protests calling for a “Full Audit before Certification”, it might.
    I want a redo … but “no certification” in the swing states also works.

  69. GRA on November 13, 2020 at 5:11 pm said:
    I’m an atheist in this regards in the aspect of “heads will roll.” What happened to Benghazi and Clinton’s emails? Nothing. And the media carefully contained each story despite Republicans blowing up steam and having evidence that sh_t did happen.

    Things were more difficult than expected by Q and Trump’s alliance. Although my faction has always known the hurdles of what humanity has to face here.

    Like the US did for Iraq. (You do remember the purple fingers in Iraq?)

    The Left wasn’t very happy with that. Made them nervous in Chicago. They wanted to bring the troops home and use the funding on their own communities. Voter fraud in democratic Iraq was not… Demoncratic enough.

    Iraq, apart from the warmongering and State department treason plus other treasons, was a good teaching lesson to Americans in general. Although it was a null void for humanity, other than encroaching on the dark cabal matrix of the Middle East. These lessons were bypassed due to the thinking that it was these other countries that needed American help… in truth iraq was helping show America how a real democracy was made, from the ashes. Because America need to undergo a phoenix ashes rebirth, due to America’s own corruption that couldn’t be dealt with, so they could onyl externalize it to foreign nations. Blame shorty.

  70. In my mind Biden/Harris will occupy the White House next Jan. 21.

    The bible made some references to this.

    People get the reality they choose, unconsciously or consciously. Reality is essentially a simulation, with a vote weighted system in favor of those that know the rules and obtain power as a result of polarization STS vs STO.

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