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Trump the Omertà Buster — 28 Comments

  1. Thanks Neo, yes, the real motivator is that most of our politicians are charlatans and chiselers who put their avarice and pride first while they pay lip service to honor and the republic.

  2. Excellent essay. There is a real mystery in trying to understand why so many people choose to believe the lie, preferring to put a nice pretty ribbon on the package, when there is so much evidence to expose it.

  3. Sharon W:

    You raise a riveting question: do American voters really not know who these grifters are they elect every two years? Or do they take it for granted that politicians MUST be grifters?

    Bill Clinton, GWBush, Obama (and his wife), Joe Biden (and extended family), Hillary — they’re all openly profiting off their elected and appointed office. Do we not care? I do, for one. I can’t speak for the other 110 million voters, who clearly outnumber me.

    So just why do voters believe the lie? I guess when the choice was Obama or John McCain, there was really no choice — both were first order grifters. But now, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden? It makes no sense to me.

  4. There is a real mystery in trying to understand why so many people choose to believe the lie, preferring to put a nice pretty ribbon on the package, when there is so much evidence to expose it. –Sharon W

    I think most people, including myself, assume politicians are making some money on the side. Like the old expression:

    He’s an honest politician — he stays bought.

    –Robert Heinlein et al.

    But until the Clintons and now the Bidens, I didn’t realize the gravy train could be quite so lucrative as well as involving activities close to or outright treasonous. (Clintons — Russia, Bidens — China.)

  5. F,

    Unfortunately, there are too many who believe if just the rich gave up their money, all would be right with the world. Inequality is the biggest sin in their minds, so everyone should just have the same and everything would be happy.

    They are looking for a leader who will bring this equality nirvana to them and will follow anyone who talks like they will implement this vision.

    It is this that they believe Trump is preventing, their march to the “right side of history,” where they will finally get their “fair share” of the pie in this life.

  6. Something to this. But beyond that is the increasingly unavoidably obvious fact that Western Ruling Elites (sic) literally and viscerally hate the native stock they rule over.

    By their actions shall ye know them.

    Trump deviates from this pattern and is an outsider, a heretic, and one of the hated proles (more blinged out than yer average prole granted).

    What you see with Establishment Trump Hatred is a magnified version of what they feel for the rest of us.

  7. One GOP luminary recently lamented that “Trump is destroying the GOP”. By that he meant the GOP of the elites. No wonder they hate him.
    Trump is probably saving the party for the rank and file.

    One could commend the media and the Democrats (but, I repeat myself) because they have successfully kept a great swath of the public from getting to know Trump over the past four years. I suspect that like me, many others here loathed him back in 2016. If you believe in his policies, you tolerate the man. The more you tolerate him the more he grows on you; and the easier it is to overlook his flaws. Unless, of course, you are perfect and demand perfection in others.

    He may have me fooled, but watching his rallies I see a “happy warrior” with an amazing level of energy and stamina. I see a man who can be naturally funny; although there is no doubt that he is a serious person.

    I fervently hope that I see a two term President.

  8. “It is this that they believe Trump is preventing, their march to the “right side of history,” where they will finally get their “fair share” of the pie in this life.” eeyore mood.

    Substitute “conservative” or “the right” for “Trump” and I think you describe a large swath of the Democrat voters. We are responsible for the homeless, the drug-addicted, education and immigration problems, ad inifinitum. If only we would get out of their way, the policies they support would work like a charm and all the civil problems would be solved.

  9. Just ran across a quote from a NYT article, written early in the Trump presidency. The Times reporters faulted Trump for:

    “…believing that he can master an entrenched political press corps with far deeper connections to the permanent government of federal law enforcement and executive department officials than he has”…the president “is being force-fed lessons all presidents eventually learn–that the iron triangle of the Washington press corps, West Wing staff, and federal bureaucracy is simply too powerful to bully.

    This is a pretty clear assertion that the real government consists of the listed entities, and the president..any president..will must have his actions circumscribed by their desires…and that any ‘bullying’ will be done by those entities.

    Entirely consistent with the analogy I’ve been using about the Prince-Electors:

    In the days of the Holy Roman Empire, there was a small group of men called the Prince-Electors. They, and only they, got to choose who the next Emperor would be. In America today, we have an analogous set of people who, while they may not get to make the ultimate choice on the Presidency, do believe that have the right to vet who the acceptable candidates may be. Trump was not one who passed their screen, and he doesn’t even genuflect to their Prince-Electoral privilege.

    This has a lot to do with the level of Trump-hate that exists in certain quarters.

  10. Sharon W,

    “So just why do voters believe the lie?”

    Decades of nearly universal incessant indoctrination, virtue signaling, a larger cause to believe in, that cause for most being a substitute for religion.

    “We are responsible for the homeless, the drug-addicted, education and immigration problems, ad inifinitum. If only we would get out of their way, the policies they support would work like a charm and all the civil problems would be solved.”

    “Hand the people a scapegoat to hate. Let them kill a scapegoat occasionally for cathartic release. The mechanism is ages old. Tyrants used it centuries before the word “psychology” was ever invented. It works, too.

    [T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.” Robert A. Heinlein

  11. Sharon W:

    Yes, we need to get out of their way and let them continue to do what they’ve been doing for 50 years and longer so we can see the rich brought down and the poor made solvent. They haven’t managed to do this in 50 years, but Biden will, for sure. Remember Reagan’s story of the boy digging the horse manure out of the stall? “There’s gotta be a pony in here somewhere.”

  12. Trump, at times, is his own worst enemy. He could retain his core supports while at the same time mellowing the edges which have turned off so many suburban women. Don’t interrupt so much during debates, but constantly refer to Democratic stormtroopers burning and looting. Talk about Joe’s vote-for-Trump-you-ain’t-really-black then look straight at Joe and say, “Joe, you’re the racist”.

  13. The real war is between the anti humanist Deep State vampiric Cabal and their minions, vs Trump, Q military alliance, and pro humanist factions.

    Then there are wild card factions like Ymar’s faction.

    But until the Clintons and now the Bidens, I didn’t realize the gravy train could be quite so lucrative as well as involving activities close to or outright treasonous.

    Ymar constantly talking about Leftists and treason after 2007, likely made no sense to the public or conservatives here. Precisely for that reason.

  14. Oldflyer:

    I noticed that “Trump is destroying the Republican Party” article, too. Can’t remember who wrote it, but it puzzled me because I think that Trump has actually revitalized the party when it was fairly moribund, and given it more of a spine. That doesn’t mean he’ll win (although I fervently hope he will).

    And I agree that they myth the MSM has created about who Trump is has replaced the reality for many people (most of the people don’t even watch a rally of his, for example – they only see a few clips chosen and narrated by the MSM to illustrate some “gotcha” moment). Over time, I have also grown to actually like him more and to very much appreciate his humor.

  15. Since we’re talking about Putin in another topic … we’re talking about a high-testosterone, alpha male — a Strong Man, the type of guy humans pick for a leader and not without reason when one’s survival may depend on a real badass to protect you and yours.

    It’s no mystery, however much SJWs wish to go on about “toxic masculinity.”

    I’m no fan of the Strong Man, but I understand how that works and its effectiveness as well as its potential for disaster when it goes wrong.

    This is a big piece of why the left hates Trump. Trump is the Strong Man. We’ve had strong presidents but you have to go back to Teddy Roosevelt for the real deal Strong Man.

    And the left has got nothing as a reply. My god, Biden?

    Yet another reason I don’t believe the polls.

  16. Bill+M, Trump is who and what he is. Either you buy the package or you don’t. But, you aren’t going to change him.

    As I said. I never thought I would buy the Trump package; but I changed my mind. I may cringe from time to time; but, it is a small price.

    The choices are stark. Any suburban women who reject him fall into one of there bins. One, they don’t understand the stakes. Two, they do understand, but don’t agree with what he is doing. Or three, they are just plain foolish. Well, there I go repeating myself again.

    It remains to be seen how many suburban women are willing to endanger their lifestyles because Trump offends them more than the alternative does.

  17. It remains to be seen how many suburban women are willing to endanger their lifestyles because Trump offends them more than the alternative does. –Oldflyer

    I guess I could do the research but my ordinary web rounds haven’t answered the question:

    What demographics have changed such that Trump could win in 2016 but lose in 2020?

    Is it suburban women or SJW/BLM college students or … ?

    I run into anecdotes of Trump 2016 voters who have changed their minds. Including this poor sap father on his death bed who was arm-twisted by his loving daughter into voting for Biden:


    But I don’t see anything like the #walkaway testimonies.

    Trump is picking up skeptical conservatives like myself who couldn’t vote for him in 2016. Plus, we hear about blacks and hispanics who are leaving the Dem planation.

    So where is Biden’s reputed 2020 strength coming from? Can he flip Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin back to the blue? It doesn’t do him any good to get more votes in California or New York.

  18. huxley:
    see if you can get a testosterone level and Rx to improve it, since you do not apparently wish to be a Strong Man. We are seriously short of them due to “toxic masculinity”.
    The feminization of our culture and society is a huuge part of our problem.

  19. Cicero: I regret you find me disappointing, sir. I will endeavor to improve, though perhaps without medical assistance.

  20. There is a real mystery in trying to understand why so many people choose to believe the lie, preferring to put a nice pretty ribbon on the package, when there is so much evidence to expose it. — Sharon W

    This reminds me of a monologue from the film “Sin City.”
    The most powerful and corrupt man in Basin City (aka Sin City), Senator Roark, stands over the hospital bed of the last honest cop in the city who is shot full of holes. Wounds he got stopping the BTK style hebephile Junior Roark (being groomed for the presidency) who was kidnapping a 12 year-old girl. Sen. Roark explains the reality of Sin City:

    Power don’t come from a badge or a gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big, and gettin’ the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain’t true, you’ve got e’m by the balls.

    This is about machine politics. Neo gets it right at the end of the above piece. But you have to understand that while some people may feel that they can just siphon a few benefits from the machine and ignore the rest, most understand that it is a package deal. And once a person embraces one series of lies, sometimes for personal or psychological reasons, it’s hard to break away from the convenient pattern of excuses and rationalizations and outright fabrications.

  21. Cicero to huxley in reply: I found a natural OTC way to test for T level deficiency by trialing.

    General Nutrition (but not all retail stores) sells Tribulus Terrestis, a SE Asian root that stimulates the release of Lutienizing hormone in the brain, which then tells the gonads to make Testosterone (or female sex glands to do their thing).

    Take 4 to 8 capsules a day for a few weeks, then go off. If you sleep better on them or feel more energetic (or your voice deepens or skin becomes noticeably more oily), then continue — or see an internist or uro doc for more and better.

    You may find exercise more fun and weight loss easier, as well!

    Or not. TT is a bark or tree root (I forget which). Tongat Ali is another (which I didn’t try), but it has similar utility. (Fresher is better for either, but a bitter tasting tea for TA did not appeal to me as much as simple caps.)

    I found myself impotent in my mid-30s with a comely 20-something university student. She had her own hormone replacement regimen, too. And so I began my walk to investigate and experiment…successfully!

    Over the counter Tribulus is affordable. Do a web search for more discussion and advice. Options are great to have!

  22. Not sure where to put this, but this morning’s new active cases shattered any previous number… 61,000!! This is so far out of line as to be beyond ridiculous. Even at the worst time in April and June new cases average around 25k. If true, then the US should have it’s borders closed by Canada and Mexico; we should be shunned by the rest of the world as the center of disease and pestilence. If the internal polls look bad for the Ds, they have now laid the ground work for shutting down the election to “keep us all safe” as our wonderful CT governor said yesterday.

  23. Trump is a very useful tool for fighting the vampiric cabal, aka deep state.

    It is why I upgraded him from Trum to Trump.


    A simple question. Is Ymar a psychiatric paranoia case that is making stuff up?

    If so, then what about public figures like Vigano, Flynn, and Trump, are they “all making” stuff up? Surely, that can’t be so. Besides, Vigano, Flynn, and Trump are not dysfunctional nor are they “anonymous” like Ymar. You all can see how effective or dysfunctional their lives really are. Did Flynn get traumatized by the gov so much he is pretending and larping it up to make himself feel better?

    If that were so, perhaps it would be more psychologically comfortable to health professionals, psychiatrists, and Americans. But it is because the truth is difficult to deal with, that people go into rationalizations and escape methods like that.

    I hope people are not surprised at this minor Biden stuff. It is less than 1% of the vampiric cabal, aka the Deep State. China is involved? Does not surprise me. I told Americans years ago that the Deep State was not just an American thing but a world thing.

    The reason why patriots shouldn’t ignore the Ymars of this world, is because it affects their individual fates and the fate of their nations, tactically, strategically, and logistically. It kind of matters, you know, whether there are real vampires you need to destroy in this little civil war of America’s.

  24. Trump is certainly showing how much the media & academia & elites & deep state gov’t workers are all pretty much supporting the elitist agenda.

    Neo: a republic about which many of them are not all that keen, anyway.

    They fully and totally support the Obama-Clinton-Biden republic of lies & corruption, where they are the chosen few, and not the little guys, so that corruption laws don’t apply to them. Where the rich get much richer, faster, and all the problems, even those caused by gov’t (like EPA pollution in Flint rivers), can be blamed on “too little gov’t”. So that “their” gov’t power goes up with the number of regulations and taxes.

    They LOVED the “America” which voted for Obama, the Liar of Obamacare, with demonization of Reps. The Dem/ socialist/ identity/ tribal America where Hate for Trump or X is reason to vote against (X=Kavanaugh, Barrett, Trump supporters, any Rep pro-life person).

    Remember their slogan? Lovers of Trump are Hated, or something like that. [Love Trumps Hate — itself an obvious lie in that they were, and are, full of hate.]

    # cases of Chinese virus is not key – hospitalizations is key.

    Slovakia should be going up in #case rankings – it’s starting total pop testing of everybody, with the req. of having a negative certificate to be outside (with many exemptions) and fines over $1000. (Euros!)

    My wife is against this waste of resources, but she’ll be testing tomorrow. To save doctors’ time.

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