Home » Since the BLM autonomous zone was such a raging success in Seattle, BLM has decided to set one up in Minneapolis


Since the BLM autonomous zone was such a raging success in Seattle, BLM has decided to set one up in Minneapolis — 37 Comments

  1. Well…when someone tells you they want you dead I reckon you should take them seriously & make adequate preparations to not be dead.

    It also seems that there’s a whole bunch of folks being paid by Voldemort (I mean Soros ‘cos FOX says you can’t use his name in public) to get CW2 up & running. I do not believe they’re going to enjoy that.

  2. “Asked about Trump supporter who was murdered in cold-blood in Portland, leftist woman responds: “Tough luck. Don’t be a f**king Trump supporter in Portland.””

    Certainly sounds like something that might have been said by a KKK member defending lynchings of racial integration supporters in a small town, circa 1960 or so.

  3. Certainly sounds like something that might have been said by a KKK member defending lynchings of racial integration supporters in a small town, circa 1960 or so.

    Over a period of 13 years (1955-67), there were about 28 political killings in a bloc of Southern states which had a population which summed to about 14 million at the time. I think the Portland commuter belt has a population of about 1.4 million. So, were they as congenial as Southerners in Louisiana-West Tennessee-Mississippi-Alabama-Georgia ca. 1960, we’ll allow 2.8 political killings over the space of 13 years. With the murder of Jay Bishop, they’ve used up their quota for the next 4.6 years.

  4. When people see this cascade of information, riots, a mad principal and callous Portlander, the soccer moms are going to have a big revelation that BLM and their supporters are not their friends. That and having to teach their kids at home is a big frustration. I predict a huge victory for Trump on election day. It is the days after that has me concerned.

  5. A dear friend of mine who lived in the old 11th ward in Rochester offered many years ago this political principle: “I’m not going to kill you, but I’m not going to let you kill me”. This is where the Democratic Party and the social nexus for which it is the electoral vehicle has brought us.

  6. I’m not expecting Trump to be returned to office, but I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised. He’s had terrible trouble closing the deal with swing voters (who don’t have many serious ideas) and partisan Democrats are horrid and unteachable. We’d be looking at serious fraud anyway, but with the mail-in ballot scam this year, it will be multiplied by an order of magnitude or more. To top it off, there’s huge sums from parts unknown flowing into ActBlue, laundered through gift cards. Take a gander at Nicaragua, which had a competitive political order from 1990 to 2007, if you want to know the prospect we are facing.

  7. The “wokers” in Portland don’t like it that their mug shots are posted on the web (public records). Some feel threatened that they have been “doxed.” This callous woman of Portland better hope that rough immoral people don’t show her the consequences of her pattern of thinking.

  8. It is hard for me not to believe that Portlanders deserve their lot.
    In spades.
    As do the people formerly known as “good” or “nice”, who live in Minneapolis, Seattle, Rochester (NY). Chicago and SF residents were never “nice” people in my experience. We used to see the former as well-off, a little odd but good-hearted, but recent events and the overweight Portland woman’s remarks have put an end to that.

    I guess I’m going to have to load a few AR-15 mags soon. That hold 30 rounds each. There is probably no other way to teach “activist” Democrats, Antifa and BLM, who will surely come for us in the event the Dem ballot fraud does not succeed.

    Have you seen the sh*t Bloomberg is pulling? It is the billionaires and the trash who are united against the Middle Class.

  9. neo wonders, “Are they trying to get Minnesota to flip to Trump?”

    No. They’re ideological blindness is so intense that most are unable to grasp the counter-productiveness of their actions. While the rest don’t care, they imagine that their time has come.

    John Guilfoyle,

    “It also seems that there’s a whole bunch of folks being paid by Voldemort… to get CW2 up & running. I do not believe they’re going to enjoy that.”

    “never interfere with an enemy committed to a fatal mistake” Napoleon paraphrased

    I am Sparticus,

    Not sure enough liberals will awaken before it’s too late.

    “I predict a huge victory for Trump on election day. It is the days after that has me concerned.”

    I too think Trump is going to win a decisive victory. How Trump handles what happens afterward may well determine our fate. They’ve declared their intent and must be met with equal seriousness.

    Art Deco,

    “I’m not going to kill you, but I’m not going to let you kill me”

    Often the only way to not let them kill you is to kill them. That’s what “kill or be killed” is all about. And, that’s what the radical left plans to do to us.

    The only way the dems win the electoral college is through massive fraud. Far too many Hispanics and Blacks in Trump’s court for it to be otherwise.


    We here know whom the radicals purge once they take over. Nor is being radical itself enough to save one from the guillotine. Once the left’s killing began, it would take the slaughter of tens of millions to slake their blood lust.

  10. KSTP News reports from MSP:
    “A city spokesperson did issue a statement that said, in part, “There is no autonomous zone in the area of 38th and Chicago Avenue, or anywhere else in the City of Minneapolis.

    “The statement also said the city is in negotiations with people occupying the zone and is working toward a phased reopening of the area sometime “before winter.”

    Well which is it? Is there or is there not a Zone?
    Unreal. Insane. Let winter come!

  11. Off Topic: Just got a news alert that Ruth Ginsburg is dead.

    Googled, and found no MSM reference to her illness or condition since 7/30. They’re always on top of things!

  12. If you think that we were at Spinal Tap volume 11 this political season we just hit 12. The senate races just got a lot more contentious and potentially violent. Look for boatloads of leftist money to pour into those races. I had hoped she would hold on until after Election Day but it was not meant to be.

  13. Well, that shoe has now dropped, RBG has passed. Condolences to her family, and to those close to her in their time of mourning.

  14. .

    /* PS: So I *did* learn to code, Wok3m3isters. W00t w00t! */

  15. Do I need to remind everyone to stock their larders, keep the gas tanks full, and pack their bug out bags?

    Stock up on anything reliant on Asian supply chains, too. If things really get bad in the US, China may well make its play for TSMC (probably the greatest single strategic asset on the planet in the Current Year) and just incidentally the real estate it occupies (Taiwan).

    If you need a backup laptop, router, phone, etc.: buy it now.

  16. Kate:
    Toughness is not a virtue unless it is coupled to a worthy cause. Horrible people like Vlad the Impaler were tough. Adolf was plenty tough.
    RBG was a horrible legislating jurist. Not a proper judge. Her own narrative was full of “how hard it is to be a female lawyer and find a decent job”. True enough. But to be a radical feminist on the highest bench forty years later? Had she learned nothing about impassionate judging? It’s like being an SLA member (or BLM!) forty years after the Civil Rights Act!

  17. Cicero:

    “It’s like being an SLA member (or BLM!) forty years after the Civil Rights Act!”

    Nice work if you can get it… and you can get it any time.

  18. “At least she’s open about it. We know where she stands.” – Neo

    We’re learning a lot about where LOTS of people really stand.
    Especially when they think the cameras are off.


    Perhaps Philip was right on the anti-indoctrination thread:
    “I like to think it is a movement of God to cause them to reveal themselves prematurely”

  19. No one knows what the hell is going on at 38th St. & Chicago Ave. It is not reported in the Star Tribune, and it is not reported on the local TV stations. The Strib is down to about 4 local reporters, and none of them have the courage to go in and get the story.

    The police are reporting the line dictated to them: there’s no problem there. But we’re hearing of people charged tolls to exit their alley. Daylight robberies are off the charts. Carjackings are not even reported on. On Monday there were 6 people shot in north Minneapolis, where I live. The boy mayor tweeted about climate change.

    Hoo, boy, it’s going to be fun come April and the trials. The evidence is already clear: George Floyd killed himself with an overdose of fentanyl. The ME stated that had the body been discovered in a house, that would be the simple ruling. But he had to put in stuff about stress and restricted breathing due to custody. That will not survive a good defense attorney.

    I’m sure we will see a big paper mache statue of RBG sitting on George’s lap, in heaven.

  20. RIP Justice Ginsburg, but she should have retired years ago (and so should they all when they get into their late seventies); at the very least, she should have hung up her robes when the writing went onto the wall.


    She had battled back from two forms of cancer in the past but her health began to take a downturn in December 2018 when she underwent a pulmonary lobectomy after two malignant nodules were discovered in the lower lobe of her left lung.

    On Jan. 7, 2019, the Court announced she would miss oral arguments that day for the first time since she joined as she continued to recuperate from that surgery.

    Everyone knows she was trying to hold on until the Democrats took back the White House and maybe Congress, but it was partisan*, selfish and ultimately futile, and has just made a bad election season worse.

    Trump is still president until noon on January 20, 2021.
    The Republicans hold the Senate until noon on January 3.

    Let’s see if the NeverTrumpers** understand the gravity of the situation.


    *“Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country.” – DJT


  21. The GOP Senate wants everything done before the election.

    WASHINGTON — Hours after news broke that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died on Friday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz said President Donald Trump should nominate her successor “next week” and the Senate should confirm that nomination before the election.

    Cruz’s comments, on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, came after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made clear any Trump nominee would get a vote on the Senate floor, even as voters are already heading to the polls in a number of states in an election in which both the presidency and Senate majority are on the line.

    Ginsburg, 87, died Friday in her home in Washington, D.C. NPR reported that just days before her death, Ginsburg dictated this statement to her granddaughter Clara Spera: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

    Democrat MJ Hegar, who is running against Cornyn, reacted quickly to the incumbent’s affirmation of McConnell. “It took @JohnCornyn less than two minutes to fall in line with Mitch McConnell,” she said on twitter. “The Supreme Court is on the ballot.”

    Cruz said, “This nomination is why Donald Trump was elected. This confirmation is why the voters voted for a Republican majority in the Senate.”

    “It’s going to take a lot of work to get it done before election day, but I think we should do our job,” Cruz said.

    Since 1900, there were only six times a Supreme Court vacancy popped up in a presidential election year before 2016: in 1968, 1956, 1940, 1932, 1916 and 1912, according to the New York Times. In four of those years, the president’s party also controlled the Senate, which successfully confirmed the nominee, according to the Times

    Some GOP senators, however, have said they won’t vote for a replacement before the election this year, including U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who said in an interview with Alaska Public Radio on Friday: “I would not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee. We are 50 some days away from an election.

    Lisa, THAT’S THE POINT!!!

    What she, and also Susan Collins, are saying is that they want to give the party who MIGHT be in power after the election a veto over the party that IS in power before the election.
    That isn’t “fair” – that is unjust.

  22. Will Kamala have to pause from campaigning to be in the Senate? Or will Susan and Lisa object to that too?

  23. On identifying the NeverTrumpers, which Art Deco does very well in another thread: the problem is not the former Congressional Republicans (who really were RINO), but the current ones.


    Now, you look at the actual roster of NeverTrumpaloos – and the petition signatories recruited by Jeff Flake would be an example – you see few people for whom muh-principles ever meant much. Flake recruits 28 others to sign that and you discover that when you eliminate people who voted against the caucus a great deal throughout their time in Congress (25% of the time or more), routinely voted against their caucus during their last leg in Congress; changed their registration, endorsed Obama, or affiliated with liberal organizations or squish organizations when they were out of Congress; or earned good coin as business lobbyists, you have about three people left. Now look at the extraparliamentary figures, and you discover that a bloc of them are on the patronage of some liberal outfit, have been pushing squish politics for decades, or are well known grifters. Muh principles gets you David Durenburger and John Danforth in Congress and David Brooks, David Frum, and Nicolle Wallace out of Congress. Whoop-ti-do.

    Of course, you do have a residue left, but what gets you about their writing is a refusal to conjoin ends and means. True conservatives. Sigh.

  24. John Hinderaker hits the essential point, which isn’t new to Neo’s readers.


    5) To state the obvious, this is the one development that could make 2020 crazier than it already was. But I think it is just as well that all of the chips are being pushed into the center of the table. This year’s election will decide whether America will continue to be America. It is that stark. So let’s put everything up for grabs.

    Borrowing a comment, because it’s a good point:

    CapnRusty JJS_FLA • 4 hours ago
    There is no Constitutional requirement for a hearing. McConnell should allow Senators to interview the nominee during a specified time, then take it to the floor for a vote. This is a Flight 93 nomination.

    FWIW, Red State has, at this time of writing, 7 posts up about RBG that pretty much cover the water-front of issues facing the nation.

    If you haven’t started prepping yet for CW2, now might be a good time.

  25. Here is a good report by Jay Kolls, one of the last good reporters in the Twin Cities:


    It’s long, about 12 minutes. Telling is the city’s statement of “nothing happening here, move along” contrasted with council members (both big advocates of defunding police) Jenkins’ and Cano’s reports of assault, gunfire, extortion and so on.

  26. Tough luck humans of the Deep State. Ymar has awakened.

    John Guilfoyle if you keep talking about Soros like that, they’ll call you anti semitic.

    The entire term, anti semitic, is used in error and also used by Nazis. The Hebrews are not the only Semitic people or language group.

    Often the only way to not let them kill you is to kill them. That’s what “kill or be killed” is all about. And, that’s what the radical left plans to do to us.

    Newbies and neophytes have to think that way, as they have yet to master solar plexus, and are still running on the fumes of fear and lower emotions.

    om on September 18, 2020 at 7:06 pm said:
    The “wokers” in Portland don’t like it that their mug shots are posted on the web (public records). Some feel threatened that they have been “doxed.” This callous woman of Portland better hope that rough immoral people don’t show her the consequences of her pattern of thinking.

    See what I am talking about GB? Those running on the fumes of fear and other negative emotions, will be incarnating with Gins in her 3rd world density. Think of it as a personal purgatory. You have this choice to make.

    Human thralls of Satan and so on, have been trying to kill Ymar since before I was born. I am still here! Haha

  27. Thanks for the reporting on Minneapolis. I’m sorry for people caught in the mess. Residents are getting what the majority keeps voting for.

  28. I’m sure there will be a dedicated RBG post later, but after reading the articles already up and a significant number of comments, especially at PowerLine, I want to put my marker on the SCOTUS Roulette Wheel.
    (1)-(3) are not original. (4) is recent news. I did not see (5) anywhere, but don’t claim a monopoly on it.

    (1) McConnell and Trump have been gaming out what to do on Justice Ginsburg’s passing for at least two years, if not from 2017.
    (2) The recent extension to Trump’s list of “Federalist-approved” candidates was done now for a long-range purpose.
    (3) Some of the names on that list were guaranteed to get passionate howls of protest not only from the Left, but from RINOs (I used to disparage that term, but they are now a proven class of the GOP). Prime examples are Cruz and Cotton, but there are others.
    (4) Cruz recently indicated that he has no interest in being on the Court at this time.
    (5) I love Ted for his defense of conservatism, but he is still not tuned into Trump’s way of thinking: the group in (3) are bargaining chips; after Trump nominates one of the leading contenders from the prior list (Amy Coney Barrett, for instance) and the Democrats & RINOs object (they would object to anyone, of course), he will point to that new list and say, “Hey, she’s more acceptable to you guys than THEY would be.”
    Therefore, Cruz et al. need to be Tweeting out eloquent pleas to be selected and fiery screeds on what they would do to overturn all the past leftist wish-list precedents.

    Get with the program!

    Marker Number Two:
    Big, big fight on the PLB thread over timing.
    Some want to keep the nomination open (WAITERS), to encourage any conservatives who are waffling to get on the Trump Train, while admitting that the Democrats are doing the same for the Biden Paddle-boat (see the Bee for pictures).
    Some (DOERS) want to get it done now and remove the nomination from election contention, other than the backlash, because the Democrats can’t undo a done deal (although they will certainly try).

    Observed reactions:
    (stories to support each are already available on the search engines)
    (6) WAITERS clam that Red-pilled Democrats, independents, and squishy Republicans who were starting to lean Trump’s way because of the riots will snap back to the Left because of the perceived threat to Roe v. Wade (and maybe other decisions), which would endanger Trump’s re-election (if such a thing is possible).
    (7) DOERS say that the Trump base and those of the above groups who are already convinced to go Right won’t be any more enthused because of waiting until January for a nomination than they are now.
    (8) In addition, Trump’s base will BOO loudly if he waits, and might be peeved enough to not vote for him. (Really stupid, yeah, but it’s been known to happen.)
    (9) Ignore all the pearl-clutching about Garland and “fair is fair”: if the Democrats were in the same situation, they would have a confirmed nominee before the funeral flowers wilt.
    (10) There is plenty of precedent for a short process, reduced or omitted hearings, and an immediate party-line vote (thanks are due to Harry Reid for leading to the nuking of the filibuster); the three or four “mavericks” on the Right and those with iffy re-election chances need to learn what Democrat Blue-Dogs did with Obamacare: they are expendable if the gain is great enough, and a life-time conservative on the Court is Bigger than They Are.
    (11) Is there really anything substantive not known about all of the names on the list? The Democrats certainly are already prepared for hearings with opposition research and last-minute bomb throwers for each of them – the last probably interchangeable depending on what name they have to put in the blank on the protest signs.
    (12) WAITERS have no guarantee that Trump will be President after the election, or that there will still be a (nominal) GOP majority in the Senate.
    (13) A divided Court ruling on the inevitable voting challenges really invites trouble, as if we weren’t in a Perfect Political Storm already.

    Therefore, I cast my lot with the DOERS and say: go for nominating now and voting before the election.
    Seize the day, cross the Rubicon, and let the chips fall where they may.

  29. This election will likely be decided by the SC. How many people think John Roberts would uphold the election in favor of President Trump? It’s critical that a new justice is appointed and seated before the Season of Lawsuits begins Nov. 4. Of course, the rage on the left will result in more riots, attacks and carnage– but that’s going to happen irrespective on the circumstances of the President’s re-election.

  30. Brian E:

    And closer to home, the Durkan of Seattle may be facing DOJ scrutiny for the CHAZ/CHOP debacle. I saw an interview of the Durkan and she did not seem to be a happy camper about it (defensive and angry). Sad, mad Jenny.

  31. neo wonders, “Are they trying to get Minnesota to flip to Trump?”

    No. Trumpists aren’t trying to get Minnesota to go Trump either.

    Let’s check if the EverTrumpers understand the gravity of the situation. Listen. Do you hear a Trumpist at your door? Nope, me neither. Trumpists in these Internet echo chambers, especially the Trumpists who are always ready with excuses for their orange idol no matter what,* are all talk and no action.

    AesopFan is clearly not a fan of the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. Heh. Confident that Trump is way, way ahead, Trumpists want to nap. The typical Trumpists here are unwilling to canvass the street they live on, never mind a whole precinct. “Let Trump’s money and the Republicans** do the work” is the motto of the #LazyTrumpists.

    The days are fast growing shorter and slipping by. Including this weekend, they’ve only got seven weekends left before Election Day, Nov. 3. Fewer really, because for some the mail-in ballot period is already underway.

    * A.K.A. “EverTrumpers”

    ** people whom Trumpists disdain and sneer at as “the GOPe”

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