Home » Why is Christine Fair still a professor at Georgetown?


Why is Christine Fair still a professor at Georgetown? — 57 Comments

  1. All one need do to determine if Fair’s statement reflects her moral turpitude is to substitute “black men” for “entitled white men” in the text you first quoted.

    I’m ashamed of my alma mater.

  2. It is a mystery…

    It is like two kids and one keeps getting sent to the principles office, put on detention and expelled for looking at somebody wrong – the other kid is pulling out box cutters, punching other kids (witness the bike lock incident) and calling people names and threatening yet that kid can’t even get into the principles office


  3. Georgetown is still nominally affiliated with the Jesuits. I hope that any members of the Society of Jesus remaining on the faculty are wearing Kevlar underwear.

  4. An alternative for students who cannot avoid her class is to document her bias. Every instance.

    Her lashing out in rage is not helping her come to terms with her childhood but it is making life difficult for others. Everybody loses.

  5. I am, in general, in favor of employees’ rights to express personal opinions apart from their jobs. If it’s done on their own time and on their own digital equipment, it’s not the employer’s business. That applies even to a repulsive opinion like this one.

    But Georgetown alumni should feel free to cut their donations and tell the school why.

    Twitter, meanwhile, once again demonstrates that it only polices opinions with which it disagrees.

  6. She possesses a rather ironic surname. Pretty shameful that the leadership at Georgetown can be cowed by such a person.

  7. What appalls me more than anything is that professors think and talk like this. I don’t mean B.S.’ing in private, but casting such insensate rage before the world like so many pearls of wisdom. They evidently think these are intelligent observations and opinions. That’s extremely disturbing.

    The more you hang around (and work at) universities, the more you realize that most professors are just people who devoted an insane amount of time to learning a handful of theories and methodologies in depth, while remaining nearly completely innocent of all knowledge elsewhere. If I didn’t spend almost the entirely of my grad school years essentially reading whatever the hell I wanted in any field that interested me, I would hardly be aware of anything outside of a few philosophical schools and contemporary political science.

    Moreover, most papers and books from these people go unread and serve only as lines on CVs intended to further the authors’ careers. This is not exactly a secret.

    Still, I’m consistently surprised at how stupid and bigoted the intelligentsia can be, and I don’t just mean politically. *Any* thought that runs afoul of their chosen specialties and idees fixes – which are so narrow they could easily pass through the eye of a needle – is summarily dismissed as “nonsense” or “outmoded” or (my favorite) “mere speculation.”

    It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that I would say without any hyperbole that the average professor is more bigoted and narrow-minded than the average Joe Six-Pack. They may be smarter in some sense, but not wiser. They may be more rational – in some sense – but not more sensible.

    All-in-all, they lead incredibly insignificant lives doing patently insignificant work, laboring under a thin pretense that it’s all for highfalutin stuff like “the life of the mind” while really pursuing nothing more than their own job security and status. No one understands what they do outside of a clique of fellow weirdo specialists, and no one really offers them any respect (usually justifiably). It’s no wonder they feel the need to go out and brain people with bicycle chains and call for the ritual castration of their political opponents.

    So, in the end, they wind up deriving their sense of meaning and authenticity from the same silly and superficial outbursts as the rabble they’ve spent their whole lives trying to dissociate themselves from. It’s pathetic, and I hope it stings.

  8. As a member of the professoriat, I can endorse Kolnai’s characterization of the vast majority of college faculty. Now, go back 20 years and I would disagree with that characterization. Back then, yes, the faculty leaned left. However, it was full of classic liberals who were respectful of other opinions and also of the notion of reason and evidence in deciding an issue. I had many friends in the school who I disagreed with politically, yet in the end they still respected my views. Those people have retired (they were generally older than me to begin with), and have been replaced with more Christine Fairs.

    That began to change about 20 years ago. Postmodernism began to creep in which destroyed the notion of truth. Then the slide towards radical leftism began, first in the English departments, then spread throughout the humanities and social sciences. Now, the infection is definitely showing in biology and math. Physics is showing signs of a fever. At this time, only engineering and comp sci appear relatively healthy.

    I’m in the middle now of my last semester before retirement. I will miss the students and a few of my department colleagues. I can’t wait otherwise to leave this vile environment.

  9. Georgetown has a history that somewhat resembles another Jesuit enterprise. I refer to the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua that included Liberation Theology Jesuit priests. Nicaragua is on the verge of becoming another Venezuela. Georgetown could become the same as far as I am concerned.

  10. Once this is all settled, revoke her citizenship and offer her a ‘choice’ of emigration to Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe…

  11. Fair had a horrible childhood. No question. I don’t think that justifies verbal abuse of men.

  12. What a disgusting tweet. And she appears to have doubled down on it.

    I’m curious by her penchant for signing her name (((like this))). (This was once a not-so-subtle way that antisemites tried to identify Jews online; some Jews have perversely adopted the symbolism as a badge of pride.) If that’s how she means it as well, I’m ashamed to claim kinship.

    And I note that, as violent leftists are wont to do, she is calling for violence — which, to me, is ethically just as repugnant as shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater — but she expects others to do the dirty work for her. (If I knew her, I’d be tempted to hand her a knife and say “Get started. Don’t expect others to do it for you.”)

  13. I work in academia, they are now getting rid of certain guys..(except upper management)… and they retain any and all protected classes… we have whole floors in which the only people doing research that are male are a teacher from 30 years ago, and foreign students…

    been trying to get this conversation going 10 years ago…
    too bad… kind of screwed arent we? its why we created MGTOW and its been misrepresented by feminists, womens rights, professors (like peterson who then apologized), and even Psychology Today…

    but no one has yet to talk to us founders!!!
    [though there is a book out no one reads]

    we saw that the only way a guy would be safe from what was going to happen, was that he would have to avoid contact… the only proof that works in this case with women is you were not even there… IF you were there, in the room, she can make ANY claim… end of story..

    “Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
    Is the immediate jewel of their souls:
    Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
    ’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
    But he that filches from me my good name
    Robs me of that which not enriches him,
    And makes me poor indeed.”

    we are all made poor by the left, democrats, socialists, communists, and MOST WOMEN… got that yet? MOST WOMEN ARE ENEMIES OF OUR FREEDOM AS INDIVIDUALS. failure to get that meant they have had ALMOST free reign to even make laws that are unconstitutional violating equality before the courts…

    who cares? no one, cause no one cared for the MEN
    and those who cared least were their traditional mates
    the men have left.. signed out… from marraige strike to coaching, to schooling, to organizations, gyms, marraige strike, dating strike.. women freezing eggs, and on and on and on…

    no matter how high the pile, its ok..

    no one should be complaining or commenting now…
    waiting till it destroyed the supreme court is a bit freaking late to pick up the subject being run to a known stated end for 45 years in one phase…

    Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senate regarding her suppressed memories / This may be because if the memories were revealed through hypnosis they would be “absolutely inadmissible” in the court of law in many states, including New York and Maryland. / One of Christine Blasey Ford’s research articles in 2008 included a study on self-hypnosis.
    The practice of self-hypnosis is used to retrieve important memories and “create artificial situations.”

    dont matter what you bring up
    what ideas you have
    the ladies LONG LONG ago decided to destroy innocent till proven guilty as they tweaked law, and word definitions and more until they got the numbers of arrests and convictions in their target audience increasing slowly for 50 years

    in 1980 they could never do this
    by now, they are doing what resulted in the very female oppressive periods!!!

    ie. when too much power unchecked is in the hands of one class – what the freak do you think ALL THE OTHERS DO?

    again.. i would advise listening to what the young guys say
    as the ones that comment from MTOW are the hard working nicer gys that dont know how to date, and dont ahve the loser syndrome (even brought up in the movie on the Getty Kidnapping).

    MGTOW says, you cant ahve a good life if every interaction you have today, may be turned twisted or end up bad for you, even if your innocent. [the men hate the guilty, so thats not even on the table in terms of whats deserved… but the innocent do not deserve to be victims… any more than a town of people deserved to be killed by the nazis as a way to kill partisans without all the work]

  14. It took me longer than it should to learn how to make top grades in college, my first years before I went into the Army in 1966 I was struggling, not very successfully to stay about C level. After four year in the Army I went back to college and was an honor role student. The difference was my learning to play the game to get the grade, that was all that mattered and it was not to be confused with an education. I was only interested in kissing up to the professor and regurgitating on command the proper viewpoint in order to get the college degree and get my ass out of there and if I learned much of value that was secondary. Compared to what I read today professors in the sixties and seventies were biased but not too bad and now with decent profs who bring up discussions that are unpleasant and uncomfortable being scolded and sent home while Christine Fair is allowed to act out emotions that are not allowable for a kindergarten child it appears that civilization with civil people has been turned upside down. I would really dislike having to please that prof for an A grade.

  15. Sad news…

    Scott Adams, the creator of satirical comic Dilbert, is mourning the loss of his 18-year-old stepson who died of a Fentanyl overdose. The 61-year-old cartoonist revealed the heartbreaking news through a video on his Periscope, which was shared Monday. Fighting back tears, Adams explained he received a call from his ex-wife over the weekend telling him that “the little boy I raised from the age of two was dead.” Adams then said coroners found a fentanyl patch on his stepson Justin’s arm, and it is believed that he died of an overdose.

    and my family lost two people in the indonesian tsunami this past weekend


  16. While we worry about kavenaugh at a party, and all that horrid stuff that would make the 1930s ladis flutter…

    on the other side, which makes the above a farce is:

    For poet Maryann Leilani Wood, 42, “the playground,” a fenced-off area for women as well as transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, was invaluable. Everyone was welcome in the zone except cis-men, or those who were assigned the male gender at birth and still identify that way.

    At the playground, people entering a canopy “dungeon” had to sign a 13-rule waiver form. Among them: no alcohol and keep conversation to a minimum. Also: “Use a drop cloth when waxing. No smoking (cigars), scat, water sports, sharps (knives/needles), blood or fire play.

    scat is taking a dump on your partner… ie. even in their mouths…
    water sports means to pee on people… ie. even in their mouths…
    sharps play is about cutting… blood play is about making slits
    and drinking partners blood as a kind of bond…
    fire play, is self explanitory…

    whats missing from the list of prohibitions is bestiality, gun play, suspended bondage (a japanese art form if shibari)… etc.

    Michelle, 30, who was in charge of the playground and declined to give her last name … said her main hope and request to those entering the dungeon would be: “Please don’t make a mess. Unless it’s puke and it’s consensual.”

    notice that its bad to allegedly grope a woman at a party you might not ever have been at
    but if you want, you can have her tied up, forced to have sex with animals as you disgorge yourself on her

    I guess the women are much less prudish than they were in horrid oppressive happy gulag era of Christine Fair

    The exhibit featured several suspension frames from which people could be tied up and dangled, spanking benches and a few X-shaped equipment pieces called Saint Andrew’s Crosses. Carts were filled with floggers, blindfolds, whips and props. Tiziano pointed out the items in between taking photos of his wife, who was hanging from a suspension contraption.

    A few feet away, a man in a kilt and dog mask was hitting the backside of a topless woman, chained to one of the crosses, with a purple “booty bat.”

  17. Just so you know whose side your on…

    Anti-Feminist Victim Blamer in my own backyard

    I get a Facebook message from a like-minded law school classmate. The message says that the law school’s Federalist Society is having an event the next day called, “Presumed Guilty? Rape, Feminism, and False Accusations” with conservative journalist Cathy Young.
    If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that sexual assault and victim blaming is my passion. I write about it a lot and I am also a survivor myself. So the idea that my own law school would hold such an event about the so-called problem of false rape accusations was troubling to me and I decided to attend. To listen and learn, if given the opportunity to ask a question, and of course live-tweet.
    Cathy Young began by commenting on old school treatment of rape victims and their smearing by everyone including the criminal justice system. It’s certainly true that feminists have worked very hard to create a world where reporting a rape doesn’t result in your life being ruined. But Young argues that by doing so feminists have not allowed any room for the presumption of innocence of men who are accused.

    This is her central argument: Men who are accused of rape are not given the privilege of being innocent until proven guilty while women are automatically believed.

    And to that I respond, on which planet does Ms. Young live? Here where I live, women who report rapes are sometimes believed by the police but most often are not believed by anyone else. Their stories, personal lives, clothes, histories are picked apart by anyone and everyone looking to discredit them.

    I’ve rarely seen (oh wait except for Duke Lacrosse which Young cited because that is the most prominent example of a claim that was unfounded) men accused of rape be publicly shamed or have their sexual histories examined. Wouldn’t it be interesting if a man was accused of rape and someone asked him questions about what he was doing that night, what he was drinking, and other relevant questions that are not so relevant when asked of the victims.

    Keep repeating the LIE… till the marraige strike, relationships go, men convert to islam and more…
    Kavenaugh is kind of proof… if a supreme court nominee isnt safe, you can be sure that every other male is WORSE off…

    Young also made the point that “Neo-feminist arguments about rape contradict principles of justice.” I would argue that patriarchy contradicts the principles of justice as well but that might not fit with Ms. Young’s one-sided presentation. Young failed to mention that half of rapes go unreported. She cited plenty of “studies” yet failed to name any that we could look up for ourselves and she continued to select information which only supported her premise instead of looking at all of the the available data which could possibly contradict it.

    the guys have left the society…
    they dont want to defend it…
    they have no place in it…
    if you think thats tennable when the senkaku islands go pop, let me know how

  18. > Georgetown is still nominally affiliated with the Jesuits.

    Yeah, isn’t about time for the Pope to suppress those guys again? Oh, wait, he’s one of them.

    As a Catholic, I find the state of most of these so-called “Catholic” universities to be depressing and appalling.

    Georgetown is a disgrace to the Church, and given the state of the Church these days, that’s saying something.

  19. Sorry, but while you muscisians been locked in aroom studying music with Danny Kaye… the world has continued to change… these are the people who are in charge of society, law, through schools and your children…

    The Span of My Hips
    Body love, mental health, and critical theory

    Why I Don’t Subscribe to “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” – 2014

    no matter which angle, you are also hearing this bleated at you: “Innocent until proven guilty!! Innocent until proven guilty!” like it’s an ace in the hole. Can’t argue with that, can you? So we better just stop talking about it.

    Have you ever noticed that those shouting “Innocent until proven guilty[IUPB]” use it as a way to shut down conversation? Have you ever noticed that those shouting IUPB use it to shut down conversation that is critical of the status quo? Critical of the systems that allow, enable, and collude with oppressors and abusers and victimizers?

    Women will NEVER BE FREE unless they can imprison any man at any time..
    thats the argument…

    Have you ever noticed that eschewing the IUPB framework is treated like it’s worse than the offense itself? Much like how calling someone racist has become worse (in the minds of many white people) than actually being racist, talking about Jian Ghomeshi or Bill Cosby or Darren Wilson without throwing in “allegedly” and “of course we can’t really know what happened” and “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” is treated like more of a social faux pas than actually being a sexual predator or murderer.

    yeah… she would want me in prison… for killing a woman who isnt dead…
    wasnt it enough to destroy my career, ruin all my friendships, take all my money, take my child, bankrupt me without credit for 13 years, lost my family who believed the worse, leave me homeless.. and completely defensless… [and with a world who still wants to punish me and not hire me cause i killed a not dead person and investigations come up on my background check]

    if you cant get out of it by showing the corpse is alive, what defense is there?

    i never got my life back, never got a home, nevr had children with my wife (and we are breaking up cause of it)…

    the other? well, she went on to watch my kid grow up, i didnt. changed the venue illegally, but i had no rights. retired circuit justice was my pro bono lawyer, we had to fold for false allegation like kavenaugh… paid child support to her, so that i could pay child support to my parents to raise the child… double thats 34% of my salary…

    but thats only because she took the kids with her when she robbed a bank with them.. no, i didnt get custody despite passing a wave of hostile psychological batteries… false questioning for days at night… a lie detector test that was gamed by a tester who would lunge at me to move the needles…

    i never had a vacation in my life… i just turned 54…

    all i am waiting for now is to be homelss and die.
    i lost every dream i ever had
    and with autism, i cant have no more, as i cant change my dreams like you might
    my interests are hard wired

    pray god takes me in my sleep
    thank you

    enjoy the rest of the article…

  20. excuse me while i work hard to make my wife ok when i am gone
    its all i have left..

    i tried. and tried… just so my wife and i would have a chance at at child
    that i could get a raise, and not be hated where i work and tortured
    while neo watched them do that to me… too bad… eh…
    suffer without hope the message gets to the world. eh?

    now, i dont give a hoot… all i care is to make my wife ok for later when i am gone
    she deserves it..

    you can read 40 years of this, and ignored it…
    till it affected you directly at the supreme court!!!!!!!

    If this wasnt enough to even get discussion
    and if THIS isnt enough, then lying down and dying is the right thing
    I mean we have to listen to false allegations, but setting yourself on fire in immolation, gets no discussion
    worthless men…

    Man Literally Sets Himself On Fire On The Courthouse Steps
    American Father Self-Immolates To Protest Against Family Courts
    Thomas James Ball Self-Immolated in Protest of the “Justice” System

    Dad leaves clues to his desperation
    A grisly suicide after a 10-year divorce battle

    On a mid-June afternoon, an unemployed history buff from Holden, Mass. announced cryptically on his Facebook page that “D-Day’’ had arrived.

    “Time to climb down into the Higgins boat and take a bouncing ride to the beach,’’ wrote Thomas Ball, referring to the World War II amphibious landing craft.

    Four hours later, the divorced father of three died outside a courthouse in downtown Keene after igniting himself in a gory self-immolation. Engulfed in flame, he screamed as he stumbled from the courthouse steps, fell to his hands and knees, and eventually fell silent.

    Ball’s final words were delivered in the next day’s mail.

    A friend in New Hampshire got a card with the tender inscription, “I miss you already.’’


    what a waste… he could have been more useful as fertilizer
    im not even THAT useful

    take care
    you have a nation of over a million people with this reality ignored

    you motivate them – the feel abandoned and dont wish to help people who didnt care
    i talk to them all the time…

  21. I haven’t delved into his writings, just seen descriptions. If I’m not mistaken, Richard Spencer is a white separatist, not a white supremacist or a Nazi.

  22. While Fair’s conduct was awful, the Lion’s share of the blame goes to the gym management. Only they (or the board) could terminate his membership.

  23. Kate raised an interesting point with her observation that she feels employees should be allowed to unfettered express their opinions on their own time. It comes a bit more complicated, I should think, when the “employee” is associated with the employer in a high profile way; e.g., a Professor at a university. Then the opinions become associated with the employer more or less. If the expressed opinions are despicable and symptomatic of derangement, it suggests that the employer tolerates them despite any mealy mouthed attempts to distance itself.

    How many business executives have been terminated simply because their private actions were at odds with the culture of the business?

    Kate is correct, of course, that Alums and supporters can vote their displeasure with their checkbooks. Potential students can also turn their attention elsewhere. Evergreen State U, in Washington state, learned how that works, and is now struggling after catering to the mob.

    Fie on the Administrators at Georgetown U for their weak kneed response to this woman’s abysmal behavior.

    Thanks Art Deco. But we know that any white man who is not “woke” is, by definition, a White Supremacist, and ipso facto a Nazi. When I look in the mirror, it accuses me.

  24. I am, in general, in favor of employees’ rights to express personal opinions apart from their jobs. If it’s done on their own time and on their own digital equipment, it’s not the employer’s business. That applies even to a repulsive opinion like this one.

    You’re not making use of the qualifier, and you should. When the employee is in sales, public relations, or a position of institutional leadership, they are manifestations of the company. A bookkeeper or an IT tech just works there (and, I’ll wager, would be terminated without a second thought if they put up a Stars-and-Bars decal on their desk). In higher education this applies to all the faculty. The question is where you draw the line, and the board of trustees must make that explicit at the time of hire. In a properly ordered world, the board would be elected by alumni resident in-state in a postal ballot, the election supervised by the secretary of state or state board of elections.

  25. Mike Adams, who is a tenured professor at East Carolina, won a lawsuit over his right to express conservative opinions outside his professional work for the university. At what point does an employee come to represent his institution so completely that he cannot express his own opinions? Think of the fire chief in Atlanta who lost his job over a privately-published book outside of work. Or, to take the other side, the leftist federal employee who lost her job for flipping off the presidential motorcade as it passed by. She was not anywhere near the presidential level in her job and posed no threat whatever.

  26. Artfldgr, my condolences on your family’s loss. I know people who saw, and survived, the Thai tsunami, a truly horrifying event like this one.

  27. National Review

    Atticus Finch didn’t #BelieveAllWomen. He didn’t take an accusation at face value. He defended an alleged rapist, vigorously and unremittingly, making use of every opportunity provided to him by the norms of the Anglo-American system of justice. He did it despite considerable social pressure to simply believe the accuser.

    and thanks everyone for condolences…
    your nicer than my 99.9% of my coworkers.
    of which only one even cared to ask

  28. Kamala Harris Presents Letter Claiming Kavanaugh & Friend Repeatedly Raped ‘Jane Doe’ in Car

    now… anyone think of WHY women were not allowed in politics in the past?
    what if there was a war to start now?
    what would happen to the nation if they are doing this?

    who will defend us?

    We have a volunteer military, and saboteurs happy in government caught on film bragging about their sabotage for the cause

    these all sound like movie scripts… not like real life.. characatures…

    According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story.

    The accuser claims Kavanaugh groped her, slapped her, and force her to perform sexual acts. “They forced me to go into the backseat and took 2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off 3 two blocks from my home,” the accuser wrote, claiming the pair told her, “No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl.”

    what will they govern over after they are done?

  29. Kate on October 2, 2018 at 7:24 am at 7:24 am said:
    But Georgetown alumni should feel free to cut their donations and tell the school why.
    Twitter, meanwhile, once again demonstrates that it only polices opinions with which it disagrees.
    * * *
    This. Vote with your pocketbook; I never contribute to my alma mater, and it’s relatively sane — I think; haven’t looked for awhile.


    Had Ms. Fair suggested that students be allowed to wear the Halloween costumes of their choice, she would have been fired before the pixels were dry.

  30. Artfldgr on October 2, 2018 at 10:02 am at 10:02 am said:
    Sad news…
    and my family lost two people in the indonesian tsunami this past weekend

    * * *
    Condolences to you and your family on your loss.
    You have no need to apologize for allowing your friends to grieve with you.

  31. Artfldgr on October 2, 2018 at 9:51 am at 9:51 am said:

    “Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
    Is the immediate jewel of their souls:
    Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
    ’twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
    But he that filches from me my good name
    Robs me of that which not enriches him,
    And makes me poor indeed.”

    * * *
    A trenchant reminder, thank you.

  32. Some more entries in the Internet Annals of Hypocrisy, this time on the demonization of beer drinking by the Wrong People — for the people on the right side of history, it’s a positive character reference.



    And this one, since there is a college tie-in.


    We All Live in a Yale Residential College Now
    September 29, 2018 11:50 AM
    “The activists who harangued Jeff Flake in the elevator reminded me of the Yale students who harangued Professor Nicholas Christakis in the notorious Halloween controversy. There was the same faith in angry confrontation as the means to get your way and the same expression of raw, unthinking emotion. As one of the activists said of Flake, “I wanted him to feel my rage.” Clearly, this mode of bullying has escaped the confines of the campus and is now a feature of our national life. Unfortunately, it proved effective — it sounds like the elevator confrontation helped persuade Flake to buckle and demand a delay and further FBI investigation (here’s our editorial on why that’s a mistake, by the way). We will now see many more such incidents, with the real potential of crossing the line into physical violence.”

  33. Yes, it is sad that she had such a painful time as a child. Yes, it is sad that she has not healed enough to be civil in public (e.g., twitter). “Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering” Parker Palmer. It’s a shame she doesn’t belong to a religious tradition where suffering is integrated into maturing and healing and forgiving.

  34. Mike Adams, who is a tenured professor at East Carolina, won a lawsuit over his right to express conservative opinions outside his professional work for the university. At what point does an employee come to represent his institution so completely that he cannot express his own opinions?

    He was employed at UNC Wilmington, which is a public institution. He didn’t say anything cray-cray. He’s just an ordinary Republican and p/t humorist, both of which were sufficient to induce the other sociology faculty to stop speaking to him.

    There can be no architectonic institutional mission at an institution subsidiary to the State of North Carolina which excludes a priori the majority of North Carolina voters. The faculty indubitably think they have a right to that, and for that they need to be slapped.

  35. here is why she is still a professor…

    Catholic U. dean suspended after comment that ‘degraded’ a woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault

    Catholic University’s president suspended a dean whose comments on social media this week questioned allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh. John Garvey, the president of the university, said Friday evening in an email to the campus that the remarks “demonstrated a lack of sensitivity to the victim.”

    Will Rainford, the dean, had issued a written apology Thursday evening for a remark he made on his university Twitter account that he said “unfortunately degraded” one of the women who have accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

    “Rainford’s tweets of the past week are unacceptable,” Garvey wrote. “We should expect any opinion he expresses about sexual assault to be thoughtful, constructive, and reflective of the values of Catholic University, particularly in communications from the account handle @NCSSSDean. While it was appropriate for him to apologize and to delete his Twitter and Facebook accounts, this does not excuse the serious lack of judgment and insensitivity of his comments.”

    do note that alleged is no longer in the lexicon, its a certainty now…

    the ladies made a totalitarian state to fix society
    you cant have clubs you want, unless they attend
    you cant have a gym, unless they attend (they can have one though)
    you cant think what you want, or say what you want…

    women are natural totalitarians, which is why Marx loved them so much “even the ugly ones”…………………..

  36. here is what he noticed… and was so bad to say:

    “Swetnick is 55 y/o,” Rainford posted Wednesday on his @NCSSSDean Twitter account. “Kavanaugh is 52 y/o. Since when do senior girls hang with freshmen boys? If it happened when Kavanaugh was a senior, Swetnick was an adult drinking with&by her admission, having sex with underage boys. In another universe, he would be victim & she the perp!”

  37. Think of the fire chief in Atlanta who lost his job over a privately-published book outside of work. Or, to take the other side, the leftist federal employee who lost her job for flipping off the presidential motorcade as it passed by. She was not anywhere near the presidential level in her job and posed no threat whatever.

    The fire chief was indubitably a discretionary employee. The decision of his supervisor to terminate him was an asinine one, but one the supervisor is entitled to make. As for the federal employee, that would depend on the precise circumstances. You flip the bird at your boss and you see what happens. (In a better world, civil servants would have to be hired from guild pools and examination participants but could be terminated at will if three superiors in their chain of command sign the letter. They’d have a cause of action in front of a hearing examiner if they could demonstrate that they were terminated for one of six or seven impermissible reason, and receive an indemnity as a result).

  38. That’s an indication that John Garvey is a witless ideologue (or is forever truckling to witless ideologues). This should be resolved by Dr. Garvey receiving a letter of dismissal from the board of trustees at Catholic University.

  39. “Riddle me this. Why would the accuser of Kavanaugh take a polygraph, paid for by someone else and administered by private investigator in early August, if she wanted to remain anonymous and had no intention of reporting the alleged assault?”


    Tiffany McKelvy, who graduated in 2017 from the school and works as a therapist in New York, said, “His comments kind of fly in the face of the code of ethics” for social work, including the directive to honor the dignity and worth of every person.

    [Kavenaughs dignity?]

    the dems are SOVIETS…

    A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors. Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes. The term was first recorded in the 1930s.

    As early as 1922, Lenin advocated staging several “model trials” in Soviet Russia and the Soviet Ukraine

    The Soviet authorities staged the actual trials meticulously. If defendants refused to “cooperate”—i.e., to admit guilt for their alleged and mostly fabricated crimes—they did not go on public trial, but suffered execution nonetheless. This happened, for example during the prosecution of the so-called Labour Peasant Party (ru), a party invented in the late 1920s by the OGPU, which, in particular, assigned the notable economist Alexander Chayanov (1888-1937, arrested in 1930) to it.

    Some solid public evidence of what really happened during the Moscow Trials came to the West through the Dewey Commission (1937). After the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991), more information became available. This discredited the New York Times reporter Walter Duranty, who claimed at the time that these trials were actually fair.

    According to declassified Soviet archives, with documents dating to 1937 and 1938, the NKVD arrested more than one and a half million people, resulting in 681,692 executions

  40. Artfidgr,
    I am also very sorry for your loss. In someways, this is what is really bothering me about all this feminist #MeToo, sexual assault baloney. What you are suffering is a tragedy, and it is very hard to deal with. What Fair suffered was evil. What a misunderstood hookup is is not recognizing how your own behavior is in part responsible for what happened. Sexual assault is a vague term that doesn’t grant dignity to people who really suffer.

  41. ” ‘Swetnick is 55 y/o,’ Rainford posted Wednesday on his @NCSSSDean Twitter account. ‘Kavanaugh is 52 y/o. Since when do senior girls hang with freshmen boys? If it happened when Kavanaugh was a senior, Swetnick was an adult drinking with&by her admission, having sex with underage boys. In another universe, he would be victim & she the perp!’ ”

    Leftists do not traffic in logic and facts. They have decided that Kavanaugh must be ruined. If a woman came forward and claimed that Kavanaugh assaulted her while he was levitating on a broom, anyone who dared point out that this was impossible would get socially destroyed for their “insensitivity to the victim.” That is where we are, friends.

  42. The Trump rallies are huge. A guy called Limbaugh today who drove 90 miles to go the Tennessee rally. 90,000 people were there. He stood in line 4 hours and finally went home and listened. He still had a good time.

    Kavanaugh is a huge issue in the election. McConnell needs to have a vote Friday, If the nomination loses, the red state Dims will be in a spotlight.

    Interesting times.

  43. Her comments should absolutely be relevant to her tenure at Georgetown. Does the university think that she could ever be impartial in grading a white male student of hers (especially the ones she nominally considered “privileged”, which would no doubt be all of them)? Do you think she’s the type of person that would make anyone she deemed to be a “privileged white male” comfortable in her classes?

    Can you imagine if women felt that they couldn’t get a fair shake from a male professor due to their incendiary hate-filled comments about women on twitter, or if, god forbid, a black student felt that way about a white professor?

  44. The Twilight Amendment enables violation of civil and human rights, including the progress of diversity or color judgments/discrimination.

  45. How does one persuade improved conduct for those who charge forward with relativist morality? Or better yet, how does one maintain a workable social fabric with them? Their conduct cries out with this proclamation: “Civil rights, due process, freedom of speech, presumption of innocence, common decency and respect are reserved for me — NOT for critics of me.”

  46. Mike K on October 2, 2018 at 2:19 pm at 2:19 pm said:
    The Trump rallies are huge. A guy called Limbaugh today who drove 90 miles to go the Tennessee rally. 90,000 people were there. He stood in line 4 hours and finally went home and listened. He still had a good time.

    Kavanaugh is a huge issue in the election. McConnell needs to have a vote Friday, If the nomination loses, the red state Dims will be in a spotlight.

    Interesting times.
    * * *

    “This way the American people will have the last say, he emphasized,” adding, “I’d ask voters in Indiana and Missouri and North Dakota and other places where Trump won saying who he would nominate if he got to be president and see if voters want to appeal the verdict of their senator.”

    Mic-drop moment of Thursday show trial was Graham’s sally to the Dems: “Y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it.”

  47. The sister of a high school friend teaches at Georgetown- though close to retirement. Maybe I should ask what the faculty scuttlebutt is about Professor Fair.

  48. “Why is Christine Fair still a professor at Georgetown?” is possibly simply answered by the further question “Why was Christine Fair hired as a professor at Georgetown?”. Allan Bloom understood the answer to that latter question. He in turn, I believe, might have pointed to Nietzsche’s foretelling the coming impossibility of an adequate professoriate to meet the numbers of mediocrities flocking into founded and yet to be founded institutions of higher education. Even so long ago our dilemma was self-evident.

  49. In order to fill out, as well as inject a bit of levity into this sad story, I’ll recount a joke I first heard from Harvey Mansfield (who was a friend of Allan Bloom and the son of a professor at Ohio State University):

    Q — How many students are there at Ohio State?

    A — About one in one hundred.

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