Home » Two highly recommended Barnes videos on the Rittenhouse case


Two highly recommended Barnes videos on the Rittenhouse case — 6 Comments

  1. I wish I had enough time to listen to everything Barnes has to say, but he really goes on and on. Not that any of what he says is unimportant, just that I have a life too.

  2. Neo at her recent news roundup: “The FBI continues to do the administration’s dirty work.”

    The FIB is the Democrat’s Stasi. Antifa is their Brown Shirts. And BLM has become their militia.

    Of the four targets Rittenhouse shot at, who belonged to which latter two groups?

  3. I am a big fan of Malice. He is a very smart and funny person. Most important, he gives a good interview and lets the person he is interviewing talk.

  4. Praying for Kyle that he and his family can recognize the grifters and tell them to get lost. He needs his life back.

  5. Barnes says Rittenhouse vomited nightly during his weeks in jail and suffers from PTSD. He’s a helper, the opposite of 5he 5higs he dispatched.

    Let that sink in, and how evil the prosecution played him.

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