Home » Biden says the January 6th rioters killed Sicknick


Biden says the January 6th rioters killed Sicknick — 27 Comments

  1. The lying of a senile buffoon (who just happens to have been fraudulently installed in the WH) is bad enough, but the brazen fabrications, concerning 1/6 and the “lethal” threat of “white supremacy” from Wray at FBI, Mayorkas at DHS, and especially Garland and his minions at DOJ (none of whom is cognitively impaired), are even more egregious and perhaps even more dangerous. That tens of millions of our fellow citizens believe these unhinged falsehoods is disheartening enough, but far too many heartless leftists are even convinced that the unarmed Ashli deserved to be killed and that the black capitol officer who executed her (in the words of Rep. Gosar) is some kind of hero.

  2. Biden is not alone. This is another example of creative or plausible cause rather than probable cause, socially justified by a presumption of guilty until proven innocent beyond a reasonable doubt a la witch hunts and warlock trials, or merely conjuring conceptions to ameliorate depraved states of mind in baby… “burden” reductions.

    That said, did events progress then liberalize before or after the murder of Ashli Babbitt? How many people who were and were not “Trump supporters”, or were agitators, perhaps paid (with diverse precedents), involved?

  3. The corrupt and the senile. If any of this is challenged, they will try to dump it on “Slo Joe” who can’t say “good morning” without a cue card.

  4. If there’s no conequences for lying, then why would Biden (or any Dem pol) not lie? There certainly isn’t any real effort to challenge or correct such a lie. The bulk of our press are nothing but state propagandists. Effectively slandering one half of the country is just a matter of course I guess.

  5. Biden has always lied. He has lied throughout his career, even lied about his university degrees. His lying caused him to back out of a presidential campaign after he was caught presenting a speech as his own, instead of crediting Neil Kinnock, a British politician who had originally crafted it. He’s consistently lied about the death of his wife for false cynical appeals to sympathy. Joe Biden is everything that is mediocre, rancid and contemptible about American politics. But what is appalling is that, even with his obvious lack of intellect, even with easily disprovable lies, the media is the willing enabler to grant him a pass in perpetuity, to the extent that he’s comfortable lying without a second thought,

  6. What they are trying to do, once again, is get this to become “conventional wisdom.” Once that happens no one will question any of it. In a decade it will be used as an truth to be pointed at in columns by people on all sides.

    This process has been ongoing for at least 60 years. We are getting to the point where “Everything You Know is Wrong” to quote the title of a satiric comedy album from my youth that featured a flying saucer on the cover, which is something the left is touting once more.

  7. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
    Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda

    A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.
    Adolph Hitler

  8. Hunter Biden – A supreme degenerate. An apple that landed very close to the crooked wood from which it fell.

  9. geoffb – If I recall correctly, one of Cox’s revelations on that FT album was “Men and Women are the Same Sex”.
    And here we are today.
    I never thought FT would be used as a playbook.

  10. Steph,
    “I never thought FT would be used as a playbook.”

    Me neither. How much longer till we have a “Communist Martyrs High School?”

  11. geofb – I’ll check with Peorgie Tirebiter.
    “Holy Mudhead, mackerel! Morse Science High. It’s … disappeared!”

  12. “How Can Your Be In Two Places At Once When You’re Not Anywhere At All”

    Seems appropriate for Biden

  13. The situation with Biden used to be clear. You knew he was lying outright. Now, there is a smidgen of doubt as to whether he is consciously lying, or whether he is just totally confused. Of course the conditions are not mutually exclusive. He could be confusing his lies.

  14. Steph and geoffb:

    “Hamburgers (are?) all over the road in Mystic Connecticut.”

    “We’re all Bozos on this bus.”

    It’s quite a mystery, we need “Nick Danger, Third Eye.”

  15. I would guess that a large percentage of the democrats in this country still believe he was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. A smaller but still large percentage believe that he cheated in 2016 with help from the Russians.
    No amount of facts will sway them.

  16. Does a congenital liar, well into senility still realize that they’re lying? Perhaps. But the most persuasive liar is one who convinces themselves that any lie they tell has at least some truth in it.

    Biden apparently mastered that skill at a very early age. I imagine that’s easier for the sociopath. Arguably, Biden exhibits some of the signs of a personable sociopath; https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-sociopath

  17. I watced a video yesterday on another (conservative) site. It purported to be another example of Biden’s dementia, but to me he looked surprisingly with-it.
    So you know what the sheep would think of it, especially since the media are not questioning his behavior.

    I mean, he’s rather old, probably tired, and all Presidents commit a lot of verbal gaffes.

    But I don’t think he can keep this up for four more years.

  18. “How much longer till we have a “Communist Martyrs High School?” ” – geoffb

    You’re late to the party.
    Judging by the dates on those posts, the party is already over.

    Taking pity on the perplexed younger generation, who might be expending a few brain-cycles on trying to decode your conversation with steph & om.


    The old geezers already know.

  19. At Joe’s next presser, one of our courageous representatives of the Fourth Estate should try this:
    “This is Worker speaking. Hello.”
    “Why does the porridge bird lay his egg in the air?”

  20. Remember when Trump’s lies were a threat to democracy itself? When democracy died in darkness?

    I have progressive friends who know I despise Trump and couldn’t understand why I still voted the way I did. I said the left was just as bad and often worse. Trump was called out for at least ten out of every five lies he told.

    They’ll never see it.

  21. Loving the FT references and quotes. But I remember the “hamburger” quote as, “And there’s hamburger all over the highway in Mystic Connecticut.”

    Me? I’m going to take off my shoes, sit in a tree and learn to play the flute.

  22. Of course Biden blatantly lied about Trump and Charlottesville, along with the rest of the Democrats and MSM. Even some liberals like Althouse called him on that, but he just kept at it. He’s a horrible human being, and I won’t let him off on the dementia defense.

  23. Owen:

    My memory from the early 70’s isn’t as sharp as it never was. Or as I saw on a button “The older I get the better I was.”

    Now for some bad “jokes.”

    Q: What has four tires and flies?
    A: A garbage truck.

    Q: What has two wheels and flies?
    A: Wheelie Bin Laden.

    Who took the trash out? Seal Team Six.

  24. Owen – I believe you are correct about the FT quote referencing Mystic, CT (my native state which did not seem very mystical to me).

    Baggins – I agree Biden doesn’t seem quite as out of it as is sometimes claimed from various clips. Nevertheless it is an absurdly low bar for a POTUS especially when he is dealing with the likes of Putin, China, Iran.

  25. In last month and half have read all 3 books of Gulag Archipelago and finishing Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. They have changed my view on these Leftists megalomaniacs, I think now they actually believe their own bull shit. Sundowner has told this so many times if you gave him a full proof lie detector he would pass it with flying colors.

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