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More trouble for Cuomo — 27 Comments

  1. I think it’s more than just not being a foil for Trump. I think that the media was afraid that anything that made Trump’s enemies look bad would make him look better in respect. And they’re probably right.

    Of course, there was no way the media was going to allow any story to make Trump look better.

  2. Why now? It’s the power of statistics.

    Reversion to the mean will happen, despite the Left’s best efforts. After years of left-wing propaganda, the media will slowly print more and more stories that balance things out. The Cuomo story is a sign of things to come.

    By my calculations, a perfect bell curve will form in the year 2417.

  3. Why is it Now it can be Told?
    Because they want to get Andrew out of the way to keep that brainless wimp Kamala Harris in place to let Val Jar or whoever pulls her strings as POTUS in 2024, that’s why.

  4. Cornflour. Reversion to the mean is a matter of probability. Unless you’re being metaphorical, it does not happen when purposeful direction is involved. In the latter case, the mean is moved.

  5. Richard Aubrey:

    Not so much metaphorical, as simply silly.

    I was mocking all those reporters from the Washington Post and New York Times, who inevitably say that they’re just a bunch of Joe Fridays writing nothing but the facts, ma’am. Republicans complain about some stories, Democrats about others. They claim that it all evens out in the end — or in 2417.

    In short, another failed attempt, by me, to be funny.

  6. They just took over, and it’ll be a while before they actually have to pay a price. That makes it a good time to get rid of potential embarrassments. The risk is that there are several other governors who have similar record to Cuomo on killing old folks. They must be a bit worried. Of course, the press will explain why everything was different in those cases.

  7. And another reason why, I read somewhere, is that Cuomo wasn’t the only governor who transferred COVID people into nursing homes. Govs of PA and NJ and maybe more also did that. So they don’t want that news to come out which is the real scandal, of course, so they’ll sacrifice Cuomo on the old established sexual predator altar. Sorry, I see where Eeyore just beat me to it.

  8. The harassment is the squirrel to the COVID mismanagement and fraud. Still think worst that happens to him is he won’t run for another term next year.

  9. Cornflour. Sorry I missed it. Hate to be all anal and literal and stuff.
    Lots of people miss my jokes and possibly it’s not their fault.

  10. I agree with Eeyore and GrandpaGrumble: what has Democrats scared is the fact that at least three other governors (Newsom, Whitmer and Murphy) did similar shenanigans with nursing homes. The Cuomo nursing home story became too big to ignore, but if it continues to be the central scandal surrounding him, it could expose those other governors and open up a truly national scandal, giving the GOP marvelous talking points and a platform for 2022. That must not happen.

    And so, right on cue came the old standby: sexual harassment! I have no idea whether the allegations are true, but they certainly might be, given what we know about Cuomo’s character and personality. That aside, there are two salient points:

    1. Some of the accusations involve incidents from several years ago…before the #MeToo hysteria which brought down dozens of prominent public figures. And yet, it comes up only now? How convenient.

    2. Nothing Cuomo is accused of, sexual harassment wise, is as serious as what Gropin’ Joe has been accused of. And yet, that has been entirely flushed down the memory hole. We all know why.

    Ultimately, Cuomo is toast. He will be gone within a few weeks. But, the Democrat-MSM complex has successfully (so far, anyway) reframed the scandal. The nursing home deaths and shocking cover up are backpage news; it’s all about, sexual harassment!! #MeToo21!!

  11. A big jaw dropper for me back in the spring of ’20 was the claim that nursing home COVID patients near death were moved back into hospitals a mere couple of hours before they died. Presumably this was done to make the nursing home numbers look better. The old saw about Watergate was that it wasn’t the crime but the coverup that mattered.

    The other thing that was amazing was the news week when those stories were breaking. One would have to have recorded it meticulously to reproduce it perfectly now, but Gov. Cuomo issued statements roughly like this:

    1) No one ordered COVID patients back into nursing homes.
    2) I didn’t issue the order, but my secretary of health services did.

    3) If nursing home operators didn’t like the order they could have called us to complain. (Either no one answered the phones, or when they did they said the Gov. has tied our hands.)

    4) Well, maybe I (Cuomo) did issue the order, but Trump’s CDC made me do it.

    5) Well, yes a lot of people died but it wasn’t my doing. It was just the epidemic running its course.

    A separate item concerning the chaos that was happening in Albany then, came out a couple months ago. One might imagine that there was a flurry of memos and EO’s circulating in the governor’s office and other state offices around that time. Yet some of these worker bees now claim that they would rush into the room or glue themselves to the TV screen when Cuomo gave these Emmy award winning daily speeches, so they could figure out what the heck they were supposed to be doing.

  12. Seven other democrat governors issued the same orders as Cuomo.

    Cuomo’s removal is necessary to prevent him from opposing Harris in the 2024 primaries. Cuomo would not be nearly as easy to control as flighty Harris. As Cuomo’s ego is a match for Obama’s.

  13. Geoffrey Britain’s brief comment is like a reduction of the dripping from an excellent hunk of meat to achieve a superb gravy.
    He has boiled it all down to 44 words.

    Good work, Geoffrey. You are over the target and dropping the entire load “for effect”.

  14. I am reminded of my NYC artist cousin, who some months ago thought that Cuomo and DeBlasio were the greatest things since sliced bread. In a phone conversation several months ago, she initiated the topic of COVID-19, and mentioned Mayor Bill. I expressed a negative opinion of Mayor Bill, with some knowledge why. Her response was that as she didn’t know anything about the Mayor of the TX city where I reside, she found it strange that I knew something about the mayor of NYC.

    I hear that she has subsequently turned against Mayor Bill. The clock is apparently ticking on her opinion about Governor Cuomo.

    (For someone who didn’t like a TX resident expressing an opinion about NYC’s mayor, I noticed she had no hesitation on giving opinions on the recent blackout in TX. When confronted with this inconsistency, she ignored it.)\

    Sources on all Governors who ordered COVID pts. into nursing homes?

  15. I got to say ,as an old dude from a rural southern state . Cuomo would have an epitaph by now. Some good old boy , pissed off about the gubinater killing his momma would have found just the right spot and ,,,, well you know.

  16. @Keith:

    To sleep with the fishes, yes… but with Billy Bob’s BASS? Oh, the humanity!

  17. }}} (For someone who didn’t like a TX resident expressing an opinion about NYC’s mayor, I noticed she had no hesitation on giving opinions on the recent blackout in TX. When confronted with this inconsistency, she ignored it.)\

    Rules for Thee
    But None for Me
    – Liberal Slogan (it’s on the back of the membership card)

    Hunt for my discussion of the “Liberal Midnight Reset Button” ( & Obloodyhell)…

    You’ll see her doing that, too.

  18. What is the surprise? They are hiding the murderer of Ashli Babbit, so what is a few less geezers sucking on the budget? This is your future. They stole the Republic without any complaint (that mattered), so why would they hold off on allowing some geezers to die while they balanced the budget? It’s just business. Get used to it.

    Ain’t nothin’ to Cuomo. It is just part of the job.

  19. We should be mindful to examine the process, not just the product. The media is dependent on their reporting to generate revenue, and right now they are all hurting, in the post-Trump world.

    A news story doesn’t happen over night, and it doesn’t develop by itself. These are productions – in the same way your daily Soap Opera is a production, in the same way your weekly drama series is a production. And it relies on careful scripting, a reliable sense of pace and timing and presentation of content so that the viewers are neither bored nor overwhelmed with too much data; and also, good production values, to make it entertaining and interesting. These scenes don’t make themselves; they are crafted.

    So you’ll remember from the good old-bad old Trump days, a story would appear as distant rumbles of thunder, then start to take shape, then a couple of weeks to make it look as bad as possible, then a couple of more weeks to bring it to a peak crescendo, then a couple of weeks of the story deflating as Trump outran it. You could see the stories lining up for takeoff, just like jets on the taxiways.

    I think the same thing is going on here, and the Democrat Machine is busy with a lot of stuff – like HR1 – which they want firmly in the background, out of sight. But the media has a news Jones. They need a distraction, and Qanon is not cooperating, nor are the White Supremacists, and the Republicans are notoriously boring and well-behaved. So: Andrew, it is. Like everything else in Prog World, sooner or later they run out of victims for the ritual cleansing, and have to stoop to using soiled goods rather than rejects.

  20. A lesson can be learned here. Nobody does the politics of personal destruction better than the Democrats.

    Next time there’s a poisonous target that urgently needs to be brought down, be it Al Franken or Cuomo, sic the Dems on them.

    How to get them to turn on their own? As we are seeing, under the right conditions it doesn’t take much.

  21. Mike-SMO,

    Though no man or woman can say when, that ‘business’ has an expiration date…

  22. As we New Yorkers have been saying for a few months now: Never Forget. Andrew Cuomo killed more New Yorkers than Osama Bin Laden.

    My only quibble with some of the folks here is the motive for the left’s turn on Cuomo. At first, I thought removing Cuomo from the field for Kamala Harris was the reason but the more I considered it, that doesn’t entirely make sense to me. It’s 4 years away and public memory is short. It will be even shorter once the MSM/TPTB start washing the last year down the memory hole. We know there are at least two major Leftist faction in the US: The Obama Faction and the Clinton Faction.

    I think this comes from the Clinton Faction, clearing the way for a Hillary gubernatorial run in 2022. I believe Hillary sees this as her route back into politics and relevance and unleashed her faction’s not-inconsiderable resources on Andrew Cuomo.

    Hillary can easily win that race in NYS in 2022, especially now with the knives coming out.

  23. I love all of the speculation. Fanciful. Bottom line is that the Left is not averse to eating their own. C’est la vie.
    Far more significant is the degree to which the Left is conjuring up all variations of insanity to rile up their opponents.
    ***Allowing unfettered entry through our southern border. Even those testing with Wuhan-Virus.
    ***Allowing transgender athletes to compete with girls—changing forever the record books, and diminishing scholarships for traditional females.
    ***Coming assault on Second Amendment.
    ***Cancelling those who do not possess their world view or any policy forwarded by their cabal.
    ***Refusing to admit that Antifa, BLM, and other anarchists rioted over past year while burning, looting, killing in multiple cities across America. They were “peaceful protests”. At least 20 people killed and over a dozen uniformed officers shot.
    ***Kamala Harris co-founding organization created and funded to provide bail for anyone arrested/jailed in Minneapolis, MN during that, “peaceful protest”.
    ***Dropping all charges against individuals caught and jailed during the aforementioned. However, pressing charges against all of those caught during “armed insurrection” on January 6th in Washington, D.C. Even whilst no “arms” were ever recorded. No guns other than the ones police carried. And no deaths by the hands of the protestors. And documented evidence that members of Antifa planned that event in advance.
    ***Shutting down Keystone XL pipeline (evaporating thousands of jobs) and any “new” drilling on federal land.
    ***Banning books (Dr. Seuss and others), YouTube videos, etc. that do not comport with their “opinions”, ideologies.
    ***Spinning tales of “QAnon plans to attack every state capital in America on March 4th to coincide with rightful inauguration of Donald Trump.” Oooops, now changed to occur on March 20th. When that too fails to materialize as projected, simply another future date plugged in.
    Countless other examples of these aggressive actions exist.
    The point?
    The Left is working tirelessly in efforts to foment such anger from their opponents that they create incidents of real violence from them. If the Left can get even a few people on the “Right” to crack, these can be used to affirm the narrative they’ve been spinning for years. They can finally reconcile, with conviction, the fencing put up around the capital in D.C. Up until now, they’ve had to manufacture reactions. Lying out of whole cloth. Their intent and strategy is to get bona fide, recorded violence so as to broadcast their, “See, we told you so!”
    A bit like the “horrific” incident in 2010 during the Tea Party movement when Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver was methodically “SPIT ON” by a vile Tea Party member. It was decidedly, “premeditated” too. The media stayed on that story fully two weeks, a leading story of all news programs. Until it was proven not to have occurred. Then it mysteriously disappeared from all emotive-driven news programs.
    Once someone, anyone, anywhere on the right “cracks”—fights back—the Left will be lauded, exhaustively, for all of the otherwise insane behavior being carried out.

  24. G.B. There is no expiration. Ask Trotsky what is written on the other side of the “contract”.

    The game is “Power”. There are no bounds or rules, except winning. The “Next round” starts before the first is over.

    The term “hypocracy” is just a pretty, bright thing to keep you amused. The game goes on forever.

    Albo… Nice list, and even you didn’t mention that they stole/destroyed the country. Letting the mental cases run around the girls locker room is just a distraction to keep you from “noticing”. And it seems to be working. Can you keep a straight face when some idiot says the phrase, “next election”?

  25. Since everything for the Democrats and their media stooges, is a coverup, then the question really is: What else are they trying to hide? What else are they trying to cover up?

    The answers given above are all apt, all relevant.

    In the end, everything MUST serve as a distraction, intended to take one’s eye off from the stolen election…which itself, was meant to cover up Russiagate (and more).

    Lots of skeletons remain to be uncovered.

    …but will this ever happen and/or will it even matter….?

  26. Hello, Fractal. That’s an interesting thought. I suppose Mrs. Clinton waits in her lair in Westchester – what does she actually do, anyway? Or need she “do” anything? Maybe she and her husband have accumulated enough from speaking fees to just sit and cogitate (and intrigue and plan and study). Also, whose side is Ms. James on in all this? Sigh… it makes my head hurt.

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