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Roundup — 147 Comments

  1. There are some dems who push for power. That’s one group. The group which makes me craziest is the mush heads whose sole issue is that Trump is an awful person.

  2. I am, by nature, not a very pessimistic person nor do I view the world through a bleakly apocalyptic lens.

    However, I feel, deep in my bones, that America has turned a dark page. There may be no return. My advice: buckle up.

  3. on our way to following in the glorious footsteps of post-Chavez Venezuela” neo

    That’s where they HAVE to take America in order to achieve the left’s agenda and most of the left’s supporters are willfully blind to the absolute necessity of imposing tyranny to get to what they think desirable.

    Obama is waiting for the day when he will be ‘elected’ El Presidente for Life and doing what he can to hasten forward the day of that blessed event’s arrival. If offered it… is there much doubt that he’d accept it?

    Warnock is a racist and one filled to the brim with hate. But his gravest sin by far is wrapping himself within the shroud of Jesus.

    Raphael Warnock Mentored by Radical Theologian James Cone, Who Railed Against ‘Satanic Whiteness’

  4. Wasn’t Emanuel the architect of ACA during Obama’s presidency?

    Roundup: There have been numerous verbal confrontations and physical assaults on Trump supporters after the Million MAGA March held in DC today, many of which have been recorded and posted on social media. People who have lessened the seriousness of these assaults have claimed that the attackers have been “bullied” for the past 4 years and that the people assaulted were the “bullies.” These attackers were part of the “fringe.”

  5. Getting “interestinger and interestinger”…
    “Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Declassification and Release of ‘Electronic Communication’ Used to Launch Obama Administration’s Spy Operation on President Trump’s 2016 Campaign”
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed

    No doubt this is what Brennan was worried about. But given the amount of media coverage it likely will get, why should he be so worried?

  6. Getting “curiouser and curiouser”…
    “Pollster: It’s Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City…Except These Four.”
    H/T Insapundit

    Key grafs:
    ‘ How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

    ‘ Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst, observes in these “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”

    ‘ Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’; Trump’s real leads subsequently vanished.’

    File under: Just a reminder (for those who forgot…or never wanted to know in the first place)….

  7. Left Fox for Newsmax both on line and on TV a week ago. Haven’t looked back but I do miss Tucker, but refuse to watch him not to give any ratings boost to FNC.

  8. This all reminds me of a classic Comanche torture. The Comanche women were more skilled at the torture arts than the men, who brought captured enemy warriors, Indian and Anglo, back to their tender mercies.

    The captive had his eyelids excised, then was staked out supine, spread-eagled, in the nude. And left that way. No mercy from the glaring TX sun, and the vultures circling and descending, getting ever closer.

    We see what is being done. As evil descends on the USA.

  9. Cicero,

    It wasn’t just the Comanche. Torture of captured enemies was the norm among Indian tribes. And the women were as bad or even worse than the men. Nor did you have to be a hostile enemy, anyone outside the tribe by their very existence was a potential “enemy”.

  10. Are we having fun yet?

    I’ve continued to have intermittent trouble sleeping, when certain fears for the republic swirl around in my head and alternate with angry imaginary letters I compose to liberal friends.

    Always as.

    PTSD sleeping habits there.

    I have none of that fear swirling around.

    Other than Maybe 2016, 2020 has been the best year.

    The power of god descends. Get ready for it, humans and non humans.

    As evil descends on the USA.

    The God Ray descends and brings Light to the darkness. In other words, the USA has always been corrupted by the dark, but now you see the roaches with the lights turned on.

    Abraham Lincoln’s assassination by Jesuits.

  11. Sorry to hear that you aren’t sleeping well, Neo.

    I’m sleeping okay, but I do have PETSD. (Post Election Trauma Syndrome.) Can’t seem to live my life like I normally do. I keep searching the web for answers. I can’t quite wrap my head around the nation electing a feeble, fragile, elderly man with early dementia who promised higher taxes, higher energy prices, and open borders. It does not compute, as Spock would say. I force myself off the computer to get some exercise, go to the store, help my wife with house work, read a book, etc., but I can’t seem to relax my mind. I keep getting on the computer looking for answers. I keep wanting to see the hard evidence of the vote manufacturing that we all know happened in those five battleground states. I see a video like the one Cap’n Rusty put up of Sidney Powell. “Yes, yes, this is it,” I say. But the MSM keeps up its steady drumbeat about President Elect Biden and when will Trump concede? And I hear or see nothing about someone being investigated or indicted for election fraud. Oh, woe!

    Four years ago, before the surgery that almost killed me, I had a way to deal with PETSD or anything like it. Into the gym and take out my anger and frustration on the weights. But now, a few trips up and down our stairs (my puny workout now) does not leave me feeling rid of my psychic devils, only exhausted. 🙁

    Well, being able to come here to read the comments and blow off a bit of steam by commenting is somewhat like group therapy. I’ll sleep well tonight, but tomorrow the search for cosmic justice continues.

  12. Where I am in liberalistan, they aren’t happy either, apparently because republicans still live and breathe across the land.

    Talking to several actual people this evening, though I tried to keep the conversation light, tediously every topic veered into politics. It’s like talking to religious zealots — who just want to force utopia down America’s ungrateful throat.

    You would think they’d be happy, elated even, given Biden’s ‘amazing‘ win. But nope, he was never mentioned and if anything, they are more miserable. I almost blurted out that observation, but, glancing at the blazing bonfire at my feet, I changed the subject.

  13. Geoffrey Britain and Cicero,

    You may already know this

    The only Black American at the Little Big Horn was the escaped slave Isaiah Dorman who was employed as a civilian interpreter by the 7th Cavalry Quartermaster Department. He was married to a Sioux and interpreted for four Lakota scouts who were members of the 7th Cavalry Detachment of Enlisted Indian Scouts. He met a gruesome death during the retreat from Reno’s Valley Fight when his horse went down. The coup de grace was administered by a young Lakota woman Moving Robe. She did this for revenge for the killing of her younger brother Deeds. Deeds, who was about 13, was the first person killed at the Little Big Horn. He was slain by the Crow scout Goes Ahead who was a member of the 7th Infantry Detachment of Enlisted Indian Scouts and was on detached service with Custer.

  14. My insomnia remedies:
    1. Eat two teaspoons of honey.
    If that doesn’t work in about five minutes,
    2. Turn on the light, grab a good book and start reading. When I feel sleepy, put down the book and doze off *leaving the light on*. Works very well.

  15. Esther, don’t forget, they are morally superior to us.

    They have been taught to hate themselves and have internalised the bile such that they must excrete all over us. Then stomp their boots upon our faces forever.

    Zack Goldberg writes in the Tablet how the first occurred. Others have noted that Orwell became their manual during the Trump years.

  16. It is possible that President Trump is as smart as I am giving him credit for and that he has in fact set a monkey trap. He might want the corrupt Secretaries of State to certify an election they know is fixed so he can throw them in jail. We just don’t know.

    What would you do if you were him and you knew they cheated in 2016 but not enough and you knew they cheated again in 2018. Would you just try to stop them from cheating or would you try for Operation Clean Sweep AKA Everyone goes to jail?

  17. #BlackPigeonSpeaks #FelixRex #Election2020
    America 2020 The Great PSYOP CRISIS

    Felix Rex introduces our battle today by framing us as located in the CRISIS state of communist takeover, according to Bezmenov’s four stages (which possibly most of us are acquainted with).

    One StreetSoulLover adds this enormous insight:
    Mass Censorship should be called what it is, Digital Eugenics the curation of information, discarding that which is not deemed to fit your personal narrative…”

  18. I ought add that the theme in his 20 minute educational video is moral subversion and destabilisation, eventuating in a crisis, opportunistically exploited.


  19. Barry LINK to “Slanted” by Sheryl Attkisson new book in review) The herd of mass comm propagandists needs sheering and culling.

  20. Two law firms have quit representing Trump in the crucial post election case, federal and presumable state challenges involving Pennsylvania.

    One is named Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, LLC.

    The given reason is Twitter mobbing, doxxing, and physical threats, can we presume?

    We need real fighters and real warriors unafraid of violence or we shall fail.

    Hinderaker explains the consequences:

    Reportedly there also were employees at the law firm who objected to representing President Trump. Porter Wright’s abandonment of its client is shameful conduct for which I suspect it will receive little but praise.

    Not many years ago, every terrorist in Guantanamo Bay was represented by one of a group of America’s top law firms. For free. No one batted an eye. Now, the President of the United States is having trouble getting lawyers to represent him in asserting perfectly legitimate claims. Some dictator.

    This is the latest instance of the most troubling trend in American culture, leftist bullying. Rare is the company (or, as in this case, the law firm) with the courage to stand up against it. It is a serious threat to the liberty of all Americans.

    In somewhat mollifying news Porter Wright continues to represent Trump in four other legal matters.


  21. Yammer is back to yammering alternative reality and imagined history.

    People here and online thought Ymarsakar’s Civil War 2 warnings after 2007 and before 2012, were perhaps alternative reality (that birthed alt right) and imagined.

    Now look where you all are… ; ) hehe M U R I C A

    does not leave me feeling rid of my psychic devils, only exhausted.

    Accept the Prince of Peace. It is your choice.

  22. I posted pictures and video of the huge crowds in DC yesterday and got at least 3 neighbors claiming that they were all faked.

    We have stopped watching Fox, and I am slowly moving over to Parler and MeWe. I still use FB, however, because I need to be able to contact voters in my county, and I don’t have the numbers yet on the new platforms.

  23. For those of you writing that you have “stopped watching Fox,” that’s good. I sense the movement to cut off funds to organizations that are not friends of freedom is gathering tremendous steam. However, I assume you are aware that if you still pay for cable or satellite service Fox News (and CNN and MSNBC and the network news desks) is still getting your hard earned money.

    If you want to truly cut off funds this primer http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=391252
    is not a bad place to start. There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. It seems overwhelming when you first dive into it, but it’s easier than it sounds.

  24. neo, J.J. et al,

    I am sorry to hear that current events are affecting (and increasing) your waking hours. I have had some down moments in the past week, or so. Seems reasonable, actually. It is very discomforting to know there are those who wish to subjugate us and that they have expanded their political reach.

    If you have a window of reasonable weather I highly recommend some time in nature. It greatly helps with perspective. If that’s not possible, a long drive through a country landscape can be restorative. Don’t listen to talk radio or podcasts on your trip. Play some music you enjoy, or just think about positive things.

    There are as many good, decent people in this country today as there were last month and we are not going anywhere. Yes, we have a fight in front of us, it’s been going on for over 200 years. There are always enemies of freedom trying to take control over those who wish to be free. But 100 million or more of your countrymen and women share your desire and will not abandon their beliefs, or us, no matter what difficulties lie ahead.

    You are not alone.

  25. I am a veteran. What many are feeling here is called ptsd or battle stress. Continous, no break, surround sound combat stress.

    Since 2007, i have had a few days or weeks of r and r. But it was several years, for me, of combat stress.

    Welcome to the war that has ended, shokun, patriots, princess, princes, and vampire zombies.

    Oh btw d bongino is insulting humans


    Style over substance

    I recommend people stimulate themselves with cute cat videos or anything opposite your negative emotions. You wont last otherwise.

    Humans can break under 3 days of continuous combat, morning to sleep. Months to go, so take it easy.

  26. Rufus,
    I wish I could share your confidence in the future.
    But the force of elitist evil arrayed against us humble citizens is profound and inexorable, even sheltered by our own Constitution under the First Amendment even as they violate with impunity the spirit thereof.

    Xi and the Chicomms are smiling and sleeping very well. With Biden, the China path to global dominance is secure. Hong Kong is lost and Taiwan is in great danger of invasion from the mainland. Vlad is not troubled. Europe is not troubled, and under Democratic rule forever per H.R.1, America will be another Mexico with an “institutional” governing party. Erdogan will continue Islamification. The Ayatollahs will crank out their enriched uranium – they are already well on their march to a nuclear weapon.

    All give thanks to Dopey Joe, whose two top priorities are climate change and systemic racism!

    Imagine that our hopes must rest on two Senate elections in Georgia, and on Joe Manchin. Our sole bulwark is the Senate.

  27. GoeffreyBritain:
    Re Indians, the basic Comanche unit was not a tribe but a band. Comanche Band X would raid Comanche Band Y, kill women and children, and bring males back, turn them over to the women for torture. Venturing out overnight to attack another encampment maybe 50 miles away was a routine! And that was before they got the horse! Stellar navigation across the Plains?

    I’ve just finished reading a narrative of a white boy who was taken at age 7 by Comanches, brutally converted into a Comanche, became a warrior with many kills of Buffalo hunters and frontiersmen until he was finally seized and turned back by the Army to his TX family at age 16! From 1870 to 1879. His de-programming took years, and he wrote his narrative much later.

    Killing other Indians in other bands was nothing; tribal alliances against the whites were fragile. the Plains Indians could not keep a union. Nor could they lay siege; it was all smash and grab.

    There is a fine book, “Comanches” (2003) by Fehrenbach, the noted TX historian, which details torture practices.

  28. Rufus and several others have some good advice. Constant exposure to the outrage machine is not healthy.

    Added to this stress, is the lack of, and the need for, not a ” right-wing” news source, but a competent, objective, fact driven, and relentlessly probing news source.

    In the current infotainment environment citizens who are fed up with the blatantly biased mainstream, have found themselves chasing their tails. Social media and blogs might go some way toward providing alternate sources of fragmentary information, but they are also the stomping grounds for “conservative” attention whores, click bait maestros, and rumor mongers who apparently feel no shame no matter how many times they are shown to be wrong.

    For now, we work with what we’ve got.

    But conservatives need an objective media: and neither social media nor a partisan media, nor even a “conservative slant media” can replace it.

    Conservatives need it, because only the complete truth will do.

  29. Cicero,
    Our hopes rest with Trump and Trump alone. Without a criminal take down of all involved you will never, repeat NEVER, have a fair election in this country again. Your parade of horribles are probably the least of our problems. I read this morning all over the place that the GOP in the contested states have NO intention of intervening. Is this true or more MSM agiprop? Bottom line is the constitution is not a suicide pact. Trump must stop them at all costs or he probably dies in prison on trumped up charges.

  30. DNW:
    For Christians, I suggest devotional church attendance for Truth with a capital T. Not at the dying, self-immolating mainstream Protestant sects, but at Evangelical or Catholic churches. Anglican, not Episcopalian, for example.
    For others, good luck.
    The need to stick together is great.
    We really do not just now need “objective” media. What we read and hear everywhere are lies, so just assume the opposite!

  31. I can’t help but notice that the only state wide GOPer in WA is the SoS who conveniently also certifies elections. We shouldn’t assume that only jackass party people benefit. That makes me rethink Stacy whats-her-face’s complaint in GA particularly in view of the BS that the GA Gov just pulled.

  32. Cicero. Read Fehrenbach…..”This Kind of War”, and “This Kind of Peace” years ago. Terrific writing and lots of information and context.

  33. Next shoe to drop will be Hunter Biden investigation if there ever was one with a whole lot of “poor judgement”, nothing criminal … NOTHING

  34. I doubt that when the designers of the ARPANET did their work, that they ever considered that its descendant the Internet, would become a lifeline for communicating in quite the way it has.

    Regarding The Conservative Treehouse, I Idont go to the site for information, but in following the link left, they seem to claim they have a couple hundred thousand subscribers and 500k to a million unique visitors a day.

    With that traffic, I would have thought they would have their own server.


    ” … It is highly recommended to create any PHP and HTML documents with a website builder such as Dreamweaver, Amaya, or another back-end website builder if you do not have coding experience.

    Alternatively, if you already have a website built using a platform such as WordPress or Drupal, you can download all of the files from your existing site’s server and upload them to your new Apache server in the ‘/www’ folder….”

  35. Re CTH deplatforming
    With Biden the New King, the summer flames of Weimar USA are stoked anew.

    Just as in DC where Trump partisans get attacked and beaten, the digital space is the real Kristallnacht (and Christianne Amanpour was outrageously projecting into CNN, all but blaming Trump for the Left’s electronic book burning).

    Pre-election, the US trained physicist who taught five years at Harvard (yet a conservative), Lubos Motl in Pilsen, opined that in the US — with a non-neglible risk of a Trump loss — a planned back-up exit plan from the declining Anglophone world was advisable. If you can afford it.


    I hate it when he’s right.

  36. About Durham there’s clearly much more there there. How will this travesty of traitors tale leak out?

    The GateWay Pundit quotes a suggestive tweet:
    “SEAN DAVIS: A separate source who has seen the evidence compiled during the course of Durham’s investigation told @FDRLST this afternoon that there’s ‘more than enough evidence to indict multiples’ involved in the Russian collusion hoax operation to take down Trump.”

    Indict but not convict in the Evil Traitor throttled capital DC area.

    If we are going to retreat from there, how to conduct it? What can be burned when fascists reclaim their occupied territories?

    What evil, evil times wrap are in when such questions needs be asked.

  37. My favorite Zippy postcard:
    EXCUSE me … are
    we serving DONUTS
    in another SOLAR
    SYSTEM ??


    I was a little sad as I take in the prospect of Dems in the WH – with WordPress deplatforming CTH (The Last Refuge), I feel a bit worse. I should leave, too.
    I don’t think blogspot (Google owned) will be next, but it could be.

    No big surprise that “bulldog” Durham wimps out with Biden winning. Fighting CIA/FBI deep state criminals is not easy. They so often “forget”, and the evidence disappears … so no indictments.

    My sleeping has been fine – as long as I go to bed after 2 or 3 am.
    More mourning in the morning for the country I love.
    Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

  38. Paging Economist Tim Groseclose! You’re wanted in the the Red Phone…..

    The above thought occurred to me because of our fascist media corrupting politics, as revealed in this blind vote test in California:

    I live in California, and the politics of people here confuse me. But now, I do not feel so bad. Because the recent election results confirm that I was on to something: Californians are confused. While rejecting Trump, they support Trump’s policies. While voting for Biden, they don’t seem to support any of his policies.

    At least that’s what the leftist Initiatives on the ballot rejected in Cali imply.


    And why this switcheroo? Why are perceptions inverted and misaligned? The media lies and mis-representations of reality, obscuring the relevant facts, thus disabling democracy.

    Some 20 years ago, Groseclose used indirect survey methods of, for example, the the impact of the slow rollout of FOX News by Congressional District vote patterns, turning previous safe and contested one’s into GOP districts.

    He found then that media bias moved the needle Keft by about 8# in national elections. Ergo, without the propaganda, median Americans would vote like Texas or Tennessee.

    Irony alert. Groseclose found himself facing an increasingly hostile environment at UCLA, leaving for friendlier environment at George Mason University.

    Maybe, as others note, we need the Trump Empire to takeover the declining FNC media niche? And maybe there’s greater power to be extended throughout the nation in this project?

  39. I can only think about it for so long before there’s a danger of the whole world turning sour. It mustn’t. Mr Whatsit and I spent the weekend with our three-year-old grandson, who wants to ride his little no-pedals bike, eat cookies and talk about dinosaurs, and has no idea that politics even exists. It’s a reminder that life isn’t necessarily only about who’s in power. I’d rather be three.

  40. CORRECTION “Why are perceptions inverted and misaligned?“
    Should read: “Why are crucial perceptions inverted and political demands (or choice selection manifested by politics so) misaligned?”

  41. Take heart Mrs Whatsit and mate.

    Democrat ideas will fail. Maybe Democrat takeover will be blocked by re-electing Republicans to the Senate from Georgia.

    Look ahead to keep your child’s tyke from being indoctrinated by “schooling,” however. That’s his real danger in diminished life-chances. Save the future!

    The worst outcome is the vast waste of the failures of Leftism going unaccounted for, lessons going unleaded again. Because media is education.

    And if contemporary media remains ever corrupt, then our future remains ever useless.

  42. Sydney Powell Previews Dominion Software’s Electronic Vote Stealing Expose, previewed here in a 5 minute interview with Eric Bolling: https://www.spreely.com/videos/109531/251374/sidney-powell-with-eric-bolling-on-the-accuracy-of-dominion-voting-machines

    She says we can expect harder evidence (expert eyewitnesses? Proof?) later this week. It’s “Massive criminal voter fraud writ large, across at least 29 states,” she says.

    Explaining, why now? Powell answers that we have Patriots in many places and they are outraged at what’s been going on. And therefore they come forward.

  43. Hello. I’ve done my share of thinking about the election, none of which is particularly consequential; but one thing that actually has improved my state of mind is that I seem to have succeeded in overcoming my work-from-home nocturnality and reset myself to a normal sleep schedule over the past week. I had to anyway, since I started back in the office this week.

    But all week, I’ve been successfully getting up at 5-6 a.m. and going to bed at a reasonable time each night, rather than 4 or 5 a.m. and waking up at 10 or 11, then smearing my workday in fits and starts over the entire span between then and whatever ungodly hour of the night, interspersed with naps or what could pass for sleep. That had been my ‘schedule’ for a few months. I think it was turning my brain to mush. Already I feel better having stopped that slide.

    I’ve only taken one nap all week, and that was because I had a hard hike that day.

  44. Information is coming like out of a firehose, and it is tough to process, says Sydney Powell.

    More Powell interview details, from Maria Bartaromo on FNC on Sunday Morning Futures:

    Powell says: Trump won not by hundreds of thousands of votes but millions. Several States election results must be overturned.

    Same (Dominion type) software used by other companies. Hundreds of thousands of people have written our Team Trump about voting irregularities and alleged vote fraud.

    Kickbacks involving Dominion/software alleged. Family members of state officials benefitted, with consequent powers doled out as “election insurance” [for these criminals].

    Sydney Powell is livid! Dem. Sen. Klobuchar and others complaint about this electronic problem long ago, but went ignored.

    (I’m monitoring actualities aired from “Backbone Radio,” with Dr Matt Dunn, Sunday afternoon at 760 KNUS-Denver.)

    We’re suffering from a Deep State psy operation. But can we catch them, says Dunn.

    Has the CIA used out ignored this type of crime elsewhere? Our federal government could not have been ignorant of this problem of insecure voting.

    “Our entire State is is Rotten,” Powell says.

  45. Mayor Rudy Giuliani from Bartaromo:

    Dominion software is owned by Smartmatic, and data is stored abroad (as a commenter here has mentioned). Smartmatic was originally founded by Hugo Chavez, the authoritarian tyrant socialist of Venezuela. It was reborn with investors from there.

    This election is yet another attempt to overturn the duly elected President, weve seen since the 2016 election.

    Smartmatic is run by Peter Nefinger (USN Admiral, Ret.), a close associate and friend of George Soros. [Embarrassingly to me, Dominion is based in Denver. The other exec that’s been mentioned is an avid supporter of Antifa.]

    Our best developed cases are in Michigan and Pennsylvania, says Mayor Rudy. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Phoenix, Caracas….and more are Big act machine centres that all get mentions.

  46. Huh. I didn’t know. I guess they are there if you look.


    The next thing is a matchmaking service for well to do widowers or divorced men with asswipe leftist kids. Have three more and leave your estate to them, instead of being emotionally blackmailed by rabidly ungrateful and entitled snowflake offspring. Who, undoubtedly have all the money they can use anyway

    “Meet you new half brother. Boy he’s going to enjoy that beach house you used to be able to go to”

  47. Looks like I got ahead of myself with linking that list. So-so at best

    We all know Dailymotion, and it’s relatively low grade less interactive site. Maybe you caught some car crashes or snips from old movies there.

    Vimeo is a video creator site. Mostly art vids.

    Facebook? That is what people are trying to escape from.

    Vevo, music; Metacafe, 90 seconds; Flickr and Photobucket forget about it …

    Veoh, I dont recall using.

    Looks like DTube, or Peertube might have potential.

    Looks like the complier forgot World Hip Hop … wonder why. Maybe no battleship videos. Personally, I cannot do without those

  48. Cicero,the Episcopal church is the American arm of the Anglican church. They are doctrinally the same. You can’t get Anglican in the USA nor episcopal in England. I was raised in the episcopal church, they were good people who encouraged education and didn’t cultivate blind followership.

  49. Fresh Videos themed on Sydney Powell’s claims begins with a cyber security expert on OAN. He explains how the Dominion device is inherently deafeatable: a key card plus administrative level access, and thendata records can be deleted or altered. (In another video, someone says these devices can be purchased by anyone on Ebay.).


    Next, a portion of the Bartaromo interview (via GatewayPundit) with Sydney Powell: corruption and CIA May have used Dominion for its own benefit

    An “Insidious and corrupt system,” she says

    Finally she makes shocking claims of the insidious powers that can completely alter election outcomes, which is supported by a sworn witness stating the same play in the US has been done by the same software in countries abroad.

  50. Heroes pure and simple:
    H/T Lee Smith twitter feed

    + “ADL” embarrasses itself (again):

    + bonus:
    “… The struggle is hard but the sides are clear—sunlight v the abyss, freedom v totalitarianism, and America v Chinese Communist Party & its US establishment collaborators. God bless America.”

  51. Reminder:
    – Don’t automatically believe everything you read on-line, at least not right away, no matter how much one may wish to believe it.
    – All this “information” is very seductive and is easy to fall for.
    – It may be correct, but take into account Aesopfan’s “three-day rule”.
    – We all (or most of us?) have a tendency to react this way as part of the “panic”/”hysteria-inducing social media that I would contend is driving all of us (or most of us?) totally nuts.
    – Skepticism NOW!!!!
    – (The problem is, of course, that on occasion, speed—and response time—is required…which is why they have us “hooked”….alas….)

    Anyway, FWIW:
    “John Durham’s investigation remains at full-speed ahead.”
    H/T Sean David twitter feed.

    (To be sure, who knows just how accurate this last link is….)

  52. LOTS OF LINKS, useful reminders and advice. Thank you, Barry. If this be fraud, the window to cure it closes in about 21 days. Then absolutely by December 14th.

    Time is short.

    Dominion is based in Colorado. There is a Dominion building in the central downtown of Denver ived walked past.

  53. Times out.
    I always assumed it meant Dominion of Canada from a Canuck bank?

    (Ties to Alberta and Denver oil are pretty big, plus the local football franchise owners family came out of West Canadian oil, and an insurance firm firm from Winnipeg Great West — has its largest offices and US base in Denver. The point? Historic ties, and a Canadian Lord Mark? Something? is tied to this Dominion software scandal….Gotta wonder at the Dem in CO implications, more pol scheming? Cali West?)

    Humour from Sean Davis Twitter thread:
    “ Catturd ™
    My new Dominion car sucks.
    Drove it to the store and it already has 489,000 miles on it.”


  54. “Woids, woids, woids” (continued from the link above):

    Jeffrey Goldberg (yes, him!) records for eternity (and a day?) this most memorable of quotes from The Great Man (yes, him!!), who, in the most earnest of earnest tone of tones intones:
    “If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work. We are entering into an epistemological crisis.”


    By definitions!

    Indeed…though after the shock (and awe) wears off a bit, it’s really kinda’ catchy! I mean, the whole thing’s extraordinary; but the “epistemological crisis” bit? Fantastic! Inspired!! Sheer, indescribable genius!!!

    It does appear that at long last, Obama’s finally—finally!!—taken the piss out of “epistemological”…. (And not a moment too soon, either.)

    File under: (More than) something’s rotten…in the state of Brooklyn(?)

  55. The ymar aura overshadows barry and other humans.

    Is someone offended by that and want a trigger timeout? Do they object and declare they are not human?

    Leftists have. Go ahead.


    He has a point. I cannot recall a time when our public life was so suffused with artifice and mendacity. Kurt Schlichter has said that every tool in the Democrats’ rhetorical box is a lie. This leaches down to the discourse of street-level Democrats, who trade in nonsense memes. There may be a soi-disant NeverTrump figure who do something more than recycle these memes, but I know not who that is. Goldberg himself may not be part of the problem, but he’s involved with quasi-journalist projects with people who are.

  57. ****Cicero on November 15, 2020 at 12:51 pm said:
    I wish I could share your confidence in the future.
    But the force of elitist evil arrayed against us humble citizens is profound and inexorable, even*****

    Perha0s, but for those late to this party, look at your seniors.

    Not everyone woke up just as war is ending.

    Evil? Where is life then? Opposite opposing equal actions? Why is evil so powerful? Can such a thing not have its opposing force? Where is the force?

    2016, people thought trump would save them i wrote that they are underestimating the power of the dark s… i mean deep state

  58. “…Goldberg himself may not be part of the problem….”

    Oh, you mean he of Trump truly despises our military, yadda, yadda, yadda fame?

  59. Ymar, not that I really want to make too much of this…but I probably have as much “deus ex machina” experience as YOU have.

    Maybe even more, actually.

    (I was a Mets fan growing up in the 60s, yea, even—off and on—unto 1986….)

  60. Tj, witness the true power of this battle s… sorry i mean deep state…. is what i would like to state but it is not true.

    Ephesians 6 12. You are awakening to their power but what you see now and what trump sees in his chess is merely the tip 9f an iceberg.

    Prepare for more revelations. More disclosure. They mean apocalyse in the root word.

  61. What is this deus ex machina xp you refer to, barry?

    My faction has made it a fait accompli. It is playing out as projected. There may be deus ex machinas but not needed

  62. Btw, i have not watched met sports, so i have no idea what it means without looking it up.

    I disconnected from the sport matrix decades ago. Iraq was more interesting and authentic

  63. And yes, i am having more fun now than gaming.

    Are you not all entertained by the script i helped write?

    Que gladiator.

  64. Well I did really like the movie, come to think of it (though it did get mixed reviews…). But then I also liked Ben-Hur (sigh…)

    Still, about sports you must be pulling my leg.

    Not even buzkashi?

    Besides, the Iraqis are crazy about football (soccer).
    (They’re a talented bunch, too—and they got even better after Saddam gave them some real incentives).

  65. Unity, Mr. Biden ?

    Forget it.

    Political and cultural war is what you are going to get. “Resistance” is a game everybody can play.

    You think you’re going to railroad Flynn, Rittenhouse, and the cops who are currently being persecuted ? Think again creep.

  66. There is no point in discussing politics or the news even. You have no say. Only Stacy Abrams and what she wants matters.

    Elections are now a thing of the past, now that hundreds of thousands votes can be instantaneously recast for the Proper Candidate with the push of a button.

    Do you think there is a chance the Democrats won’t win both senate seats in Georgia? Any election they want from now on, they can have, without a single actual voter going to the polls or filling out a mail-in ballot.

    They can and most likely will win all 52 states in the 2024 presidential election.

    The only question is whether you want to keep on living or not.

  67. Now we can truly understand why Obama won that Nobel prize (though it should quite obviously have been for Literature):

    Still, there are some sinister hints that he’s softening all of us up for that “Truth and Crucifixion Commission” that AOC is so enthusiastic about, which promises to usher in a new era of American unity and—in the spirit of that recent incredible effort in Philadelphia—brotherly love.

    (On the other hand maybe all he’s really wanted to be was a dentist…)

  68. Based on the insider trading training that I had to go through every @#%$ year, the Pfizer CEO is guilty, guilty, guilty.

  69. I had a sinking feeling when I watched that short Powell interview with Eric Bolling linked to by TJ. The more Bolling pressed her, the more her earth shaking evidence appeared to be likely to be the same, or nearly the same kind of inferential material we had seen presented by cyber security experts or statisticians before as anomalies or as “red flags”.

    I kept saying to myself that I hoped she was not unwarily, and unwittingly, recycling material and inside sources which had been out for days. I continue to hope it is the case.

    The fact is, that Neo’s readers have probably quickly aggregated as much material, good, bad, and indifferent for consideration, as any news clipping outfit could have done. And in that sense may have collectively been, broadly speaking, ahead of the game in some respects.

    About the only important ( in my view) public material not mentioned has been the English statistician’s dismissal of at least a couple of the claimed stat anomilies.

    Voter fraud took place. It and ballott harvestimg are time honored and par for the course traditions in urban Democrat locales. There is proof in some cases.

    The open question is whether more “proof” than anomalies and suspicions, many of which turn out to be predicated on false or incomplete premisses, can be adduced.

    The incredibly irresponsible and self defeating histrionics of some on YouTube just serves to deflate and discredit the home side. The clownish rambling of Rresentative Louie Gohmert is another example of nothing less than dereliction on the part of a mam who should have had at his disposal technical and human resources to know better.

    I hope these red flags may yet coalesce into something solid once the hasty ones are thrown out.

    And out of the blue stories like that remarkable one from Buffalo about the Philly mobster might even turn out to be more than an example of an attention whore doing its thing in another environment. But regardless, I think we need to maintain our balance, avoid judgment clouding emotional swings and reactions of either elation or despair, and keep our eye carefully on the ball here.

    Neo’s readers have been pretty admirable in that regard.

  70. DNW,
    I too had that same feeling. I want to see more of the Kraken and hear less of the Kraken. Trump’s team seems to be playing catch up. That may mean that they didn’t take any preps and have been Pearl Harbored.

  71. DNW — Only a few days ago, the Federalist compiled a list of 5 indicators that can’t be faked or frauded that indicated a Trump win coming.

    Indicators such as who does your neighbour expect to be prez? Economic benefit over four years? Etc. Totally shocking.


    Two polls showed Trump job approval was 52% on Election Day. (I think it was 44% and 41% for Obama and Bush respectively, or close to those.)

    Even today, the Rasmussen daily tracking of presidential job approval is 53%!

    It is worthy of a long, long look to realise how utterly preposterous this fraud we have now really is, tested against every serious precedent. (Notice, I did not say Prez there.)

    The best way I’m thinking of it this: after four years of being spoon fed daily fake news, maybe it’s time we had the Big Oligarchs give us a Fake President, replete wth fake memory and fake powers of speech?

    Hey, I’m old enough to know that I’d support a Max Headroom President over Dementia Joe.


    Chase Eagles — let me direct you to the Fire Hose of info, mentioned by SP. I don’t doubt it.

    Then there are the two hired legal teams that have reduced their participation or quit.

    Team Trump will need he next two weeks, then implore us followers to press our demands a state legislators for relief from the Great Fraud Election, methinks.

  72. See the latest from Mark Wauck at Meaning in History:


    Wauck’s summary:

    “Final question: Did this happen in the real world? That’s what we’re all waiting to find out. It remains difficult for me to believe that Giuliani and Powell would be making reckless suggestions that would certainly come back to bite them in court. The shuffling of management at key agencies, the consultations that have taken place, all point to something far out of the ordinary taking place behind the scenes. So, too, does Trump’s calm demeanor.”

    It may–emphasis on “may”–be more than inferential material. Given the hostages that have already been given to fortune by Powell and Giuliani, it had goddamned well better be. In any case, I agree with DNW: avoid being swayed by half-baked reports on social media, focus on the facts, try to keep calm, and wait and see how things play out. There’s a lot going on. (One last thing: sorry to be picky, but it’s Bartiromo, not Bartoromo.)

  73. After election night, Victor Davis Hanson is worried, he is ANGRY!


    Audio of his 6 minute interview, what did we just see? On Tucker. “THE PEOPLE ARE NOT WITH THEM [the Left].”

    THANKS for the correction, Hubert.
    (I had wondered, nor Bartaromo — Italian being very phonetic.)

  74. Barry, i am as serious as a heart attack. I tried watching basketball games in 90s. I could not tell which team had which colir uniform or whise side was scoring or what pts they had. I thought people talking about super bowl adds were talking exotic word for a really big bowl in advertisement.

    Just assume ymar is time traveller. Works better. This lasted until 2012 ish.



    Yes, it appears to. But … provisionally …

    I think that we cannot underestimate the possible role of – not blatantly observable voter fraud exactly, but – the Democrat machine being effectively mobilized to facilitate, guide, and harvest the votes of a huge number of the lumpenproletariat and client classes, not to mention the ordinarily but susceptible disengaged, usually drugged, irresponsible, and dissipated.

    Sure, it is presumably more efficient to fake it completely. But guiding the feeble and vulnerable to a conclusion is a tried and proven effective, Democrat practice.

    Those of us who have seen Democrat activist retired schoolmarms in action on election day in the past, as they drove collecting vans around and wheeled in the more-or-less living bodies to the polling places, have not much trouble in envisioning how that would work with mail in ballots.

    When you see Democrats at the polling places you know how serious about this they are. Politics, as seems settled wisdom now, is their religion; and even more, it is in many cases their meal ticket, their paycheck, their sinecure which they extract from you that they are voting to preserve or enhance. In a sense, vote collecting is just an extension of their normal job.

    Does anyone think for a moment that an angry feminist granddaughter would hesitate to mark the mail-in ballots for every non compos mentis relalative she could gain access to all on her own? Many of you may know of an instance.

    Given that, is there any reason to suppose that Democrat get out the vote efforts would not specifically target the mentally incompetent, or emotionally compliant as pools of ballots to be harvested; the subjects’ to vote as directed and then scribble their wavering signatures on the dotted lines?

  76. Here’s a good review of “evidence”, which agrees with my understanding.

    Doesn’t seem like enough time to get a court to agree that the election was compromised.

    Some commenter there claims that the Georgia 2019 election was redone based more on statistics. I continue to look for good notes about successful challenges to elections to reduce fraud.

    We need more protest action.
    No certification!
    Redo the election.
    No recount that includes illegal ballots is any good.

    Million MAGA March was the start.

    Good note on how Republicans are feeling like chumps.

  77. Chases Eagles [ not Charles, sorry!] , says

    “I want to see more of the Kraken and hear less of the Kraken”

    Perfectly put.

    I want to see more of it and hear less about it.

  78. Non certification where possible seems the best bet. It is inherently a judgment call; and logically speaking, overwhelming evidence rather than court room verdicts are part of the inherently political process.

    And it is an essentially political process in which the result must be agreed upon by the canvassers as being trustworthy.

    It is part of that web of checks and balances which we hardly notice, and which are slowly unraveling under the attacks of the no limits left.

  79. When the electors vote, whoever gets 270 of those votes is the President-elect and no lawsuit or recount can change that. If no one does, then the House votes by state delegation, and no lawsuit or recount can change the winner of that vote either.

    So certainty will be had one way or another. But neither of these entities, the Electoral College or the House of Representatives, is bound by the result of any election whatever, and there’s no mechanism for questioning or altering those choices.

  80. It is entirely possible that if say Pennsylvania called up its Republican slate of electors, some of them would vote for Biden. Their names are I believe public (they tend to be long-time party loyalists). So pressure could be applied to them in the way the Left tends to do nowadays. And of course some long-time party loyalists hate Trump and might be faithless out of conviction.

    But the votes of faithless electors count. You can legally punish an elector afterward but that does not change their vote or the outcome of the Electoral College vote…

  81. Here’s a good quick review of Benford’s Law, and how most data in the election follows it, but not in a few places. I call them the Fraud Cities, but this article doesn’t quite. It does include data on Milwaukee – one of the Fraud Cities.

    Plus the author seems to be a really cool goth single father author. I bought his book, Big Blue, for my son, who said it was pretty good. It’s on my list for this next year.

  82. Tom,

    “Benford’s Law” is one of the mathematical rules the application of which has been pretty forcefully argued as not applicable to the election.

    The “English” statistician I was referring to earlier.

    We need to see the Kracken as Chases Eagles observed. Not just hear about it.

    We have seen plenty of smallish time voter fraud proven. And ballot harvesting is routine practice in Demo get out the vote programs.

    The astounding facts pointed out be TJ re. historic trend markers being defied, the prospect of a loss despite Trump increasing his vote total by 10 million. But electoral fraud on the scale mooted is inferential and not visible.

    And a sound inference, as we all know, depends on the premisses being sound as well. A valid inference, drawn from unsound premisses is nothing more than a properly constructed yet faulty argument.

    My guess is that Democrats rolled out the old ” let’s vote senile granny and the imbeciles” machine to unprecedented levels. And, that that, coupled to a sure and certain snowflake and angry daughter rage reaction phenomenon, might just have been enough to bring it close.

    Could it be there was massive election fraud in addition to a snowflake reaction and a vote-the-morons-program? Yeah. And I hope to high heaven it can be proved.

    Because if retards, government workers, angry ex-wives, soy boys in girl pants, and petulant, militant, daughters lashing out at the indulgent fathers who handed them the privileges they now use to attack our basic liberties is what gave the election to Biden … then this country is f**ked. And as soon as we know it for sure, it will be the time to set up a parallel social arrangement and a competitive breeding program. LOL

  83. Read, “The astounding facts pointed out be TJ re. historic trend markers being defied, the prospect of a loss despite Trump increasing his vote total by 10 million.”

    as: “The astounding facts pointed out by TJ re. historic trend markers being defied, the prospect of a loss despite Trump increasing his vote total by 10 million, is breathtaking.”

  84. DNW, well, as long as they don’t accidentally produce a Kwisatz Haderach in the course of things, it could be good. Having Mentats and stuff like that would be a benefit.

  85. Thx, DNW. Good precinct level explanation, showing clearly that “by precincts” is NOT the way to use Benford’s law. Maybe multi-precinct counties is better, as thewriterinblack does.

    It would be nice to see such a good video.

  86. “Philip Sells on November 16, 2020 at 6:37 pm said:

    DNW, well, as long as they don’t accidentally produce a Kwisatz Haderach in the course of things, it could be good. Having Mentats and stuff like that would be a benefit.”


    I looked up both terms and read something about their place in the “Dune” world, but frankly I still don’t get it. LOL

    By the way, when I referred to a “competitive breeding program” I was not referring to a Heroines of The Revolution style contest for producing the largest brood of future proletarians; nor to some notional eugenics program. The former is comically silly and the latter I will leave to our old “A Theory of Justice” friend John Rawls who, however gingerly he approached the subject, admitted a likely role for such a program in a society constructed along lines of “justice” such as he imagined it.

    I was merely referring to out-populating the collectivist bastards; since anything middle class people imagine they have accumulated through limiting the numbers of their own offspring, seems to be targeted as mere untapped booty by the organisms of the left.

  87. DNW, I admit to geeking out there for a moment. 🙂 I understood your point; it’s just that when I saw ‘breeding program,’ I immediately thought of the Dune universe, as the concept of, essentially, directed human evolution is a crucial plot point therein. I took the risk of assuming that you had read at least the first book. 🙂

    I actually have very mixed feelings about eugenic concepts, due to my views on gene editing and so on (spoiler: against), which in turn have philosophical consequences in accordance with which I would be happy to live if I had children. Since I don’t, my views probably have little ultimate effect.

  88. “DNW, I admit to geeking out there for a moment. ? I understood your point; it’s just that when I saw ‘breeding program,’ I immediately thought of the Dune universe, as the concept of, essentially, directed human evolution is a crucial plot point therein. I took the risk of assuming that you had read at least the first book. ?”

    I have an admission to make. It is that I have read virtually no science fiction since I was a kid. And definitely none since a few years after I got out of college. Unless, seeking out and finally reading Fahrenheit 451 a couple of years ago qualifies. The book had some great observation’s and plot points, but the impressionistic prose, where description leads and identification follows, felt like hard work to read, and gratuitously so.

    The same goes for fantasy. I was never able to get through the Tolkien books though I owned a couple. I was never able to watch Star Wars, which is admittedly not science fiction though some people like both it and Sci Fi. But Star Wars left me stone cold; and instead of sympathizing with the characters or identifying with them, I wanted to kill them myself. LOL The CS Lewis attempts at Sci Fi constituted I thought great prose pictures as they described the mundane, built up environments, and sketched out striking characters; but became unreadable in other parts. Poetry really does make me cringe usually .. it’s like viewing dripping weakness on parade. Even the best examples look like a kind of contemptible emoting to me. My own limitation, I suppose.

    By the way, directed human evolution is what progressive social engineering is all about. But instead of stronger, swifter, higher, it’s about embracing entropy, eh, diversity … our greatest strength!

  89. There was HUGE genetic breeding in the 7 book Lensman series from E.E. “Doc” Smith, who also wrote the Skylark books.

    In the 1930s or so. Multiple two sex races, including humans, being bred in our galaxy in order to combat extra-galactic non-sexual evil amoeba type bad aliens. Interesting aspects of deterministic thinking by the big-brained no-longer sexual “good guys”.

    While we should certainly avoid any explicit breeding program, we should be honest about the one we currently support. Rewarding unwed mothers for having babies with “free” gov’t money – because of need.

    This should not be reduced, that would be too selfish.
    – Wonkish brainstorm –
    In those gov’t school districts with the highest proportion of kids who are not being raised by married parents, there should be some gov’t given anniversary present of about $1000, plus $100 per year of marriage with kids, up to death, as long as the married couple with kids lives in the school district.
    This would apply to the bottom 20% (most unmarried kids) and from there upward 40% points to 60%, each point higher is 2.5% less. So at the 30% level its $750; at the 40% level it’s $500; at the 50% level it’s $250.

    More gov’t help/ cash based on doing the right thing, getting married to raise kids, rather than doing the socially irresponsible thing.

  90. People are hungry for info on the Trump Team Fraud Election Challenge status.

    Instapundit LINKS to Larry Person and his Battleswarm blog roundup, but an Instalanche crashed his web site. (Either use wayback.com to get a saved image or see the gifs in comments, here https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/414324/#respond)

    Here is a moderately useful comment about the road ahead, some thoughts worth considering:

    Curmudgeon-Elect Porkypine • 38 minutes ago • edited
    So, how might this thing play out from here, now that we have a bunch of new info to digest?

    I assume everyone interested is familiar by now with what Rudy & Sidney have been saying. The baseline strategy seems to be, lawsuits saying that a LOT of mail ballots opened and counted with Rep observers forcibly absent in various Dem vote-factory cities are illegal under state laws, and thus the (identifiable) batches of votes involved are invalid and must be set aside under those same state laws. (The big backup stick behind that is the whole Dominion/Smartmatic thing, which is potentially nuclear but currently less clearcut.)

    No matter what the lower courts might say, someone will instantly appeal. So absent some spectacularly successful Dem delaying cheat, this will likely end up in the Supreme Court.

    At that point, I expect one of two things. The SC could wilt under pressure and punt, Roberts-style. But they may well follow the clear signal they’ve already sent in PA about holding states to their own election laws as written.

    If the latter – let us pray them strength – they still have some wiggle room. They could just invalidate those Blue Vote-Factory ballot batches and order the state elections determined without them, thus giving Trump the states involved. But that would put the results directly on them.

    I suspect they’re more likely to do something subtly different: Invalidate those tainted ballot batches, then, pointing to the Constitution, declare that further resolution is in the hands of the respective state legislatures, thus moving much of the heat away from their doors and over to those legislatures.

    Final thought for tonight: All the D faithful in their “Biden won” MSM bubble would then be shocked and furious, that’s a given. Some few will see the evidence and think, but most will be apoplectic with rage. BUT, what are they going to do about it that they haven’t already these last four years? Most, nothing new. The rioters will of course riot – tough mainly on the Blue cities that tolerate them.

    I expect a few of the riot squad types will declare all-out war – 70’s style bombings? Outright assassination attempts? It might be messy for a little while, but I expect once we decide it’s a problem we have plenty of people experienced in tracking that sort of thing down in Iraq and Afghanistan who could be hired and sworn in as law enforcement to do it in short order here too….

  91. ymarsakar on November 15, 2020 at 10:32 am said:

    “I am a veteran. What many are feeling here is called ptsd or battle stress. Continous, no break, surround sound combat stress.”

    Thank you for your service. Does PTSD also cover the fear that things are going to get a *lot* worse? And waiting for that? Because that’s how I feel (but nowhere near what a battle veteran has felt). We’ve lost a major battle: the initial election results. The recounts are still to come, of course. And even if they go for Trump, there’s going to be trouble.

    Then there’s developments like this: “Biden Transition Official Believes the First Amendment Has a ‘Design Flaw’ — His Remedy Is to Curb Free Speech” https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2020/11/14/biden-transition-official-believes-the-first-amendment-has-a-design-flaw-his-remedy-is-to-curb-free-speech-n1144746

    THE fundamental freedom is on the line NOW.

  92. Sara Hoyt’s blog (accodingtohoyt, who does overnight duty at Instapundit) is all about the calm before a coming storm of righteous violent rebellion against the New Tyrants, should they actually take charge.

    Commenter “An Author In Charge” articulately identifies the power of the Marxist Media Narratives and the breaking fault lines that have emerged after the election (and then he affirms his preppers prep for a siege):

    I’ve got friends-people I’ve known for years-and family decrying “right-wing violence” at the protests. Show them video of ANTIFA riot-cosplayers attacking people and they’ll say it’s Trump and white supremacist provocateurs. Show people screaming BLM mantras tossing live fireworks at people? The people are somehow at fault for being there. Give them reports on people who HAD to attack the ANTIFA lines-people coming with shields and clubs-because they had no way out? They’re all Proud Boys and the cops should arrest them now for attacking a peaceful protest.

    Explaining the latest election is even more difficult to them. Sudden, massive influxes of ballots in a few counties that are Democrat strongholds, where even poll workers and vote counters are swearing affidavits that they were given instructions against State and Federal law on elections? Trump’s backers must be really paying them well to lie.

    That Trump would like to win these lawsuits now-but his endgame is the Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts that probably looks at a portrait of Roger Taney (the Chief Justice of the Dread Scott case that most historians agree was the match that lit the fuse for the American Civil War) and says to him, “I won’t be you, not today, motherf(YAY!)ker?” Clearly Trump is losing all of these cases and they won’t be appealed and they won’t make it to the Supreme Court.

    (Don’t even ask about “we’re a democracy!” “No, we’re a constitutional republic.” “Those are the same things and you’re being pedantic!”)

    What’s worse is my growing inability to care….

    I don’t know how many of them have invested so many years in the structures that have built The Narrative and that trust is bone-deep in them.

    I don’t know how many of these people truly believe The Narrative.

    And, I’m starting to not care why, beyond a tactical and operational sense. They believe. And, they are making it more clear to not believe is to be the worst criminal possible….


  93. FWIW:
    “Here Is The Evidence – Crowdsourcing Evidence for Journalists”:

    “Detroit Dominion IT worker describes exactly how poll workers inflated Biden vote tallies”:
    (A written version of what was reported several days ago regarding Detroit.)
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog

    Key grafs:
    “In video testimony, Detroit IT worker Melissa Carone, who was employed by Dominion Voting Systems as a contractor to keep an eye on ballot-counting machines, says she witnessed poll workers at the TCF Center repeatedly run the same batches of 50 ballots through counters sometimes up to eight, nine, 10 times.

    “What’s more, she said that while she was not allowed to touch ballots or stand directly over machines, she said only saw ballots marked for Biden during her entire 24-hour shift – not a single ballot for President Trump.

    “She also testified that there was no legitimate, legal oversight of the balloting process – that Democrats were essentially ‘watching’ Democrats. She also says she saw poll workers duplicating ballots while changing the votes on others, stealing results in the open.

    “Carone also said she reported her findings to the FBI, but at this point, there is no indication that the bureau – or the Justice Department – has done a thing to investigate.”

    The latest from Nevada:

  94. Thank you for your service. Does PTSD also cover the fear that things are going to get a *lot* worse? And waiting for that? Because that’s how I feel (but nowhere near what a battle veteran has felt). We’ve lost a major battle: the initial election results. The recounts are still to come, of course. And even if they go for Trump, there’s going to be trouble.

    No thanks needed, as I think you may have interpreted that to mean I am a military veteran. No, I am a veteran of the invisible war that Trump keeps talking about. Flynn as well.

    Invisible wars, have invisible enemies… like Dominion.

    Once your emotional state gets disrupted, it is easy to fall into “paranoia territory”. Meaning, once you realize people are out to get you, your natural instincts naturally motivate you to worry about all the “other ones” out to get you, or how they gonna get you, or what they will do to your loved ones, to git you, gut you, get you, mess with you, etc etc.

    These natural instincts are designed to help you survive a zombie or hunterer gatherer existence, where everyone non clan, is an enemy. And maybe even the clan is led by a traitor that will exile you and strip you of the resources needed to survive.

    So that’s something to keep in mind, but it is not something you should obsess over. Instead, there are practical things you can do to alleviate the fear. Target Focus Training is one thing. Buying survival supplies. Learning about your enemy. Becoming a digital online warrior, as silly as that may sound to military bitter vets.

    What is the militia? Who calls it?

    Because that’s how I feel (but nowhere near what a battle veteran has felt)

    Military combat members are not in continuous combat for weeks and months and years. They have down time. They get rotated out at the end of their tour, precisely because people have discovered that too long a tour in Vietnam, causes problems and burn out. For a civilian and citizen, it is not that they are weaker, it is that they are actually under more stress. A military member can take heart that they are defending their country and family, that their families are safe. But what if their families are being attacked and tortured, and they have to maintain discipline and “not fire” at enemies?

    There’s a reason why tribal armies are not disciplined. They have too much to lose to be disciplined and cool.

    So a 1-3 year tour in Iraq, is equivalent to just a couple of weeks here in America of Civil War 2, psychological warfare. Because there’s no escape. Where are you going to escape to, from C19? Games and recreation are only online. So where? Where are the Green bases?

    When your entire life becomes a war zone and battle zone, and everyone you know is involved, when can you get some Rest and Recreation?

    You don’t. So you are in continual combat operations for days upon days, weeks upon weeks, months upon months. And even with the rotational and psychological counseling, military veterans still kill themselves by disproportionate numbers once they get back to “safety”. Do Americans think they are safe yet? No. They tell themselves that the Senate will hold back a Hiden Kama but… that’s just rationalization and making themselves feel better, even if true.

    The good news is that factions like Q, Trump’s, and Ymar’s faction have known of these enemies for quite some time. We have prepared and also conducted operations against them. Operations of which none of you, I suspect, know, but will find out soon. Such as the server raid of Friday 13th.

  95. Yammer, a veteran of Star Wars, who would have guessed? A Gnostic who is fighting or actually in league with the dark principalities. Hard to know which. How does the “Stolen Valor” con work in spiritual warfare?

  96. “Release the Kraken!”

    Deeds, not words.

    Trump/Powell better have serious evidence on the voting machines.

  97. War’s on Earth. Pay attention, Om. For one of your caliber, the PTSD should be relatively tolerable compared to your sisters and brothers here.

    Also, stop making stuff up like gnostics. You have either no idea or the wrong idea, but that is not outside the norm from the last few years.

    How does the psionic yammering in your head feel after a few weeks, om? You know I turn it off periodically.

    huxley on November 17, 2020 at 11:40 am said:
    “Release the Kraken!”

    Release the gods!

  98. Yammer is yammering, the veteran of Star Wars has PTSD. A gnostic all right, special hidden “knowledge” and syncretism writ large. But keep it coming, comedy gold. 🙂

  99. And the crux of the issue:
    “Coincidentally, all of these irregularities benefit former VP Joe Biden”
    H/T Jeff Carlson twitter feed.

    (A crux? A coincidental crux.)

    No doubt the NYT has the answer.

    File under: Just ignore it. All of it…. Once Joe’s reached the tipping point, that’s it. Let the clock run out. Endgame! and Congrats all around on a JOB WELL DONE….

  100. Om, you can do better than that.

    It’s nice that you find me funny. I wonder what your state will be when you confront more serious topics like a war.

  101. Yammer, please don’t share your stories of combat in Star Wars, although you are a veteran it might bring about a PTSD relapse. Wouldn’t want that. 🙂

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