Home » Democrat bigwigs fear an economic upswing before November


Democrat bigwigs fear an economic upswing before November — 42 Comments

  1. Hmmm, might that be why the Democrats have been cozying up to Beijing?

    While the whole world’s looking for a vaccine, could it be that the Democrats are imploring Xi to come up with something new?

    Personally, I don’t know why they just don’t throw another impeachment party. You know, go with their strength.

    (If only they could figure out how to time that second wave correctly….)

    On the other hand, maybe they’ll leverage their xyz trillion dollar Democratic State bailout gambit, which the GOP-held Senate warned was dead in the water, into another “WE-CAN’T-TAKE-IT-ANY-MORE-THIS-TIME-WE-MEAN-IT stunt to shut down the government.

    Not exactly a novel plan, but hey, maybe, just maybe…it’ll work this time!

  2. I live in Michigan. Blue state. Swing state. Governor as blue as Cuomo and as incompetent–if you aren’t looking at malice as the motivator–abut getting through this. She looks like a grad of HOA school who can’t believe she just died and went to heaven. I don’t mean her looks–which don’t help–but how her actions look.
    She’s making enemies left and right–meaning it politically. There are many, though, on the left who either believe the lockdown needs to be harsh and unending, or find it politically useful to insist on it. They’re not going anyplace.
    The illogicality of it all is impressing a good many people. I think a number of voters heretofore uninterested in the process may turn out against her, party affiliation notwithstanding.

  3. In a walk and talk with my wife I predicted that this would happen (and my stocks show this to have already started)…

    What is missing from the equation is the math or formula that makes it happen
    A kind of Annealing or Tempering (i know they are not the same)

    the economy was starting to boom, and by a wide margin compared to before
    but this boom grew out of the previous malaise and condition
    One of the things that happen in a stock pull back is a readjustment of funds
    ie. annealing or tempering

    a situation like what we just had will have the effect of culling the economic herd of the weaker performers, and the weak businesses that squat in locations anemically trundling on…

    The dip by the dems was actually the worst thing they could do if they wanted an economy to fail. They just culled out the 20% of weak marginal businesses at the bottom… gave companies an excuse to remove the weak marginal workers and find new ones… the companies and workers that remain and are renewed are going to lend strength to these early risers in place to benefit… and the desire to get back to work will have new firms with new ideas have locations to open and workers to work (once they are off unemployment and CARES money).

    Trump has the same degree Reagan had, but from Excelsior..
    he is probably aware of this effect… its like a mini recession, but better
    better because a long drawn out period takes a long drawn out time to eject this weakness, but a sharp short one does not… it just cuts weak off at the knees and leaves stronger in place.

    The lefts failure to understand how things naturally operate
    have them losing to such actions, being wrong about the ideas, and perplexed having to invent conspiracies of the opposite side being better at trickery than they are (as their only explanation).

    buy popcorn before the price goes up and enjoy the show…
    [note china and india are in conflict. China is trying to convince australia who they are in conflict with that the US will let them hang without help… Taiwan is right now scared of an invasion war game in their southern waters with two new air craft carriers… among a lot of other things most dont pay attention to, but i do]

  4. Mark my words the 2nd wave is scheduled for October with an economy-killing lock down.

    Regardless of whether the virus comes back, that 2nd wave will be declared for political purposes.

  5. momo:

    Agreed. But if it’s not an actual second wave of large proportions, and only the blue state governors lockdown, there is a good chance of an anti-blue backlash.

  6. Pretty sick when a major party cheers on an epidemic and hopes people won’t get their jobs and lives back.

  7. … anti-blue backlash …

    It seems as if a whole lot of my fellow Illini went north to the Free State of Wisconsin over the Memorial Day weekend.

    The Cheeseheads were not happy.

    Perhaps more will vote for President Trump just to tick off our privileged ( HIS family can travel … not so us hoi polloi ) multi-Billionaire – by inheritance and not personal effort – Governor.

  8. This is our national IQ test. Trump may not have handled this pandemic perfectly but not only is it objectively true that the United States has handled it better than other developed countries, but about half the cases and two-thirds of U.S. deaths are in just seven states. I believe six of those states have Democratic governors.

    If the public let’s itself get fooled about this, the public will get what it deserves. The stupid tax always gets paid.


  9. “have they written those people off already? Have they calculated they won’t need them?”

    They wrote those people off years ago. That is why Trump got elected in the first place. In the early 2000s a couple of leftist pundits, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira, wrote a book, “The Emerging Democratic Majority”. The idea was that the “Republican majority” – Nixon through Bush – was on the decline and that Democrats would dominate through a coalition of minorities and educated urban whites. It worked well enough to elect Obama twice.

    The flaw though was that they assumed Democrats would hold on to their white working-class base. Consider the two issues that initially propelled Trump – trade and immigration. He took the positions that had been held for decades by the industrial trade unions that had been the backbone of the Democrat party since at least the New Deal. They opposed illegal immigration because it meant cheap labor undercutting American workers. And they were skeptical of “free trade” because they saw good American jobs leaving the country. Now these people are Trump’s core constituency.

    Furthermore a lot of those minorities who are legal citizens have also been impacted by trade and illegal immigration and some of them may be waking up. Somebody tell me exactly how American blacks have benefited from the illegal immigration that Democrats have been trying to enable now for decades.

    Fun fact: Mexican-American icon Cesar Chavez, who made his name as a labor union leader, was strongly opposed to illegal immigration. While surfing the internet I found the following quote, ” ‘The Crusades of Cesar Chavez’ [a book published in 2014] has the iconic Hispanic hero sounding at times like a typical nativist bigot and acting like a right-wing militia member”. Makes him sound, well, deplorable.

  10. “The Emerging Democratic Majority”.

    I think that may be one of the most pernicious books in American history. It helped convince one of the country’s two major political parties that it no longer needed to, you know, practice politics because inevitable demographic destiny would sweep it to victory without having to make any change or even any effort.


  11. MBunge:

    The Democrats seem to believe they won’t go broke underestimating the American public’s IQ.

  12. He gave away the strategy though. They will pretend none of this happen and just harp on the 12% unemployment and leave out the 35% unemployment from six months earlier and the media will drill it all home.

    And the others are correct there will be a second wave in October even if it’s not real because there has to be at this point to fit the narrative but there are more and more countries saying no second lockdown so this will probably be a tough sell.

  13. MBunge on May 26, 2020 at 5:13 pm said: This is our national IQ test.

    Thanks for the leadin MBunge… to answer towards the question of national IQ, i turn the podium over to Judge McHaney.. (who in a way is commenting on the mental illness as displayed by democrat leadership)

    Since the inception of this insanity, the following regulations, rules or consequences have occurred: I won’t get COVID if I get an abortion but I will get COVID if I get a colonoscopy. Selling pot is essential but selling goods and services at a family-owned business is not. Pot wasn’t even legal and pot dispensaries didn’t even exist in this state until five months ago and, in that five months, they have become essential but a family-owned business in existence for five generations is not.

    A family of six can pile in their car and drive to Carlyle Lake without contracting COVID but, if they all get in the same boat, they will. We are told that kids rarely contract the virus and sunlight kills it, but summer youth programs, sports programs are cancelled. Four people can drive to the golf course and not get COVID but, if they play in a foursome, they will. If I go to Walmart, I won’t get COVID but, if I go to church, I will. Murderers are released from custody while small business owners are threatened with arrest if they have the audacity to attempt to feed their families.
    Our economy is shut down because of a flu virus with a 98 percent plus survival rate. Doctors and experts say different things weekly. The defendant cites models in his opposition. The only thing experts will agree on is that all models are wrong and some are useful. The Centers for Disease Control now says the virus is not easily spread on surfaces.

    The defendant in this case orders you to stay home and pronounces that, if you leave the state, you are putting people in danger, but his family members traveled to Florida and Wisconsin because he deems such travel essential. One initial rationale why the rules don’t apply to him is that his family farm had animals that needed fed. Try selling that argument to farmers who have had to slaughter their herds because of disruption in the supply chain.
    When laws do not apply to those who make them, people are not being governed, they are being ruled. Make no mistake, these executive orders are not laws. They are royal decrees. Illinois citizens are not being governed, they are being ruled. The last time I checked Illinois citizens are also Americans and Americans don’t get ruled. The last time a monarch tried to rule Americans, a shot was fired that was heard around the world. That day led to the birth of a nation consensually governed based upon a document which ensures that on this day in this, any American courtroom tyrannical despotism will always lose and liberty, freedom and the constitution will always win.

    The full order can be read here…

  14. Of course they’re worried, and of course they’re very aware. What goes down sometimes goes back up. Many Democratic governors are doing their best to prevent that possibility. But will it be enough to keep things down?

    That’s their 2nd biggest worry. Even bigger is that Joe will hear about it, and let it slip in mid-ramble.

    BTW, I still see Whitmer’s popularity cited as being at 61%. But that was some months ago. I wonder why I’ve seen no new numbers. (OK, I confess. I don’t actually wonder.)

  15. The great playwright David Mamet said: “In order for genuine liberals to continue their illogical belief systems they have to pretend not to know a lot of things.”

    I would add that the current stable of Democratic governors and mayors who seem bent on stifling their recovering economies, don’t seem to understand that their actions are unsupported by the actual disease data. And, within their belief systems, they are pretending not to notice that their choices are not supported by the majority of their citizens, many of whom are seeing their businesses, their jobs, and their savings collapse. But I guess they still have the support of the highly vocal, die-hard progressive minority. That’s a dangerous feedback loop when you’re losing the independent voter though.

    I’m guessing that it won’t be much longer before pretending not to notice a lot of things is no longer an option for these leaders. I guess they’ll be joining Stacy Abrams to insist they’ve actually won.

  16. I used to fear inflation because of too much gov’t deficits, especially wasted spending. Money goes up in amount, prices go up, interest rates go up, in a circle — we had that under Dem Jimmy Carter (’77-’80), the only Dem President I voted for. (He was a USNA grad!)

    With interest rates at 0, or negative (see Miles Kimball, supply side liberal), there is no general inflation push, altho a LOT of new gov’t money goes into asset inflation: house prices and stock prices. The rich getting richer faster than the poor are getting richer.

    Trump’s not even pretending to fight against big, bigger, biggest ever deficits. And, when those deficits come thru lower taxes, they do support more economic growth.

    The last $2 trillion isn’t even close to being spent, so there’s not yet any need for more – altho the over-spending Dem states are asking for bailouts.

    Trump had a great 3 years, and the 4 year of truly unprecedented lockdown against the Wuhan virus will provide some unknown (lots? little? middle?) protection from economy critiques. Tho the conservative critique of too much debt and spending is unlikely to be echoed by the Dems.

  17. Neo,
    I really disagree with the statement that ‘Democratic governors are doing their best to prevent that possibility.’
    These governors are trusted with the lives of people as much as they are in the livelihood of people but when the choice is the economy or people’s lives they will usually choose people’s lives. At this point all states are attempting to open [some slowly some quicker depending on population]. But there has to be a plan. You cannot just lift the orders and let everything go back to normal in a short time because it would undermine all efforts to keep safe and may put us right back where we were in March. So I think it’s very easy to second guess and do the armchair QB thing. But, anyway, as much as Democrats want to beat Trump the idea that they will keep everything shut down until November is both inaccurate, conspiratorial and too cynical. We’ll be back in some form by August for sure and the economy and market will have a good uptick by November.

    Let me add that many who will vote for Biden won’t be doing it because of the economy. Trump is very easy to dislike. In fact, a recent poll [I know Republicans hate most polls] shows voters trust Trump more than Biden on the economy 45% to 42%. But on everything else Biden gets the better percentages. Which if you think about it is amazing since Biden has pretty much done nothing to earn that right. How does he do it? It’s because Trump often does himself no favors and because of it he is hated more than any president in my lifetime. [Since the mid 60’s]. Of course he is loved too but by a much smaller percentage. The question is will he be tolerated by John Q Public on election day? Maybe? I say not. We’ll see.

  18. @Montage: Joe Biden is so obviously suffering from cognitive decline that I assume he will not be the nominee. If I am wrong, and Biden is the nominee, then that will be, to me, a sign that the Democrats expect to lose in November and think they might as well give Joe his “turn,” as a reward for his years of service (cf. Bob Dole, 1996). That thought aside, if the Democrats actually do run Biden, along with a woman (of color?) still to be named (and presumably to ascend to the presidency in very short order), many independents and even some Democratic voters will recoil at this cynical insult to their intelligence and punish the Democrats accordingly.

  19. Montage:

    The country (not “we”) knows a bit more about the Chinese contagion now that it did in March or do you deny that? Such as the a better estimate of the fatality rates for various age groups (including comorbidity factors), estimates of asymptomatic carriers, whether those asymptomatic are effective vectors, whether or not children are vectors or victims, methods of treatment for various types of patients. what not to do with certain types of patients (Cuomo effect), and lots of things that weren’t really known in March. That isn’t saying the current knowledge is perfect. But we also know the models that the lockdown Governors relied on and continue to rely on were “less than reliable” IMO (actually they were crap). So don’t try to sell the “it could be just like March 2020 all over again.”

    Most people learn from mistakes, except those who are of the Dunning-Kreuger cohort, don’t be in that group.

  20. Om
    Covid-19 is a contagious virus. That means people can catch it. We have no vaccine and a higher percentage than flu are asymptomatic and therefore spread it to people who will show symptoms. If we open the country without some distancing guidelines we will be worse than in March, actually.

  21. But, anyway, as much as Democrats want to beat Trump the idea that they will keep everything shut down until November is both inaccurate, conspiratorial and too cynical.

    Montage: That’s your opinion.

    One would like to assume that as much as Democrats want to beat Trump, they would do it at the ballot box and not with serial, groundless attempts to impeach Trump, subverting the DOJ, FBI and the Constitution in the process.

    At least that’s the opinion of many here and so far the facts bear that out, more than any good faith interpretation of the Democrats’ actions.

    So, if you’re shocked, shocked, that we have blown past worrying that we might be cynical or conspiratorial, that’s too bad. We don’t see Democrats operating in good faith, just constant dishonest attempts to take power, whatever the cost to the country.

    I’m sure you disagree, but that’s where things stand. Chiding us with your opinions as though they were facts will have no effect.

  22. If we open the country without some distancing guidelines we will be worse than in March, actually.

    Montage: Actually, that’s another of your opinions. No one knows for sure. I’d bet the other way myself.

  23. @Montage:

    “If we open the country without some distancing guidelines we will be worse than in March, actually.“

    That is an opinion, as huxley correctly notes. It is also a straw man argument. But maybe I missed the part where Neo, om, or someone else proposed that we lift all the lockdowns with no social distancing guidelines in place.

  24. Montage on May 26, 2020 at 8:41 pm said:
    I really disagree with the statement that ‘Democratic governors are doing their best to prevent that possibility.’
    These governors are trusted with the lives of people …
    * * *
    AND they failed spectacularly to keep many of them alive.
    CuomoCare (which was replicated in other Democrat-run states) proved that Cuomo did not, in fact, care at all about elderly people’s lives.

    Your implication that Republican governors DON’T care about the lives of the people THEY are trusted with has been amply answered in other posts by Neo.

    “But there has to be a plan. You cannot just lift the orders and let everything go back to normal in a short time ”
    NOBODY is doing that anywhere in America; all of the opening states are doing it by plan. And guess what – you can go back to normal in a very short time if you protect the elderly in nursing homes from governors who demand that infected patients be housed there.

    “ut on everything else Biden gets the better percentages. Which if you think about it is amazing since Biden has pretty much done nothing to earn that right. How does he do it?
    By taking advantage of the MSM’s studied avoidance of his worst gaffes (since years ago) and his mental decline (since months ago).

    “Trump often does himself no favors and because of it he is hated more than any president in my lifetime.”
    He is hated by Democrats on general principles (I remember BushHitler even if you don’t — or maybe the hate was just for show?).
    Most of the hate today is generated by the Democrat-media and the Institutional Left who are mortally afraid of having the rest of their lawlessness exposed and curbed.

    Your really need to do better, but thanks for letting us see how the Democrats are structuring their playbook.

  25. @Montage:

    The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.
    Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

    This would put it as less of a problem than the flu
    I said this from the beginning as i was using slope angle as the judge
    and even more illustrious knowlegable were saying it too but ignored as it wasnt the message the press, the liberals, the dems, and agit prop wanted

    Four infectious disease doctors in Canada estimate that the individual rate of death from COVID-19 for people under 65 years of age is six per million people, or 0.0006 per cent – 1 in 166,666, which is “roughly equivalent to the risk of dying from a motor vehicle accident during the same time period.” These numbers are for Canada, which did have fewer deaths per capita than the U.S.; however, if you take New York City and its surrounding counties out of the equation, the two countries are pretty much the same. Also, remember, so much of the death is associated with the suicidal political decisions of certain states and countries to place COVID-19 patients in nursing homes. An astounding 62 percent of all COVID-19 deaths were in the six states confirmed to have done this, even though they only compose 18 percent of the national population.

    We destroyed our entire country and suspended democracy all for a lie, and these people perpetrated the unscientific degree of panic. Will they ever admit the grave consequences of their error?

  26. — missed the edit window for typos — reading the Politico piece.
    “This is going to be extremely difficult no matter what. It’s existential that we figure it out. In any of these economic scenarios Democrats are going to have to win the argument that our public health and economy are much worse off because of Donald Trump’s failure of leadership.”

    That’s why the MSM tries so frantically to make that case in the press briefings and their stories. I won’t rehearse in detail here the myriad ways in which they (a) complained that he went overboard with travel bans followed by complaints that he didn’t do enough faster; (b) complained that he wasn’t giving the states enough federal help, then didn’t use what he sent (hint hint NY hospital ship etc); (c) objected when he said he could direct everything from the WH, then complained that he … wasn’t directing everything from the WH.

    Maybe the MSM viewer/reader cohort hasn’t noticed, but a lot of other people have.

  27. Artfldgr on May 26, 2020 at 3:45 pm said:

    The dip by the dems was actually the worst thing they could do if they wanted an economy to fail. They just culled out the 20% of weak marginal businesses at the bottom…
    * * *
    I was looking at a list of companies that were planning to file for bankruptcy; some of them should have folded their cards years ago.
    It’s called “free market capitalism” — there are always companies going out of business and others coming in. Crony capitalism is where the government puts its hand in the revolving door, for a fee.
    This government-engineered, deliberate recession is not even-handed in its effects, but I don’t think it was particularly driven by the usual roster of corporate rent-seekers, although they got hit the least because, too big to fail.

  28. Artfldgr:

    Tried again to give Monatage the benefit of the doubt; that he wasn’t a Dunning-Kreuger but no, he shows that he is.

    Contrary to Montage’s opinion even republicans and conservatives know that the Chinese contagion is a virus and thus is contagious. Contagion and contagious, hmmm, can those words be related? But his opinion on the role that asymptomatic people and their spread of the Chinese contagion is pre-March or March “knowledge.” For one who is governed by “science” he seems impervious to the feature of science that it a process of learning new things and testing the validity of things thought to be “known.” Turns out asymptomatic individuals aren’t the spreaders. Well golleee Gomer!

  29. @Om: Surprise Surprise Surprise! [boy could he sing though]

    Why a Former Obama Economist Just Offered the Biden 2020 Campaign a Very Stark Warning

    We’re about to experience a massive economic boom, folks. And it will occur in the key months prior to Election Day. It’s a V-shaped recovery. And this isn’t just the Trump economic team making these projections. Former Obama economist Jason Furman has gone on record to declare, “We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”

    This has reportedly sent his former colleagues in the Obama administration into panic mode. The concerns among Democrats are high.


    Furman’s case begins with the premise that the 2020 pandemic-triggered economic collapse is categorically different than the Great Depression or the Great Recession, which both had slow, grinding recoveries.

    Instead, he believes, the way to think about the current economic drop-off, at least in the first two phases, is more like what happens to a thriving economy during and after a natural disaster: a quick and steep decline in economic activity followed by a quick and steep rebound.


    “The Trump argument will be he’s producing the fastest job growth and fastest economic growth in history. If he has any ability to do nuance he would say, ‘We are not there yet, reelect me to finish the job,’” Furman said.

  30. Artfldgr on May 26, 2020 at 6:37 pm said:
    MBunge on May 26, 2020 at 5:13 pm said: This is our national IQ test.

    Thanks for the leadin MBunge… to answer towards the question of national IQ, i turn the podium over to Judge McHaney.. (who in a way is commenting on the mental illness as displayed by democrat leadership)
    * * *
    I couldn’t get the docs link to work for me, but here are a news post with the back story on the lawsuit, and the quotation the ‘Dodger posted.



  31. Yesterday, J E Dyer addressed the lockdowns & quarantines & Democrat dementia (as detailed in Judge McHaney’s censure), in the context of Memorial Day.


    We have people who insist on their freedom from wearing masks, too often by taunting other people. To suggest that they aren’t helping the cause of freedom this way is not to say they should be compelled by the government to wear masks.

    But the straw man that it does mean that tends to take over the debate. It becomes an either-or proposition, often argued stupidly on both sides and impossible to find common ground on.

    Then there are the people who very selectively want to see churches remain closed, thus denying others their freedom to (in this case, to exercise religion). An astonishing number of governors have this attitude.

    As with the either-or mask proposition, the closed churches are too often argued in basically stupid terms. It may be safe enough to open the libraries, but no matter how well folks social-distance at church they’re still unsafe; or, conversely, social-distancing is meaningless bunk and churches should just be open for business, period – forget the common-sense precautions: masks, spread-out seating, temperature-taking for entry.

    All of these things are unhelpful. It’s easy to see only these points of contention, and the ignoble taunting over them, and want to throw our hands up in despair.

    But I submit to you this: that this moment is exactly what our honored dead gave their lives to leave us with – because we can see what’s happening, and we can make choices.

    Never in history has a nation been as blessed as ours, to see the truth before us, not be deceived, and have the power of choice. Even those among us with little idea of freedom and little understanding know that what we are doing during this crisis is having a debate about freedom.

    When freedom is in peril, there are always forces endeavoring to obscure that very point. The attempt is to convince us that this isn’t about our freedom; it’s about some crisis-specific issue, and freedom is either secondary or isn’t really in danger at all.

    But when governors will open gyms and restaurants but not churches, we all know it’s about freedom. When mayors suffer thousands of people to ride cheek-by-jowl in trains every day but send the police to break up carefully-distanced classrooms in yeshivas, we all know it’s about freedom. When sheriffs arrest people – even masked people – for sitting still at the beach, but can’t arrest government officials for moving helpless old people into nursing homes that can’t take care of them properly, we all know it’s about freedom.

    When the police are actually dispatched to prevent parents from working to put food on the table for their children, we all know it’s about freedom.

    The ability to see, think these thoughts, have this debate, keep it up for debate and ensure it matters to our policies going forward – this is what our forebears died to give us. We may be wrong sometimes; we may be imprecise; we may be short-tempered, or crass with each other, or whining or intimidating or rude – but we are not deceived. We are not already defeated.

    We can have hope because even people who can no longer define freedom well have a visceral sense of its importance. We can hope because even the people who don’t want freedom know this is about freedom.

  32. Now we understand – the Democrats just want members of closed churches to ask themselves WWJD?


    Whereas, like the Chinese, they have only our good in mind.

    Reaction by the American media was swift. “Wow, China is so great! I wish we could be like China!” exclaimed numerous journalists. “Why can’t Trump be China?”

    American politicians also spoke up on the order. “Hopefully the people in Hong Kong will be more compliant than Americans,” said Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. “We issued our stay-at-home order far too late to stop the spread of the idea that people have liberty and can do whatever they want.”

  33. Some of the stories on Judge McHaney are conflating two cases, as did the one I linked above.
    This one clarifies that situation.
    “Following Bailey’s challenge, James Mainer, an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran and small business owner in Clay City, filed a similar suit in Clay County. Judge McHaney issued his ruling in that matter this past Friday and, although he again limited the scope of the restraining order to the individual plaintiff, he had some choice words for the Governor and his stay-at-home order “

  34. Democrats once more doing the usual thing after being involved in a scandal: eliminate the evidence.
    Sadly for them, the internet is forever — unlike Hillary’s server or Lois Lerner’s records or FBI 302s.


  35. Om

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there’s a 20%-to-50% chance that those infected with the coronavirus do not show symptoms. Yet even those asymptomatic people may be just as capable of transmitting the disease as other infected people who eventually become visibly sick, the CDC said.

    Notice the word ‘may’ in there? You would have to agree that your opinion that “asymptomatic individuals aren’t’ the spreaders” is more definitive and not based on the current science. It doesn’t mean everything should stay shut down. It means let’s use caution. And so most of America is doing that as we re-open. [Even Sean Hannity agrees – watch his bit on Land of the Ozarks last night.]

    Los Angeles just opened most retail today. Churches too can open with 25% capacity [the same capacity Texas recommended in early May]. As I said before, the business and a good part of the economy will be back even in blue states well before November.

  36. Somebody actually plans to convince humanity that if they don’t Obey, a billion fatalities will result. Gee, I wonder who that would be in 2020.

  37. Only a billion? How many will be dancing on the head of a pin when they get their first cough? Do tell us.

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