Home » Here’s a thread for tonight’s Democratic debate


Here’s a thread for tonight’s Democratic debate — 40 Comments

  1. I won’t watch but I think maybe it’s all over. Here’s an article on CA for example
    I don’t know the Party rules but it’s rumored that if no other candidate achieves 15% then Bernie sweeps ALL the CA delegates.


    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads the Democratic primary field in California by 18 points, according to a survey released Wednesday.
    In the poll from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) first reported by the Los Angeles Times, Sanders has the support of 32 percent of likely voters.

  2. What was the old tv series (or movie) where evil aliens appeared on tv and propagandized people via some kind of hypnosis which disguised their scary faces? That’s what Bloomberg makes me think of.

  3. Seen somewhere on twitter: Bernie’s not going to release any further medical records because if he did people might see he’s been diagnosed with chronic Bolshevism.

  4. I probably won’t watch, but I may follow the “Drunkblog” feed at PJ Media for a while before I fall asleep. Stephen Green will surely tell me if Bloomberg is standing on a box.

  5. I will not be watching however I will check in with various blog sites through the evening just for laughs. I am thinking Blooming Bloomers will irritate so many people he might just be a flash in the pan but that is probably wishful thinking.

  6. I am not very familiar with US politics so I would appreciate if somebody can explain to me what the “I” in “Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ” stands for – Interloper, Idiot?

  7. They will all be offered millions on the QT to drop out so Bloomberg can crush Sanders. They are all whores and so will accept. Not today, but soon and after they make some anti-Bloomberg rants tonight.

  8. Andy, it’s “I” for Independent. He’s not actually a Democrat, although he votes with their caucus in the Senate — which makes his being the leader in polls so far pretty funny to me, but not so funny to Democrat leadership.

  9. There’s an online poll for Bloomberg
    Will he:
    Stand on a box?
    Wear shoes with “lifts”?
    Use a child’s podium?

    Box was winning when I looked a couple hours ago

  10. Warren unleashed a string of intolerable misogynist quotes and then attributes them to Bloomberg, not Trump. Ouch.

    Buttigieg refers to being a real Democrat and promoting real Democrat policies; thereby backhanding both Bloomberg and Sanders. Tucker Carlson had a choice exposé on Buttigieg tonight dismantling his shake-and-bake military career among other items.

    vanderleun makes a deeply deeply cynical jab at the candidates and maybe strikes close to the truth. I think Bloomy should buy Bernie and Jane a mansion just down the beach from the Obamas (and Valerie Jarrett) on Martha’s Vineyard.

  11. For all his “Lord Admiral Nanny” nonsense, Bloomberg is by all accounts a really smart and capable guy with tremendous ambition. I wonder if his performance in this debate will open anyone’s eyes as to just what an astonishing feet Trump pulled off in 2016. I mean, pretty much everybody who thinks Trump is an incompetent idiot thinks Bloomberg is a Master of the Universe but which one did better when put to the test?


  12. MBunge,

    Excellent point. Being Great in business is different than being a Great politician.

    One can be both, as President Trump shows.

    But it is NOT automatic.

  13. Esther, any observations?

    Has Amy maintained ownership of the “moderate” track or replaced by Bloomberg?
    Are Liz and Joe effectively done?
    Did Bernie maintain momentum?

  14. Quite a lot of heat and some real infighting. The winner – Donald Trump. The loser – the Democrat party.

    When they start opining on climate change and what a huge emergency it is, I know they are all members of the cult, or……….they see it as a vehicle to take charge of the economy. Either way, they are so out of touch with the American people and the truth about climate change, it is excruciating to watch.

  15. I watched the whole thing. It’s my penance I impose upon myself for having been a Liberal back when I knew everything.

    Biden, Warren and Klobuchar all “capitalize” on the hard times their parents went through to qualify themselves as having grown up rough. Buttigieg is the best debater. Sanders is a wild-eyed true believer.

    Bloomberg is the only one who did not shout, nor did he talk over the others. I disagree with most of his positions, and fear that he might be able to “buy” the Presidency, but he clearly seems far better qualified, and has more management experience, than the rest of them to be the Chief Executive. But his money can’t buy him love . . . not the kind of love that a great number of Americans feel for Donald Trump.

  16. Did any rational person need to watch the dnc clowns need to watch in order to know it was a clown show. If so,I pity you. Fools, don’t be one.

  17. A somewhat more serious observation about Sanders.


    While Sanders is no genius and more wizened than wise, he’s not a dumb man, either. So, is there an excuse for his not knowing, at this late date, the devil he dances with in socialism? It’s like a 21st century psychiatrist still subscribing to trepanation or a modern investment advisor recommending alchemy to increase precious metals holdings. It’s gross, damnable malpractice.

    Yet, actually, while there may be no excuse for Sanders, there is an explanation. It’s called self-deception — and it’s anything but honest.

    Then there’s the final factor to consider. People will state regarding Sanders, “Wow, say what you want about him, he’s sincere and just lets it all hang out. He flat out says he’s a socialist!” The idea is that the man is truly an open book.

    Yet this is a flawed, dangerous analysis. It’s wiser to ask: If the beliefs Sanders openly espouses are this radical, how radical are the beliefs he’s keeping hidden?

    Remember, again, as with all politicians, Sanders is “as honest as [he] can afford to be.” Everyone has filters.

  18. Most of the commentary I’ve seen is that the debate winner was, once again, President Trump.

    This article isn’t about him, but it might explain why he has become increasingly popular — he is doing, instinctively and sometimes obliquely, exactly what the author recommends.


    Heightening the contradictions… that sounds pretty harmless. But in fact, it is the most important element of Marxist thinking as applies to things as they are in the opening decades of the third millennium. Heightening, or enhancing, or exploiting the contradictions is the concept used to push every last political and social program of the modern Left.

    How often does the Left come up with ideas that, on the face of it, appear absurd, irrational, or utterly insane? The answer, is, of course, all the time. The general response is bewilderment or incomprehension – a shrug and an assertion that “those lefties are crazy.”

    But in truth, they’re no such thing. There’s nothing irrational about it. It’s all part of the program.

    The concept comes directly out of Marx.

    This involves activities – both propaganda and direct action – that increase anxiety and dissatisfaction among the workers while generating isolation, fear, and doubt in the targeted classes.

    None of them, whether they involve introducing transsexualism to schools or placing jihadis in Congress, occurred by accident. They were meant to happen exactly the way they did, to heighten the contradictions.

    How has conservatism responded? It hasn’t. In fact, there’s no sign that conservatives, mired in the Cold War interpretation of communism, have any idea that the concept exists. The contradictions tactic is next to universal and ever-present in any leftist effort or scheme, but far from having workable countermeasures, traditional American conservatives have been utterly oblivious.

    Open any conservative magazine, access any website, go through the archives of any conservative think tank, and you will find myriads of articles, blogs, and papers dealing with the issues mentioned above. All of them contain precise, carefully researched information, well-crafted arguments, all bulge with quotes from Tocqueville, Chesterton, and Russell Kirk. All of it is excellent of its kind, and all of it is utterly useless. Because that’s not where the battle is being fought. The Left isn’t interested in rational arguments, but in bringing the temple down.

    What’s the solution? The answer is simplicity itself — argue the strategy. Instead of constructing lapidary responses, start out by stating bluntly and straightforwardly that this isn’t about transsexuals, or immigrants, or race, or whatever. What it’s about, first and foremost, is a method of attacking this country and its people, an effort to make an end run around the rules without admitting they’re doing any such thing. The record is clear that the Left doesn’t actually give a damn about blacks, or women, or anybody else. The record is clear that the left is not interested in solutions. Once that is made evident, the battle will be half won.

    BONUS: spot the subtly camouflaged shout-out to dystopian-sf fans.

  19. I’m surprised that nobody mentions Bloomberg’s opinions on China. I guess Tucker Carlson and Trump’s people will bring this up later.

  20. I watched 5 minutes at a time. It was a disaster for Bloomberg. Lots of people were watching for the first time just to see how he would do. He fumbled several answers. The others were all attacking him and, in the first hour he got little opportunity to respond,. When he did respond, he was weak. He should have started sooner and had more opportunities to get better at it.

  21. Didn’t watch it.

    Read about it some.

    It all leaves me wondering, if Bloomberg was attacked by a group of liars, hysterics hypocrites and (give-or-take) communists, how could this be bad for him?

    Look, after all, at what’s happened to Trump as a result of the same treatment.

    (Of course, Trump’s been savaged by—the virtuous!—Bloomberg…. And at the end of the day, Bloomberg is…well, Bloomberg. Anyway, go figure….)

  22. My favorite laugh line was Warren claiming she is going to stop political corruption by passing a law. A close second was Bernie describing his $550K beach home as “a summer camp.” Is that with a Coleman tent or more like Camp David?

    The odd thing was that Buttigieg really laid into Klobuchar and their demeanor was a little strange. Pete must desperately want the VP slot. I think Buttigieg won the exchange on style points, but I suspect that if I read the transcript Klobuchar would come off better. Pete looked like he popped half a Xanax before the debate, and Klobuchar looked like she had 3 espressos and had been informed that someone had killed her beloved dog.

  23. Good grief, Bloomberg definitely botched his first impression, especially with the NDC issue. Cue, metoo shrieking.

    He awkwardly apologized for his success at crime prevention, a thing I appreciated as an NYC resident. The other candidates jumped on him as though he committed war crimes.

    A strong moment to me was when he said he wasn’t a communist or a socialist, but shockingly, he was booed by the audience.

    The other candidates attacked each other more vigorously than before, very politically and somewhat cattily.

    If any of them win, among other things, ‘the revolution’ appears to be promising to ban any and all kinds of drilling or mining in America, increase governmental control of large and small business, go all in on reshaping the economy to comply with the green new deal, empty prisons of current criminals and restock them with fossil fuel executives, Trump and his allies.

    Interestingly, nothing about gun control this time.

  24. Esther,

    I gotta agree that Bloomberg looked terrible up there.

    But you have to see ‘the spin’ his paid campaign advisers put on his performance. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons!

    If Bloomberg is the D’s nominee President Trump will have a bigger challenge winning. Of course if their guy isn’t Crazy Uncle Bernie his antifa Bernie Bro’s are going to be doing their best to burn our country down.

    Which they might do anyway even if he is the nominee.

  25. I watched some of it and I thought that they were obviously victims of the evil, diabolical Trump. Trump must have sent an operative to lace the drinking water with LSD before the debate. They were really talking crazy.

  26. Well, Bloomberg’s certainly throwing money around.

    Like rice at a wedding. (At least in the moveis…)

    Helping out the economy for sure.

    It’s as if, as if he wants to help Make America Great Again!

  27. Bloomberg said “America doesn’t want communism,” and in that single statement proved he had a firmer grip on reality than anyone else on the stage.

    The loud boos from the audience indicate that he also created an unbridgeable gap ‘twixt himself and Sanders. The odds are good that one of the two will be the Democrat nominee. And with the rancor, the odds increase that there will be a third-party candidate. Bernie and his minions are passionate; Bloomberg is rich.

    With three candidates, it is possible that none get to 270 electoral college votes, in which case, the House of Representatives decides. Fortunately, it is the newly-elected House that decides. With three candidates for the Presidency, it would seem that the Republicans chances of re-gaining the House increase. Bloomberg and Sanders will shorten each other’s coat-tails in the Congressional races.

  28. Klobuchar blew it, IMO.

    In a previous thread I opined that she seemed to be the only adult in the room. She had her chances last night to deflect Buttigieg’s attacks with many fewer words and to keep on with her calm, unifying, reach-across-the-aisle theme that has worked so far. Like TommyJay says above, she indeed seemed like she was on something.

    As for Buttigieg, I read an interesting piece somewhere that he is a bonafide red diaper baby, and then some.

    A local focus group thought Warren came out on top. She seems so un-presidential in her breathless, scoldy manner, but I guess they liked that Warren let it all hang out – kinda had to with her NH showing.

  29. I just don’t see any of these folk really winning vs. Trump – and he’s going to mostly use their own words against them.

    Tho recession is still possible,, it remains 80% likely that Trump wins.

    Will reps win House is big question?
    Will corona virus make Reps / Trump lose?

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