Home » Schiff, have you no shame?


Schiff, have you no shame? — 36 Comments

  1. Of course no Dem now has or ever has felt shame. They are congenital liars. They are approaching sociopathic dimensions if not there already.

  2. Shame is not a consideration. The tactic is to keep attacking with accusations, true or false. Because a lie gets half way around the world before the truth can get its pants on, the falsely accused is always having to fight harder than the accuser. Schiff sees himself with a 99.44% chance of being re-elected, and, knowing his LA constituency, sees his chances of being re-elected made even stronger because he is resisting as best he can Hitler-Trump. Most Dems in Congress see their positions the same way, and many of them share Schiff’s view of ethics and morals.

  3. I don’t think Schiff or any of his Democrat team have time for shame or anything else of the kind. They know it’s time for panic: pure, feverish, doom-ridden, full on hysteria.

  4. You know who does Schiff reminds me of? That wormtongue character from the movie Lotr the two towers

  5. “…there is a good possibility the voters will punish them for their fanaticism and their dishonesty in November 2020.”

    Which voters?
    The D voters who put Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, et al in office? Not a chance.
    The D voters that put the 4 horsewomen of the apocalypse in the house? Nope.
    #NeverTrump “muh conservative principulz” idiots? Puhleeze.

    I think John Hinderaker is right on most counts…that one…not so much.
    President Trump may well end up being kryptonite to the Ds…but at the moment it is yet to be proven that he will deliver the knockout blow that restores American greatness for more than his first term. There’s much more to be done and I remain unconvinced it won’t require more than votes to make it happen.

  6. “…restores American greatness…”

    If only some sense of sanity, some sense of proportion, some sense of truthfulness, some sense of self-respect (and respect, generally) could be restored.

    If only….

    Alas, that point may already have been passed.

  7. The new facts coming out make Schiff look incompetent (as well as dishonest) and the Dems in Congress like Amateur Hour.

    I disagree with John Guilfoyle above where he disagrees about the American voters punishing Dems in the next election. Sure, Pelosi and many others’ seats are safe. But a lot of other seats are not safe in places where the voters are not so monolithicly Democrat. This is making the Dems in Congress look both weak and stupid. Americans outside of L.A., San Francisco, and N.Y. don’t forgive “weak and stupid”.

  8. “…incompetent…dishonest…weak…stupid…”

    Well, OK, but it’s not just that. (All that MIGHT be forgiven. Maybe.)

    No, it’s the sheer—the utter—insanity that is the problem.

    These people believe they should be governing the country?

    (Yes, I’m afraid they do…. In fact, they’re convinced of it.)

  9. I think Schiff is a sociopath. Look at his behavior on TV.

    He is one of many. There used to be a saying that the most dangerous place in Washington was between Schumer and a TV camera.

    The Democrats are playing to soap opera women and young people with student loan balances they can’t pay. They know no economics and there has been a thread of anti-Semitism on the left for centuries as Jews have been perceived as successful. Now we have Warren and Bernie talking about a “Wealth Tax,” which might kill off a lot of Democrat fund raising.

  10. Shame is a secondary emotion that originates in GUILT
    Clinically, sociopaths have no guilt, have problems with modeling others thoughts, is the only condition you can learn, and mostly, normal people make excuses for.

    best answer when they interviewed old eskimo about them
    the old man said, they would have an accident…

    on another note…
    today they are getting a statement from a foreign entity

    as with neo’s point as to defense and other things
    they have now put our president in a quid pro quo blackmail position
    the ukrainian can now destroy us by lying
    the ukrainian can save donald by lying and want payment


    how do you convince nice people that they are onthe side of their own destruction?

    you cant… ask any feminist… whose family is now extinct
    and how many branches of the tree of life were cut

    or let me put it MY WAY.. .

    from some single celled something a few billion years ago
    through multicelled… to being aquatic… to going on land
    to becoming a mamal, to surviving through the periods of
    ice ages, the periods of meteorites… and the predators..
    ranging from T rex when we were but tiny mice like critters
    to Stalin…

    for that whole time from the very first life, that persons line and family in some way, survived all that…

    only to be ended by a political idea that turned them agianst their own
    and called it liberation

    yes… the dead and never born are liberated
    the same way work will set you free
    and you get what you want…

    the problem is that this camp has no walls but mental ones
    and the ladies have exterminated their lines so much, that in one generation, they have made themselves minorities..

    now, if they waited and did it themselves the people pushing this would be bigger horrors than Hitler ever was… 70 million horror… but instead, they convinced women to do it for them… who they going to blame?

    now there is no one that knows enough, the ladies turned the kids over to the people who used democide eugenics to rebalance the classes and populations

    all under your noses with denial as a norm
    and ridicule if anyone thought this was a bad idea

    you certainly came a long way baby

  11. More Reps should more often call out these Dem liars. Trump shouldn’t be the only Rep with a fighting spirit.

    In my fantasy, Trump & the Reps win back control of the House, too, in 2020. Then do some actual swamp draining. Before, during, or after McCabe & Comey are actually indicted. In my nightmares, he loses all three. Still 13 months away.

    I don’t quite understand if it’s legal for Representatives to lie to Congress. If it’s not, Schiff should be charged. If it is, he should be laughed at.

    All Dems should be more often laughed at for their silly lies.

  12. I showed you the answers, and not one f*cking person ever follows
    10 years, i showed you what informs them… as if i worked for them (hint)
    but no… you wont GET it till your what? in the same shape my family was in when they marched them off to a camp, and put the WOMEN in the Taiga?

    The Duties of the Revolutionary toward Himself

    1) The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no personal interests, no business affairs, no emotions, no attachments, no property, and no name. Everything in him is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution.

    2) The revolutionary knows that in the very depths of his being, not only in words but also in deeds, he has broken all the bonds which tie him to the social order and the civilized world with all its laws, moralities, and customs, and with all its generally accepted conventions. He is their implacable enemy, and if he continues to live with them it is only in order to destroy them more speedily.

    lots oh numbers you wont bother to read, so i wont bother to post again and again

    8. The revolutionary can have no friendship or attachment, except for those who have proved by their actions that they, like him, are dedicated to revolution. The degree of friendship, devotion and obligation toward such a comrade is determined solely by the degree of his usefulness to the cause of total revolutionary destruction.

    13. The revolutionary enters the world of the State, of the privileged classes, of the so-called civilization, and he lives in this world only for the purpose of bringing about its speedy and total destruction. He is not a revolutionary if he has any sympathy for this world. He should not hesitate to destroy any position, any place, or any man in this world. He must hate everyone and everything in it with an equal hatred. All the worse for him if he has any relations with parents, friends, or lovers; he is no longer a revolutionary if he is swayed by these relationships.

    that pretty much covers most of them, doesn’t it?
    Den of thieves that prey on each other as much as the innocent

    their behavior and all that is described in that paper
    and yet, you guys muse as if you were hatched yesterday
    and never ever need to know what others did that made them lose and ended up in a totalitarian state…

    yeah.. your going to do it yourself
    and they have had practice being sociopathic predators for 70 years
    and they have agencies, think tanks, and more
    and all you do is not read, not learn, and gibber jaw from imagination
    in a specialized area..

    so its a joke
    your just sitting around talking in a basket heading to hell
    and until there are riots, what will happen?
    NADA… not even letter writing..

    and the biggest joke is the number of you that use marxist terms like we must, they do, etc… when you have ZERO followers… who is the WE in that? its inane…

    but forgive me for breaking mask
    we return to the kabuki bs dance always in progress
    until the system shuts it down

    and just so you know..
    when and if it does happen, and it WILL, you all will be in a camp with me (or dead)
    why? for the same freaking reason someone who wrote a tweet 15 years ago, are now going to be punished… you all spent all your time building up the case against yourselves in a soviet state…

    i knew that from the first day i wrote anything..
    DID YOU???

    15. This filthy social order can be split up into several categories. The first category comprises those who must be condemned to death without delay.

    Comrades should compile a list of those to be condemned according to the relative gravity of their crimes; and the executions should be carried out according to the prepared order.

    16. When a list of those who are condemned is made, and the order of execution is prepared, no private sense of outrage should be considered, nor is it necessary to pay attention to the hatred provoked by these people among the comrades or the people.

    Hatred and the sense of outrage may even be useful insofar as they incite the masses to revolt. It is necessary to be guided only by the relative usefulness of these executions for the sake of revolution. Above all, those who are especially inimical to the revolutionary organization must be destroyed; their violent and sudden deaths will produce the utmost panic in the government, depriving it of its will to action by removing the cleverest and most energetic supporters.

    Just be aware… that you guys are public figures, openly against the new regime and have had ideological debates and arguments with people who have come here..

    there IS a dossier on you all in Russia, and China..
    even more so if you ever visited..

    whether you like it or not, THAT is the reality of it…
    you CAN always pretend otherwise as you do, until you cant..

    The way we do things now is so much more like then..
    but its happening under your ability to percieve it

    Just-noticeable difference

    In the branch of experimental psychology focused on sense, sensation, and perception, which is called psychophysics, a just-noticeable difference or JND is the amount something must be changed in order for a difference to be noticeable, detectable at least half the time (absolute threshold). This limen is also known as the difference limen, difference threshold, or least perceptible difference


    Modern approaches to psychophysics, for example signal detection theory, imply that the observed JND, even in this statistical sense, is not an absolute quantity, but will depend on situational and motivational as well as perceptual factors. For example, when a researcher flashes a very dim light, a participant may report seeing it on some trials but not on others.

    As long as they stay below this for most people
    what they are doing and what they want and how they work is unstoppable
    they are invisible…

    been trying to explain this for decades..
    but alas, been told i been ruining the entertainment on this cattle car to hell

  13. I don’t think Schiff or any of the democrats have any shame but it seems they all suffer greatly with projection issues.

  14. Impeachment based on flimsy, made-up evidence and unfair manipulation of procedures holds the potential to help Trump make big inroads with black voters. This happened with Bill Clinton. Although Clinton obviously went into impeachment with much more black support than Trump will ever have, it seemed as though the perception that BC was being unfairly hounded by out-of-control investigators resonated with the black community far more than with other groups or the electorate as a whole.

  15. Artfldgr raise serious points.
    Lightweights just don’t get it.
    Several of us here have called Democrats sociopathic. Sociopaths are the people who murder without guilt or remorse.
    And then we have those like John with his Dem. “projection issues”. Which does nothing for anyone except Freud, who was a great cause of our descent into hell.
    Sorry, John, but yours is just not strong enough.

  16. The other thing the liberals are doing is boring us to death—three years of lugubrious grime talk—so much so that I’m afraid we’re all going to want them to win just so they will quit talking.

  17. As an aside, hats off to the New York Times. It’s ridiculous and dangerous how many supposedly intelligent adults place so much faith and trust in a freakin’ for-profit New York City news organization and it is more than capable of being biased and even deceitful at times, but we’re lucky there are still people working there who actually care about journalism and the truth.

    Of course, how long until those folks are replaced by the generation they raised to not care about those things.


  18. MBunge:

    My hat remains firmly on my head with regard to the Times. Sadly, I do not think this was an exercise in journalism for them. I believe that the story was written to put as good a spin as possible on what Schiff did, with the knowledge that this information was about to come out anyway. In other words, to get ahead of the narrative.

  19. Although they have some immunity, I don’t believe that Congresspersons are protected from illegal activity. Lying to Congress is a prosecutable offense under law. Prosecution is rare; but, Michael Cohen can vouch that it does happen. Therefore, all that is needed for potential prosecution should be for an appropriate official to bring charges.

    But, short of prosecution there are provisions for censure, and expulsion from Congress. Where is the Republican hero who will initiate that?

    (Off topic; I fervently wish that Paul Manfort’s wife would sue everyone involved in the pre-dawn raid on her home. She was clearly an innocent victim of “police state” like tactics, but, I suppose that she fears that any push back would trigger even greater abuse of her husband by the Mueller ally, U.S Attorney for Southern New York.)

  20. Oldflyer:

    I believe that members of Congress have immunity from prosecution for statements made on the floor of Congress.

  21. Rush Limbaugh used to be fond of saying that liberals/lefties are anatomically different from the rest of us: they have no shame gland.

    [Possibly he’s still fond of saying it, but I’m not a regular Rush listener and I haven’t heard it lately. In any event, I’m quite sure he’s still on board with that sentiment.]

  22. The Democrats are not sociopathic. What the majority are is victims of a social manipulation in which the enemy is dehumanized. This is commonly used in war. The enemy becomes “Krouts”, “Gooks”, or whatever term can be used to differentiate them from us “people”. Once the enemy is dehumanized, we can then kill them without guilt.

    Or, in this case, the Dems can lie and cheat because those “deplorables” don’t deserve respect or human courtesy anyway.

  23. Roy is absolutely right.
    First the Germans discriminated against Jews.
    Then they verbally dehumanized the Jews, then physically began beating them and destroying their property. With no adverse legal consequences — physical abuse was legally accepted.
    Then they inhumanely shipped them into concentration camps.
    Where the worst Nazi scum murdered them and all who failed to hero-worship the Nazis. (Most Germans, and even most Nazis, didn’t know the Jews were being murdered. It was too “unbelievable”)

    The Dems today are following this pattern in their attack on Republicans.

    How could “normal” Germans do such terrible things?
    How can “normal” Americans believe such terrible lies?

    The tidal waves of lies, over and over. The goal is to dehumanize the Reps.

  24. Schiff had the HSPCI hold closed testimony today interrogating a former US diplomat to Ukraine Kurt Volker. Schiff hoped to acquire something to use in his impeachment scam. Evidently, Volker’s testimony upheld Pres. Trump’s claims (“blowing massive holes” in Adam Schiff’s impeachment narrative says Rep. Zeldin). Committee Republicans are demanding the transcript be released. Schiff doesn’t seem to be accommodating, which says something all on its own.

  25. There was an old movie that I thought contained an interesting line about guilt and shame. Since I was never able find it, I’ll skip that part, but at the time I found an interesting article by a rabbi who claimed that guilt is perhaps a somewhat unique aspect of Judeo-Christian culture. I thought it might have been Rabbi Spero, but it could have been Rabbi Sacks, as these are the only two names I recall from my readings.

    This isn’t the original article, but it sounds very similar,

    It was she [Ruth Benedict] who taught the distinction between shame cultures, like ancient Greece, and guilt cultures like Judaism and Christianity.

    In shame cultures what matters is what other people think of you: the embarrassment, the ignominy, the loss of face. Whereas in guilt cultures it’s what the inner voice of conscience tells you.

    The biggest difference is that in shame cultures, if we’re caught doing wrong, there’s a stain on our character that only time can erase. But guilt cultures make a sharp distinction between the doer and the deed, the sinner and the sin. That’s why guilt cultures focus on atonement and repentance, apology and forgiveness. The act was wrong, but on our character there’s no indelible stain.

    In shame cultures, if you’ve done wrong, the first rule is, don’t be found out. If you are, then bluff your way through. Only admit when every other alternative has failed, because you’ll be disgraced for a very long time indeed.

    The only thing Schiff would care about is being expelled from the House, or the very unlikely event of losing a reelection.

  26. Mike K on October 3, 2019 at 6:31 am said:
    Now we have Warren and Bernie talking about a “Wealth Tax,” which might kill off a lot of Democrat fund raising.
    * * *
    The “might” has become a “will” according to some articles this week.
    Apparently they weren’t motivated to complain about her anti-wealth polemics until it looked like she might actually get the nomination.
    I don’t know why Wall Street isn’t backing Trump already.

    Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren
    PUBLISHED THU, SEP 26 201912:40 PM EDTUPDATED FRI, SEP 27 20199:29 AM EDT

  27. TommyJay on October 3, 2019 at 10:38 pm said:
    There was an old movie that I thought contained an interesting line about guilt and shame. Since I was never able find it, I’ll skip that part,
    * * *
    Give us some clues!

  28. Tom Grey on October 3, 2019 at 8:26 pm said:
    Roy is absolutely right.
    * * *
    So, of course, the Democrats fall hook-line-and-sinker for the Left’s Antfa slander against Republicans and conservatives.

  29. Tom Grey on October 3, 2019 at 7:58 am said:
    More Reps should more often call out these Dem liars. Trump shouldn’t be the only Rep with a fighting spirit.
    * * *
    Yeah, you would think they would have learned something from their shellacking in the primary. Even Lindsey Graham has backed off his Primal Scream at the Kavanaugh hearings.

  30. Artfldgr on October 3, 2019 at 7:55 am said:
    Shame is a secondary emotion that originates in GUILT
    Clinically, sociopaths have no guilt, have problems with modeling others thoughts, is the only condition you can learn, and mostly, normal people make excuses for.

    Artfldgr on October 3, 2019 at 8:33 am said:
    I showed you the answers, …
    10 years, i showed you what informs them… as if i worked for them (hint)
    * * *
    I’m too tired to stand up right now, but I am applauding.
    Your information about the Left, the Communists, the Feminists, and other aspects of the Dark State have been very educational.

  31. AesopFan,

    It was a conversation between Woody Allen and Tony Roberts as they were walking down some street, in one of Allen’s many movies; maybe around the timeframe of “Manhattan?” I won’t attempt a paraphrase, given the state of my memory.

    I’ve discovered that some films, a decade or more after their release, have been re-edited with the original theatrical release gone forever. It’s possible that a short scene has been disappeared. The Rabbi Sachs piece is a possibly different and better take-away, and more knowledgeable of Judaism than Woody Allen I’d guess.

    Artfldgr, I sometimes skip the super-long items, but that one was riveting.

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