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Does Ilhan Omar realize… — 58 Comments

  1. She will respond with some variation of the “Christ-killer” slur, unashamed of the irony that Islamists are killing Christians (Sri Lanka) or her own anti-Christian bigotry expressed by her disgusting “Jesus take the wheel!” tweet directed at VP Pence.

  2. For Ilhan and her ilk the world began yesterday; they truly know nothing.

  3. The latest charming utterance from the Somali immigrant is that “this is not going to be the country of white people.” It will be very interesting to learn whether, next November, the brainless voters of Minneapolis decide to return this ingrate to Congress.

  4. Of course, Jesus was never a Palestinian in any sense of the word. The land would be renamed that, by the Romans, as an act of petty revenge, in 135AD, after the Bar Kochba revolt.

    So it’s like calling Tsar Nikolai II a Soviet… or, in the opposite direction, like calling the current Turkish ruler an Ottoman, or the current ruler of Austria a Prussian.

    But you’re right; it’s amusing that, even if we accept her absurd premise, it still blows up in her face.

  5. In addition to ignorance of history, a problem which she shares with many Muslims around the world, Omar doesn’t appear to be particularly intelligent. Thinking things through is not her strong point.

  6. Her district in Minneapolis is known as Little Somalia. She’ll be in office until hell freezes over.

  7. Neo: The Jews were not the “original inhabitants of the land” now called Palestine. You need to brush up on your Old Testament. The Hebrews drove out (and/or killed off) the original inhabitants, the Canaanites.

  8. It is accurate to say that the Jews are the oldest surviving inhabitants of the land. There were others before. As it was written,
    …and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite…
    Needless to say, there were inhabitants before those as well, all of which are extinct – including the Philistines, whose name was borrowed in the 2nd century by the Romans to rename said land. It is also noteworthy that Islam did not exist until several centuries after the renaming – likewise the practice of Islam and Arabic as a prominent spoken language in Palestine.

  9. j e, Ilhan Omar’s congressional district is heavily Somali and sent more recruits to Daesh, Al Shabaab, and Boko Haram than all other 49 states combined.

    OK, that could be an exaggeration. But if it is it’s not by much. I’m not the best with math so somebody has to check up on me.


    The thing you need to know is she’s not saying anything her voters aren’t already thinking.

    Here’s some more math. I believe that in 2018 there were 900 Muslims in the British armed forces. There were 2,000 in prison for trying to join terrorist groups There were another 20,000 on terrorist watch lists. So many the Brits couldn’t keep track of them.

    Thing is, I have no animosity toward Muslims. I’m using the British statistics (and probably getting it all wrong because memory is a fickle thing) because I don’t believe we in America keep statistics like that. I know we have enough Muslims in the Navy that they rate their own chaplain.


    ” First Muslim Aviator to Command Squadron ”

    Life is already hard enough. I don’t need to complicate things by confounding my mind with hatred.

    BTW, Neo, you make and excellent point. The Arabic word for Jew is Yahud.

    “Khaybar, Khaybar ya Yahud, jaish Muhammad saf’ya’ud.”


    As an aside, I never thought I would hear those words chanted in these United States of America. But there it was in New York.

    I think I have to do the obligatory “Not all Muslims” thingy at this point. Of course not all Muslims. If leftists weren’t constantly saying I the right wing hick was constantly thinking that the thought wouldn’t cross my mind. “Oh the leftists are telling me that I think all Muslims are terrorists.”

    We would all be in trouble if that was the situation.

    Pro tip: if you want to hire a cab for an entire day in Bahrain during Ramadan buy a six pack of beer on base and offer it to your driver.

    But back to the point. If Muslims actually knew about what happened at Khaybar they wouldn’t repeat that chant.

    Per the Sunni tradition (and Sunnis are approximately 85% of all Muslims) a Jewish woman who had just lost her father, husband, and uncle who had been slaughtered, unarmed, offered to cook Muhammad dinner.

    “I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta (?????????, abhar-ee) is being cut (??????????, utqitaa’a) from that poison.”

    I gets worse. Per the Quran Allah says that if Muhammad was a false prophet he would cut his aorta.

  10. If I didn’t make it obvious, when Muslims call Jews Yahud they are emphasizing the point that Jews come from Judea.

    I’m not going to say there are no smart Muslims. There are plenty of smart Muslims. They don’t chant, “Khaybar, Khabare ya yahud” though.

  11. Steve 57: don’t worry about the math, just use 57-State Math, like Barack Hussein did. That way, any statistic you want to be true, is true.

    (As for the underlying statistic, I suspect you’re more likely to be right than not.)

  12. In the interest of historical accuracy and logic, the Bible does record that the Israelites drove out the prior inhabitants of “the land of Canaan”. Certainly the Israelites maintained that in doing so, the prior tribes lost all claim to the lands that became Israel. The Israelites then claimed the right to rename the former land of “Canaan” as now being Israel.

    In 70 AD, the Romans drove out the Israelites from Israel. By the Israelites own logic, did they not lose claim to the former lands of Israel? And again by the Israelites own logic, did not the Romans now have the right to rename the lands of Israel as Palestine? And, did that not make the remaining inhabitants… Palestinians?

    Though Palestinians they may have been, they were not Muslim which would not exist for another half millenia.

    In 711, Muslims invaded the Iberian peninsula and by 788 had conquered it in its entirety. They maintained that “the right of conquest” included the right to rename the former Visigothic Kingdom into the land of Al-Andalus.

    By 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella drove the last Muslim forces from Al-Andalus and like the Muslims, renamed their reconquered territory Spain.

    In 1948, the Jewish inhabitants of British controlled Palestine reconquered that portion of Palestinian land which they renamed Israel…

    Every party to this conflict has supported the right of conquest through the force of arms.

    Yet Islam specifically claims that the right of conquest only applies, when it favors them. This is otherwise known as being a hypocritical, sore loser. But when the sore loser resorts to terrorism they reveal themselves to be barbaric enemies of civilization.

  13. Greg Padgett:

    Jesus wasn’t a Canaanite.

    And the original human inhabitants of the region were probably these guys.

    Also, neither Canaanites nor Misliya man are part of Ilhan Omar’s point, nor are they part of the discussion about rights to Israel today.

  14. Geoffrey Britain, I enjoyed your comment. I liked how you mention that Muslims invaded Spain in 711 AD. They tried to sack Rome in 811need to add a few things to the list. After four centuries of Jihad the west responded in 1095.

    Don’t mistake me. I don’t believe in the idea of holy war. A Just War, yes, and Augustine explained the concept.

    I need to point out that Rome didn’t destroy Israel in 70 AD.


    It was after the the third Jewish revolt (second if your numbers differ from mine; I was told there wasn’t going to be any math) that Rome destroyed Israel.

    Also regarding the right of conquest. It has long been a principle in international law that you DO NOT get to gain territory by launching a war of aggression. But on the other hand if an aggressor loses territory to a successful defender the defender keeps the lost territory.

    The reason is simple. It discourages countries from launching wars of aggression. Because if international law called for aggressors to be made whole again after the war, there would be more wars.

    Syria lost the Golan after attacking Israel. Trump did exactly the right thing by recognizing Israels right to that land.

  15. In addition to ignorance of history, a problem which she shares with many Muslims around the world, Omar doesn’t appear to be particularly intelligent. Thinking things through is not her strong point.

    I’m not so sure it can be put down to ignorance or lack of intelligence on Omar’s part — I tend to agree with Rabbi Abraham Cooper at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who said that Omar “knows this narrative is false but also that it has an inherent power to it. The ‘Benjamins,’ the big lie of dual loyalty, Jesus is a Palestinian – it is all rewriting history to plant in people’s minds that the Palestinian people go back thousands of years. She is a very clear person. Ilhan Omar is a clever antisemite, so truth does not play much of a role anyway.”

    Here’s the link.

  16. In addition to ignorance of history, a problem which she shares with many Muslims around the world, Omar doesn’t appear to be particularly intelligent. Thinking things through is not her strong point.

    I’m not so sure it can be put down to ignorance or lack of intelligence on Omar’s part — I tend to agree with Rabbi Abraham Cooper at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who said that Omar “knows this narrative is false but also that it has an inherent power to it. The ‘Benjamins,’ the big lie of dual loyalty, Jesus is a Palestinian – it is all rewriting history to plant in people’s minds that the Palestinian people go back thousands of years. She is a very clear person. Ilhan Omar is a clever antisemite, so truth does not play much of a role anyway.”

    Here’s the link.

  17. I disagree with you, Ann. Maybe she’s not stupid not in the IQ sense. And I’m going to have to leave out all the Sailor words that I want throw in. She’s an idiot.

  18. Jesus was (actually, is) a Jewish man.

    That is to say:
    – He is a descendant of Abraham
    – through Issac
    – through Jacob a.k.a. Israel (which makes him an Israelite)
    – through Judah (which makes him a Judahite)
    – through David bin Jesse (which puts him in the Davidic line)
    – through Nathan and Mattatha at the time of the dividing of Israel into the northern kingdom (“Israel”) and the southern kingdom (“Judah”), which puts him among the descendants of a non-ruling prince of Judah
    – through Shealti-el and Zerubbabel (which puts him among the Davidic line exiled in Babylon)
    – and through various obscure guys in the clans — what Tolkien would probably have called “a ragged house long bereft of lordship and dignity” — that returned from exile but settled in Galilee, especially in that hick backwater named for the branch (“nester”) of the Davidic line that settled there, Nazareth, at the north end of the region called Judea
    – which was pronounced “Iudaea” by those Romans whose pesky language lacked a dedicated letter for the “Y” sound and used an “I” instead
    – whose inhabitants were called “Iudaeorum” by the Romans,
    – which in most European languages turned into “Juda”,
    – which in English is simply “Jew.”

    Speaking for myself, I use the term “Judea” even now to refer to the geographical area, because calling it “Palestine” seems vaguely like an antisemitic slur. The Romans ditched the term “Iudaea” in favor of “Palestina” largely because the latter had been a Hellenic term for an overlapping-but-not-coterminous area ever since the Greeks first encountered the “Palistines” (a.k.a. Philistines) five hundred years earlier.

    Once the Romans kicked the Jews out of their ancestral homeland — probably forever, so they thought — they deemed it unreasonable to call that region for a people who didn’t live there any more, and (probably vexed at the persistent rebelliousness of the Jews) opted instead to name it after the cultural enemies of the Jews (who, ironically, not only also didn’t live there, but had long ceased to exist as a people).

    So now, of all the identifiable “peoples” who once lived in that area, only one still exists as “a people”: The Jews. The Philistines are no more; the Edomites vanished, the Canaanites are dust.

    But the Jews still not only call themselves “the Jews,” but nearly every man woman and child among them meets once a year to celebrate Passover and to say, among other things, “next year, in Jerusalem!”

    That’s 3,000 years of obsessive focus on one little strip of land between the Jordan and the Med.

    Modern “Palestinian” Arabs (whether Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Druze, Samaritan, or other), of course, have no discernible cultural connection to the ancient Philistines. They are descendants of several dozen subgroups of Arabic-speaking peoples who settled in that area mostly from the time of Saladin and the Ayyubids and later, the Muslim conquest of the area having caused mass emmigration and immigration sufficient to utterly scramble whatever ethnographic picture prevailed beforehand.

    It is utterly vacuous, then, to call Jesus a “Palestinian.” He’s obviously not a Philistine; He’s sure as h*** not a 7th-century-or-later Muslim invader; and His various blood-relatives, both Rabbinic-Jewish and Jewish-Christian, had been expelled from Judaea or martyred by the Romans some centuries before the Islamic conquest, although a few returned after the Roman persecutions ended.

    No, no, no. Jesus isn’t a “Palestinian” any more than He’s a Celt.

    He was and is a Jew.

    And although I’ve ponderously set all this out, here, I realize I’m preaching to the choir. All the sensible persons here know all of this, at least in the generalities.

    Why, then, is it mysteriously unknown to leftist reporters and their editors, not to mention politicians?

    They live here, for heaven’s sake. Granted that they don’t believe in God, still; didn’t anybody teach them enough about their own cultural history to be able to dimly grasp all the biblical references that clutter nearly every English-language piece of literature prior to 1960?

    Sigh. I guess not.

  19. Clarification: It is our earliest record of the Greek term ??????????a, or “Philaistinia,” that dates from 500 years prior to the Roman renaming of Judaea. I mistakenly made it sound like the Greeks “first encountered” the Philistines people at that time, which is obviously not correct. The term was almost certainly in use for centuries prior to that, to describe a region which had long-since ceased to be populated by that people.

    Sorry. “Homer nodded.”

  20. Aww, and apparently this blog software doesn’t support Greek characters. (I tried to get fancy and copy-paste some Greek in the prior post, resulting in a bunch of question-marks.)


  21. They live here, for heaven’s sake. Granted that they don’t believe in God, still; didn’t anybody teach them enough about their own cultural history to be able to dimly grasp all the biblical references that clutter nearly every English-language piece of literature prior to 1960?

    Oh, they know the cultural history. At least those of the older generation among them do. They run from it like the Plague, though, convinced brainwashed as they are that their cultural history is not the source of the glory of Western Civilization, but the root of all evil.

  22. in addition to having an arms length relationship with the truth as well as a not based in reality existence leftism also has a very weak knowledge of history
    combine that with a superiority complex lust for power and a lack of remorse and empathy for others and you get really bad results

  23. I don’t know if Ilhan Omar is a deliberate liar, or if she is ignorant of history. In many Muslim-majority countries, and in many Muslim minds in general, history began with Muhammad. This is how they are taught and how they look at things. Of course there are exceptions, and there are well-educated Muslims in this country who have better information. Omar is not among them.

  24. j e, Ilhan Omar’s congressional district is heavily Somali and sent more recruits to Daesh, Al Shabaab, and Boko Haram than all other 49 states combined.

    It isn’t. The majority therein are white Anglo. There are about 30,000 ethnic Somalis in the Minneapolis commuter belt. Even if every last one lived in Omar’s district, they’d only be 4% of the population thereof. She got elected because white liberals fancy it’s kew-el to do ‘edgy’ stuff like having an intellectually mediocre Somali immigrant representing them in Congress (with the signature biases of an intellectually mediocre Somali immigrant).

  25. that by claiming that Jesus was a Palestinian

    An idiotic anachronism. The notion that there was such a thing as ‘the Palestinian people’ does not predate 1920 and was not until about 1968 generally advanced in the Arab population of the West Bank, Gaza, and the UNRWA camps.

  26. It will be very interesting to learn whether, next November, the brainless voters of Minneapolis decide to return this ingrate to Congress.

    You’ll need a candidate to come out of the woodwork for starters. One who will advance a social vision which doesn’t consist of counting up diversity Pokemon points. Good luck with that.

  27. Nobody ever said Omar was bright, Any narrative can eventually lead to contradictions since, by definition, a narrative is a made up explanation that often has little relationship with the actual facts. That eventually leads to contradictions.

  28. Neither Jesus was a ‘palestinian’, neither the ‘palestinians’ were jews.

    The ‘palestinians’ from ancient times, for whom the right spelling is ‘philistines’ were a semitic tribe, the jews were just another tribe. Modern ‘palestinians’ are basically arabs and have no relation with them besides living in the same territory.

    And Jesus was not a Philistine. Actually, he was quite critical with them, at least, regarding what activities should be allowed in temples.

  29. Steve57,

    I went no further than the Muslim invasion of Spain because it wasn’t germane to the point I was making.

    Logically, Augustine’s concept of Just War is gravely flawed and its adoption by the US has been, demonstrably disastrous. It’s one of the primary reasons why we haven’t won a war since WWII.

    The international prohibition against wars of conquest is historically, a very new development.

  30. How is Augistine’s Just War doctrine gravely flawed?

    The key for me is that one of the criteria is that no other options are available.

    I need you to explain the flaw in this, Geoffrey.

  31. Also I went further than the Muslim invasion of Spain because I thought it was germane to the subject. Change my mind.

  32. Her thinking probably goes like this:

    Jesus was a Palestinian and most of the residents of ancient Palestine who followed the corrupt religions called “Judaism” and “Christianity” reverted to Islam, left, or were killed. Once territory is part of the dar al Islam, no subsequent non-Muslim rulership is legitimate. And the Ashkenazi Jews who founded the illegal modern State of Israel aren’t really Jewish anyway, they’re descendants of the Khazars.

  33. Peter B:

    Well, if she’s really thinking all of that, anyone who knows anything about genetics (which probably isn’t Omar or her audience) knows that genetics indicates that the Khazar theory of Ashkenazi origins has no validity. Ashkenazi Jews are a distinct genetic population with strong contributions from the Middle East mixed with strong contributions from Europe

  34. It’s one of the primary reasons why we haven’t won a war since WWII.

    The only war we lost was VietNam, and the Just War theory had nothing to do with that.

  35. Some have argued that actions of the Democrat-controlled congress in 1975 had something to do with the fall of South Vietnam, but it could have been the Just War theory (not).

  36. I’m not arguing for one war over another. This is what makes military service honorable. I bear the sword for another. Now. how you use me, citizens of the United States of America, is a different thing all together.

    When I say this it doesn’t mean when I bear the sword for myself it is necessarily dishonorable.

  37. Omar will insist that Jesus wasn’t a Jew-Jew.

    Like those 6 million nasty Jew-Jews who now live “Between the River and the Sea” and she knows must be expunged.

  38. I realize it sounds like a platitude. Laughing in the face of death. But really, what else can you do? Cry? Not an option in my world.

  39. “This is not going to be the country of white people.” – Ilhan Omar

  40. It will be very interesting to learn whether, next November, the brainless voters of Minneapolis decide to return this ingrate to Congress..

    of course they will..
    the white feminists want this, and will vote that way
    with the other demographics, its a full shoe in!

    thats the point of trading slavery for a few generations of false progress

  41. A significant section of American voters recognize that a bureaucratic and “intellectual” oligarchy, at the national level, governs against the people’s interests. This is especially obvious in the oligarchy’s desire to import alien nationals as future voters in order to undercut a likely constitutional check on their power. This situation would be akin to the Roman Senate importing barbarians into Rome for the purpose of neutralizing the people’s assemblies.

    In addition, a system of welfare bribery—of bread and circuses—is administratively used to progressively impoverish and simultaneously placate the populous, drawing votes for the oligarchy from the poorest people. Thus, it behooves the oligarchy to expand the poorest class of citizens—to make the poor into loyal clients of the administrative welfare system. In this way, the socialist ideology of the bureaucratic state promises to become the ruling ideal of the masses.

    This process is naturally accelerated through bureaucratic schooling, university brainwashing and credentialing, and by a larger and larger flood of poor immigrants overpowering the native middle class—permanently destroying the economic self-reliance and political autonomy of the electorate.

    This appears to be a conscious strategy for the concentration of power by an administrative elite that now advances a socialist type of ideology under the banner of “democracy.” It is a process by which an oligarchy of officials transforms a free country into administrative despotism.

    The key element is a cultural tyranny, introduced and maintained by elite media and prestigious schools, which forces all constitutional elements into an ideologically homogenized way of “thinking” by threats of ostracism and exclusion, labeling those who resist as racists, sexists, or xenophobes.

    As the cultural power of the socialist administrative ideology grows, the system becomes increasingly immune to correction. Abuses and illegalities are beginning to appear more openly. Lawbreaking politicians are not prosecuted. Innocent politicians are falsely accused. Brazen fraud is visible in various schemes of vote-stealing. Violence has made its appearance in America’s national discourse as supporters of the Constitution and the rule of law are directly threatened by mobs incited by the party of administrative Caesarism.

    On the Creation and Destruction of Constitutional Governm –
    J.R. Nyquist

    Feminist embedded and unquestionable politically correct Gliechshaltung…
    invest in ovens, and such..
    we are way too far past it to even think of any other outcome

    you havent been paying attention to the new voters that just grew up in the years before
    they are all in for ilhan… etc..

  42. Sorry for the long wait in response but I’ve been unavoidably tied up all afternoon and just got back.

    “Who is the “we” you are speaking of?” om

    That would be the USA, to whom else would I be referring? Only Nations conduct wars…

    “How is Augistine’s Just War doctrine gravely flawed?

    The key for me is that one of the criteria is that no other options are available.”

    Augustine’s Just War theory posits that wars can only be justified when they are defensive and conducted in a carefully proportional manner. The defensive condition is arguable but it is the proportional condition that is fatal. Our soldier’s ROEs are a perfect example of suicidal conditions imposed upon our soldiers when Just War Doctrine is embraced. Just War Doctrine guarantees that conflicts are never resolved, as it makes resolution impossible. The Israel-Islam conflict is the premier example of that reality.

    Just War Doctrine impractically tries to change the reality of war; “War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.” William Tecumseh Sherman To make my point perfectly clear, read; A Difficult Lesson

    “I went further than the Muslim invasion of Spain because I thought it was germane to the subject. Change my mind.”

    The Muslim invasion of France, which closely followed the Iberian peninsula invasion failed and Muslim aggressors retreated to Spain. So they couldn’t claim dominion over France and couldn’t rename the land, which is why it is not germane to my point that all parties have seen conquest by force of arms as dissolving the disputing parties claims to the land and conquest granting the right to rename conquered lands. Failed Muslim historical aggression is an entirely separate issue.

    Art Deco,

    “The only war we lost was VietNam, and the Just War theory had nothing to do with that.”

    We ‘lost’ the N. Korean conflict, which has never yet been resolved. Since we left Saddam in charge and didn’t finish it, we lost the first gulf war. Since Obama prematurely pulled us out of Iraq, we lost that conflict as well. We’ve accomplished nothing in Afghanistan and once we leave and the Taliban retake the country, we will have lost that as well. Sorry but a “tie” is not a win.


    “Some have argued that actions of the Democrat-controlled congress in 1975 had something to do with the fall of South Vietnam, but it could have been the Just War theory (not).”

    The basis of the left’s opposition to the Vietnam war was that it was an immoral war and therefore a direct violation of Just War Doctrine. That argument resonated with the American public and that public support gave the democrat congress the political cover it needed to drop US support for the South Vietnamese government.


    Nyquist nails it. Thank you for sharing that.

    Canadian commentator David Solway also gets it.

    “What Is to Be Done for a Nation that Secedes from the Principles of Its Founding?”

  43. We ‘lost’ the N. Korean conflict, which has never yet been resolved. Since we left Saddam in charge and didn’t finish it, we lost the first gulf war. Since Obama prematurely pulled us out of Iraq, we lost that conflict as well. We’ve accomplished nothing in Afghanistan and once we leave and the Taliban retake the country, we will have lost that as well. Sorry but a “tie” is not a win.

    No, we did not. We did not achieve the maximalist aims you fancy we should have. Those are fancies. And, again, this has nothing to do with Just war theory.

  44. Geoffrey:

    You seem to forget a bit of history in constructing your grand theory. The left will use whatever “theory or doctrine” they need to achieve their goals. That is just history. And when did Obama become part of our side and part of “we?” Stick to Heinlein.

  45. Art Deco, I stand corrected. I really should have known better because White liberal guilt is far more harmful than some imaginary Somali-American ethnic solidarity. The Somali-Americans I know came to this country to get away from the Ilhan Omars. And White liberal guilt installs Ilhan Omar into a position of authority. Which is selling them out, and selling the country out.

    White liberal guilt means we don’t listen to the people we ought to be listening to.

  46. “Guilt” isn’t what characterizes liberals. Self-aggrandizement is. The animadversions they issue don’t have themselves as objects, but other people (especially their ancestors).

  47. Art Deco, I tried to convey the concept that White liberal guilt is a perversion of the English language and the entire concept of guilt. Maybe I didn’t convey my meaning because this is not something I can wrap my mind around.

    White liberal guilt means liberals don’t feel guilty themselves. They feel a sense of entitlement and point the finger at me and say, “Look at all the evil you did.”

    And they’re talking about stuff that happened before I was alive.

    So I respond like any sane man who didn’t have a public school education. “(Bleep) you.”

    Which just makes them angrier. So they yell out me louder about how evil I am for not being sorry enough for everything.

    So I respond, “And the horse you rode in on.”

    Which is kind of an insult to horses but I think they’ll forgive me. It’s not like horses understand English. But if they did, I think they’d get just as much of a laugh out of angering white liberals as I do.


  48. I[m not sorry for not feeling sorry about slavery, Jim Crow, the Indian wars, and the internment of the Japanese during WWII.

    Fun fact.


    “The March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings were the murders of 11 Italian Americans in New Orleans, Louisiana by a mob for their alleged role in the murder of police chief David Hennessy after some of them had been acquitted at trial. It was perhaps the largest single mass lynching in U.S. history…”

    Do I hold a grudge forever? If your people last long enough they’re going to go trhough some ugly times.

  49. Vietnam was started from the Gulf of Tonkin incident, ginned up by warmonger Demoncrats. Then they used their own engineered collapse, to get even more out of South Vietnam later on, after killing Diem.

  50. Logically, Augustine’s concept of Just War is gravely flawed and its adoption by the US has been, demonstrably disastrous.

    Anything from the Church of Rome that keep persecuting the saints of the Most High, or the Jesuit order, should have been “suspect” long ago.

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