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Is the handshake the next to go? — 35 Comments

  1. The old joke about workers like drones is coming closer to reality with each passing day.

  2. No reductio ad absurdam has yet persuaded a critical mass of people that employment discrimination law amounts to giving lawyers a license to harass and exact tribute from the productive sectors of the economy.

  3. If handshakes are on the outs what on earth will the news media substitute for all those reacharounds they’ve been giving Barry Obama all these years?

  4. I want to say I don’t believe it.
    Yet, yet, yet … I can see it coming.

    Maybe like Lancelot? (in Holy Grail).
    There, not there. (drum roll)
    There, not there. (drum roll)
    There, not there. (drum roll)
    There, not there. (drum roll)
    Here, stabbing two guards –
    no handshake.

  5. “Ms Palmer added putting a hand on someone’s back or giving them a hug when they are upset could be “too personal” and staff should be “mindful” of that kind of touch.” Reminds me of something…

    …Leo Marks was Codemaster of the secretive WWII British organization known as Special Operations Executive. One of his jobs was to brief agents just prior to their departure to missions from which many never returned.

    One of these agents was Francis Yeo-Thomas (“Tommy). The much-younger Leo Marks asked for Tommy’s advice often, and admired him unreservedly. “I had never met anyone I trusted so completely or whose trust I valued more.” Marks remembers Tommy congratulating him on his promotion and putting his hand “firmly on my shoulder.” Writing 50 years later, Marks adds “It’s still there, Tommy. Hope you know it.”

    Couldn’t have happened in a Kate Palmer model organization.

    Citation is from Mark’s memoir, ‘Between Silk and Cyanide’


  6. I seem to recall what we thought of as a joke, about inmates and an asylum. Like Orwell’s 1984, it appears it was actually prophesy.

  7. cross my fingers this time..

    EO:People are becoming way too fragile and frightened. Ah well, pretty soon the entire workplace will exist no more, and people will only interface via computer.

    It depends on who runs things..

    you have men running, you have vibrant societies, risks, etc.

    you have women, they play it safe, are generally afraid of things that aren’t there (half in their heads and they are sure), and wanting control – as if that assuages the fear

    we ignore the differences, under orders/fear of the gliechshaltung politically correct method we are trained to respond to

    Griffin on April 24, 2019 at 4:16 pm at 4:16 pm said:
    The old joke about workers like drones is coming closer to reality with each passing day.

    Duh… you only have to have eyes to see a domestication process going on, in which women will take up most of WORKER roles (drones do not work, or collect pollen, they have sex and die)

    IF they thought their husbands were harsh oppressors, their harem husband the state has more interesting plans… you only have to read and step back to see the whole elephant… ticking off what IS ok vs what ISNT ok and so forth..

    Art Deco on April 24, 2019 at 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm said:
    No reductio ad absurdam has yet persuaded a critical mass of people…

    No, that NEVER happens.. you never have a spontaneous line crossed in which people stand there and wake up… NEVER… what your really wanting is some people who take an opposition position and fight…

    It took Joseph Zimbardo’s date to wake him up when she was horrified of what was going on, in the bubble, everything is ok, no matter how extreme – even MORE so when you have the justification bug – which we been ramping up a whole lot – even moving to assertions much like the hook nose of the past

    the game here is push down one, pop up the other… so there is no group that fights back, which emboldens the group being used to break and weaken things, which is why it doesn’t matter what they do, once emboldened by their power to make society change – they go off the rails and there is no brake handle…

    the other thing they never do is back up! stop digging? etc.. that is, once they find that their idea doesnt work, does harm, causes a problem, the one thing they cant do is stop, they can only ADD to it… stopping means admitting your wrong, and if your ever wrong, then how can you know about everything else, and so..

    no one will ever examine it that way… so there is no emergency brake either
    we have to get there to know that’s where we are going, until we do, nothing leads there…

    right now, the cogent academics are acting like color nazis, coming up with the same ideas, inventing all manner of offenses and such, and getting all ginned up…
    [and wait, wait, till the darlings enable all this find out they are also targets… ]

    and no one is taking them to task…
    so the crowd is thinking it must be right

    i would invest in ovens long term

  8. LeClerc on April 24, 2019 at 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm said:
    No Touching. Next: No Looking.

    the no looking been an issue for a long time…
    Male gaze
    In feminist theory, the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world, in the visual arts and in literature, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the male viewer. The film critic Laura Mulvey coined the term male gaze, which is conceptually contrasted with the female gaze.

    As a way of seeing women and the world, the psychology of the male gaze is comparable to the psychology of scopophilia, the pleasure of looking; thus, the terms scopophilia and scoptophilia identify both the aesthetic pleasures and the sexual pleasures derived from looking at someone or something


    see? while you were living innocently, and going about, they were working hard to construct a whole construct, with all the gears and rules and things working in mind the same way we can argue the rules of vampire vs werewolf combat.. and never ever feel anything different about them being not real than we would arguing the rules of rugby football which is real.

    but you will have to unravel that gordian knot and tons others and some new ones that are now around that were created since this blog started… but not prevented.. never happens…

    by the way, everything bad or wrong is now due to the “jewish man” – wrong century, i mean white cis guy
    The male gaze is a problem’: Robyn Lawley says that MEN are partly the reason for the lack of size diversity at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show [ever compare womens vs mens mags? men dont like starving women, women do]

    womens mags are full of one sided stories on this subject, being refined and recycled to new young audience that grows up, moves on, and whose kids get the recycled refined next version… [its a trip going through old magazines like ebony or sunday new york times]

    well, good luck… cause like everything related to women, they take all sides..
    they think they are a homogeneous group thats so diverse, then forget that they are presenting every option to the leaders to choose what they want..

    I’m A Woman, Shake My Hand, Damn It
    “I work in a male-dominated industry, so often I am the only woman in the group,” said Katie Chin, who works in the tech industry in San Francisco. “It’s so clear sexism is at work during work functions when people say goodbye and shake all the male hands, but insist I get a hug instead.”

    i stay away from as many as possible.. you dont know if they are for, against, publicly for and secretly against…

  9. Being an introvert, I am less than comfortable with all the hugging of strangers or near-strangers going on in society today. But a handshake? Goodness. A handshake is my defense against all that hugging. Get that hand out, arm straight, and you stop the hug before it starts.

  10. Off topic – I have a co-worker who is an Orthodox Jew. So, she follows the rules of not touching, including handshakes, members of the opposite sex.

    But, to be fair, she has her own rule of also not handshaking with women either since she doesn’t want to come across as being rude to men.

    She also has such personal charm that when someone, meeting her for the first time, reaches out to shake hands she will laugh and make things less awkward by explaining her “idiosyncrasy” (that’s her word, not mine) about not shaking hands and that she hopes she isn’t making them feel uncomfortable. And, as I said, she does has a certain charm when she says it with a laugh that everyone usually laughs with her and it isn’t awkward any more.

    It is too bad that more people cannot be as “easy to get along with” as her while still maintaining their own beliefs!

  11. Kate,

    Agreed. I’m an introvert as well. I’m comfortable hugging my wife and children. My parents and siblings are introverts as well, so we avoid hugs generally.

    And a handshake is a terrific way to ward off unwanted contact.

  12. LeClerc on April 24, 2019 at 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm said:
    No Touching.

    Next: No Looking.
    * * *
    You’re already behind the eight ball.
    Granted, the other charges are quite a bit more serious, but still…


    “The controversy was focused on the presence of archaeologist David Yesner, who worked at UAA for decades before retiring in 2017. According to reporting by KTVA in Anchorage, Yesner was scheduled to receive emeritus status when formal complaints against him “rushed in.” A Title IX investigation found nine women’s accusations (including Johnson’s) of sexual discrimination, assault, and harassment by Yesner to be credible, according to an investigative report commissioned by UAA and dated 15 March. Accounts included that he stared at students’ breasts, took and saved inappropriate photos of students, and assaulted a student in a public shower during fieldwork.”

  13. On the more positive side, no handshakes means fewer communicable diseases being spread, so that’s good, if your vaccine’s efficacy has waned.

  14. This goes for guys who are in a majority female work environment. It’s best to clock in, do your assigned job duties, and clock out. Only discuss work related topics if necessary and give professional greetings every now and then. The greetings don’t even have to be genuine; just fake it. When someone asks how you’re doing just say good even if you are feeling less than good – don’t urge any small talk beyond that. If you sell paper just talk about paper. This way the only thing they (whomever that may be) can fire you for is your work quality. Don’t go to department parties. At the end of your shift just leave quietly without a word. The people you should be building a working relationship are those who you can use as a reference, other than that don’t waste energy on your colleagues unless they’re doing something wrong that can jeopardize your jobs.

  15. I’m with Kate and the Rabbit. A handshake in a business setting is the proper greeting. Hugs are for family and particularly close friends.

    Seems odd now but the first time a male colleague put his hand out to shake mine I felt he was seeing me as an equal in the workplace and felt I’d proven myself; his handshake was his way of acknowledging that. People miss the point if they see a handshake in the business world as inappropriate touching.

  16. I would be interested in the college education of Kate Palmer. Gender Studies major ?

    English Literature degree in UK.

  17. It is truly a function of the Left’s overweening strategy to isolate everyone from everyone else, putting us all in individual metaphorical cubicles whence we can only communicate with one another with the State’s permission, and physical and visual direct contact are verboten..

  18. Agree with GRA in principle.

    And, maybe men and women should by and large not work together. I cannot see how the majority of men would suffer much in the way of career advancement and job performance from a kind of general and mild segregation of the sexes. And nobody owes anyone else a “mentoring”.

    But, I think that a certain type of fundamentally weak and deceitful man revels in an institutional environment where women are forced to deal with him. He’s just another type of worthless and petty, satisfaction seeking, tyrant; of which there are numerous varieties.

    Categorically then: 1, No female should ever be subjected to any form of sexual harassment. 2, and probably, there should be no tolerance for the display or “expression” of overt sexuality in a serious work environment as well; and 3, if they are not your ally, you owe them nothing beyond the barest minimum of the formal and polite cooperation consonant with your own ethically performed duties.

    But as with high school, some are there to do a job, profit as they can, and bug out, and others are there to luxuriate in and leverage a place in, the swarm.

    All that is just a species of that muddy Bonobo social inclusion sh*t, that can generally be dispensed with [total war being a notable and famous exception] when it comes right down to getting the job done, and putting a nail through the head of the competition.

    My sig-other had the misfortune of working in a hospital environment to which men, some of them gay, began gravitating. She could not stand the exploding workplace drama. I could not stand it at second hand. Out with the nuisances and distractions.

  19. Cicero on April 25, 2019 at 11:02 am at 11:02 am said:

    It is truly a function of the Left’s overweening strategy to isolate everyone from everyone else, putting us all in individual metaphorical cubicles whence we can only communicate with one another with the State’s permission, and physical and visual direct contact are verboten..

    It is certainly true that the left wishes to stand as a godlike intermediary in all human exchange relations; to break down the habitual customs and patterns of behavior that allow people to function and relate without their constant and discretionary intervention; and then to muddy the new “rules”, or even introduce contradictory or contradiction producing rules, which keep everyone off balance and, as you say, function to morally isolate those who are not pulling the strings.

  20. I have always found hugs and physical contact other than a handshake uncomfortable in a workplace setting. Perhaps it was the innate formality of my family, or my military experience, but I was always taught that professional relationships retained a certain reserve, even distance, that allowed close working relations between those who might not otherwise see each other socially.

  21. Esther on April 25, 2019 at 1:09 am at 1:09 am said:
    In other news, there is an epidemic of loneliness.
    * * *
    Logic is not the strong-point of the left.

  22. I don’t think business MEN will really give up the handshakes — some Anglo cultural imperialism that most other business cultures have adopted (for Americans!) and find very useful.

    I like handshakes far more than hugs — tho in Slovakia, one kisses the women on both cheeks as a friendly, informal greeting and/or in parting. I usually include that it’s my favorite Slovak custom when I do it.

  23. It’s not bad enough we’ve got doublespeak, and the Ministry of Truth, now we have to suffer the Anti-Sex League as well?

  24. Richard Saunders on April 25, 2019 at 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm said:

    It’s not bad enough we’ve got doublespeak, and the Ministry of Truth, now we have to suffer the Anti-Sex League as well?

    wait till you see waht the ministry of internal fairness has planned.
    when it comes to crotch identificatio, women have less there
    so in the interest of equality and not unfair presence, yours will get cut off
    either in reality or figuratively… emasculation nation

  25. Artful,

    But, but, but — not all women are like that! I mean, I like men fine. Once in a great great great while I’ve had to suffer a creep, but then women can be nasty (and even creepy, come to that) in their own b****y way.

    On the other hand, your suggestion to Richard just above at least has the virtue of being logical.


    Aesop above at 12:14: Good point.


    In case anybody doesn’t know “The Machine Stops” — great, early SF story by E.M. Forster. Online (at least for now) at


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